blob: 6e1162af07d1c8d19883d3a7b829c2aedeeea6e5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#include "base/mac/scoped_nsobject.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "chrome/browser/bookmarks/bookmark_expanded_state_tracker.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/bookmarks/bookmark_editor.h"
class BookmarkEditorBaseControllerBridge;
class BookmarkModel;
@class BookmarkTreeBrowserCell;
// A base controller class for bookmark creation and editing dialogs which
// present the current bookmark folder structure in a tree view. Do not
// instantiate this controller directly -- use one of its derived classes.
// NOTE: If a derived class is intended to be dispatched via the
// BookmarkEditor::Show static function found in the accompanying
// implementation, that function will need to be update.
@interface BookmarkEditorBaseController : NSWindowController {
IBOutlet NSButton* newFolderButton_;
IBOutlet NSButton* okButton_; // Used for unit testing only.
IBOutlet NSTreeController* folderTreeController_;
IBOutlet NSOutlineView* folderTreeView_;
NSWindow* parentWindow_; // weak
Profile* profile_; // weak
const BookmarkNode* parentNode_; // weak; owned by the model
GURL url_; // This and title_ are only used for new urls.
string16 title_;
BookmarkEditor::Configuration configuration_;
NSString* initialName_;
NSString* displayName_; // Bound to a text field in the dialog.
BOOL okEnabled_; // Bound to the OK button.
BOOL creatingNewFolders_; // True while in createNewFolders.
// An array of BookmarkFolderInfo where each item describes a folder in the
// BookmarkNode structure.
base::scoped_nsobject<NSArray> folderTreeArray_;
// Bound to the table view giving a path to the current selections, of which
// there should only ever be one.
base::scoped_nsobject<NSArray> tableSelectionPaths_;
// C++ bridge object that observes the BookmarkModel for me.
scoped_ptr<BookmarkEditorBaseControllerBridge> observer_;
@property(nonatomic, copy) NSString* initialName;
@property(nonatomic, copy) NSString* displayName;
@property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL okEnabled;
@property(nonatomic, retain, readonly) NSArray* folderTreeArray;
@property(nonatomic, copy) NSArray* tableSelectionPaths;
// Designated initializer. Derived classes should call through to this init.
// |url| and |title| are only used for BookmarkNode::Type::NEW_URL.
- (id)initWithParentWindow:(NSWindow*)parentWindow
parent:(const BookmarkNode*)parent
url:(const GURL&)url
title:(const string16&)title
// Run the bookmark editor as a modal sheet. Does not block.
- (void)runAsModalSheet;
// Create a new folder at the end of the selected parent folder, give it
// an untitled name, and put it into editing mode.
- (IBAction)newFolder:(id)sender;
// The cancel action will dismiss the dialog. Derived classes which
// override cancel:, must call this after accessing any dialog-related
// data.
- (IBAction)cancel:(id)sender;
// The OK action will dismiss the dialog. This action is bound
// to the OK button of a dialog which presents a tree view of a profile's
// folder hierarchy and allows the creation of new folders within that tree.
// When the OK button is pressed, this function will: 1) call the derived
// class's -[willCommit] function, 2) create any new folders created by
// the user while the dialog is presented, 3) call the derived class's
// -[didCommit] function, and then 4) dismiss the dialog. At least one
// of -[willCommit] and -[didCommit] must be provided by the derived class
// and should return a NSNumber containing a BOOL or nil ('nil' means YES)
// indicating if the operation should be allowed to continue.
// Note: A derived class should not override the ok: action.
- (IBAction)ok:(id)sender;
// Methods for use by derived classes only.
// Determine and returns the rightmost selected/highlighted element (node)
// in the bookmark tree view if the tree view is showing, otherwise returns
// the original |parentNode_|. If the tree view is showing but nothing is
// selected then the root node is returned.
- (const BookmarkNode*)selectedNode;
// Expands the set of BookmarkNodes in |nodes|.
- (void)expandNodes:(const BookmarkExpandedStateTracker::Nodes&)nodes;
// Returns the set of expanded BookmarkNodes.
- (BookmarkExpandedStateTracker::Nodes)getExpandedNodes;
// Select/highlight the given node within the browser tree view. If the
// node is nil then select the bookmark bar node. Exposed for unit test.
- (void)selectNodeInBrowser:(const BookmarkNode*)node;
// Notifications called when the BookmarkModel changes out from under me.
- (void)nodeRemoved:(const BookmarkNode*)node
fromParent:(const BookmarkNode*)parent;
- (void)modelChangedPreserveSelection:(BOOL)preserve;
// Accessors
- (BookmarkModel*)bookmarkModel;
- (Profile*)profile;
- (const BookmarkNode*)parentNode;
- (const GURL&)url;
- (const string16&)title;
// Describes the profile's bookmark folder structure: the folder name, the
// original BookmarkNode pointer (if the folder already exists), a BOOL
// indicating if the folder is new (meaning: created during this session
// but not yet committed to the bookmark structure), and an NSArray of
// child folder BookmarkFolderInfo's following this same structure.
@interface BookmarkFolderInfo : NSObject {
NSString* folderName_;
const BookmarkNode* folderNode_; // weak
NSMutableArray* children_;
BOOL newFolder_;
@property(nonatomic, copy) NSString* folderName;
@property(nonatomic, assign) const BookmarkNode* folderNode;
@property(nonatomic, retain) NSMutableArray* children;
@property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL newFolder;
// Convenience creator for adding a new folder to the editor's bookmark
// structure. This folder will be added to the bookmark model when the
// user accepts the dialog. |folderName| must be provided.
+ (id)bookmarkFolderInfoWithFolderName:(NSString*)folderName;
// Designated initializer. |folderName| must be provided. For folders which
// already exist in the bookmark model, |folderNode| and |children| (if any
// children are already attached to this folder) must be provided and
// |newFolder| should be NO. For folders which the user has added during
// this session and which have not been committed yet, |newFolder| should be
// YES and |folderNode| and |children| should be NULL/nil.
- (id)initWithFolderName:(NSString*)folderName
folderNode:(const BookmarkNode*)folderNode
// Convenience creator used during construction of the editor's bookmark
// structure. |folderName| and |folderNode| must be provided. |children|
// is optional. Private: exposed here for unit testing purposes.
+ (id)bookmarkFolderInfoWithFolderName:(NSString*)folderName
folderNode:(const BookmarkNode*)folderNode
@interface BookmarkEditorBaseController(TestingAPI)
@property(nonatomic, readonly) BOOL okButtonEnabled;
// Create any newly added folders. New folders are nodes in folderTreeArray
// which are marked as being new (i.e. their kFolderTreeNewFolderKey
// dictionary item is YES). This is called by -[ok:].
- (void)createNewFolders;
// Select the given bookmark node within the tree view.
- (void)selectTestNodeInBrowser:(const BookmarkNode*)node;
// Return the dictionary for the folder selected in the tree.
- (BookmarkFolderInfo*)selectedFolder;