blob: 06fb468b50c886b91baa7bed1d2f2a695eefbf42 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
from telemetry import test
from benchmarks import silk_flags
from measurements import thread_times
@test.Disabled('android') #
class ThreadTimesKeySilkCases(test.Test):
"""Measures timeline metrics while performing smoothness action on key silk
test = thread_times.ThreadTimes
page_set = 'page_sets/'
options = {"report_silk_results": True}
@test.Disabled('android') #
class ThreadTimesFastPathKeySilkCases(test.Test):
"""Measures timeline metrics while performing smoothness action on key silk
cases using bleeding edge rendering fast paths."""
tag = 'fast_path'
test = thread_times.ThreadTimes
page_set = 'page_sets/'
options = {"report_silk_results": True}
def CustomizeBrowserOptions(self, options):
class LegacySilkBenchmark(ThreadTimesKeySilkCases):
"""Same as thread_times.key_silk_cases but with the old name."""
def GetName(cls):
return "silk.key_silk_cases"
class ThreadTimesFastPathMobileSites(test.Test):
"""Measures timeline metrics while performing smoothness action on
key mobile sites labeled with fast-path tag."""
test = thread_times.ThreadTimes
page_set = 'page_sets/'
options = {'page_label_filter' : 'fastpath'}
class ThreadTimesCompositorCases(test.Test):
"""Measures timeline metrics while performing smoothness action on
tough compositor cases."""
test = thread_times.ThreadTimes
page_set = 'page_sets/'
class ThreadTimesPolymer(test.Test):
"""Measures timeline metrics while performing smoothness action on
Polymer cases."""
test = thread_times.ThreadTimes
page_set = "page_sets/"
options = { 'report_silk_results': True }