blob: 41237b84716c2e538f4d2f562c36b6005eb272d6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import "../geometry/geometry.mojom"
module mojo.view_manager {
struct INode {
uint32 parent_id;
uint32 node_id;
uint32 view_id;
mojo.Rect bounds;
// IViewManagerInit is responsible for launching the client that controls the
// root node. mojo::view_manager returns an instance of this. All other
// connections are established by the client this creates.
interface IViewManagerInit {
// Connects to |url| creating a connection that has the roots |nodes|.
Connect(string url) => (bool success);
// Functions that mutate the hierarchy take a change id. This is an ever
// increasing integer used to identify the change. Every hierarchy change
// increases this value. The server only accepts changes where the supplied
// |server_change_id| matches the expected next value. This ensures changes are
// made in a well defined order.
// Nodes and Views are identified by a uint32. The upper 16 bits are the
// connection id, and the lower 16 the id assigned by the client.
// The root node is identified with a connection id of 0, and value of 1.
interface IViewManager {
// Creates a new node with the specified id. It is up to the client to ensure
// the id is unique to the connection (the id need not be globally unique).
// Additionally the connection id (embedded in |node_id|) must match that of
// the connection.
CreateNode(uint32 node_id) => (bool success);
// Deletes a node. This does not recurse. No hierarchy change notifications
// are sent as a result of this. Only the connection that created the node can
// delete it.
DeleteNode(uint32 node_id) => (bool success);
// Sets the specified bounds of the specified node.
SetNodeBounds(uint32 node_id, mojo.Rect bounds) => (bool success);
// Reparents a node. See description above class for details of |change_id|.
// This fails for any of the following reasons:
// . |server_change_id| is not the expected id.
// . |parent| or |child| does not identify a valid node.
// . |child| is an ancestor of |parent|.
// . |child| is already a child of |parent|.
// This may result in a connection getting OnNodeDeleted(). See
// RemoveNodeFromParent for details.
AddNode(uint32 parent,
uint32 child,
uint32 server_change_id) => (bool success);
// Removes a view from its current parent. See description above class for
// details of |change_id|. This fails if the node is not valid,
// |server_change_id| doesn't match, or the node already has no parent.
// Removing a node from a parent may result in OnNodeDeleted() being sent to
// other connections. For example, connection A has nodes 1 and 2, with 2 a
// child of 1. Connection B has a root 1. If 2 is removed from 1 then B gets
// OnNodeDeleted(). This is done as node 2 is effectively no longer visible to
// connection B.
RemoveNodeFromParent(uint32 node_id,
uint32 server_change_id) => (bool success);
// Returns the nodes comprising the tree starting at |node_id|. |node_id| is
// the first result in the return value, unless |node_id| is invalid, in which
// case an empty vector is returned. The nodes are visited using a depth first
// search (pre-order).
GetNodeTree(uint32 node_id) => (INode[] nodes);
// Creates a new view with the specified id. It is up to the client to ensure
// the id is unique to the connection (the id need not be globally unique).
// Additionally the connection id (embedded in |view_id|) must match that of
// the connection.
CreateView(uint32 view_id) => (bool success);
// Deletes the view with the specified id. Only the connection that created
// the view can delete it.
DeleteView(uint32 view_id) => (bool success);
// Sets the view a node is showing.
SetView(uint32 node_id, uint32 view_id) => (bool success);
// Shows the specified image (png encoded) in the specified view.
SetViewContents(uint32 view_id,
handle<shared_buffer> buffer,
uint32 buffer_size) => (bool success);
// Connects to |url| creating a connection that has the roots |nodes|. Fails
// if |nodes| is empty or contains nodes that were not created by this
// connection.
Connect(string url, uint32[] nodes) => (bool success);
// Changes to nodes/views are not sent to the connection that originated the
// change. For example, if connection 1 attaches a view to a node (SetView())
// connection 1 does not receive OnNodeViewReplaced().
interface IViewManagerClient {
// Invoked once the connection has been established. |connection_id| is the id
// that uniquely identifies this connection. |next_server_change_id| is the
// id of the next change the server is expecting. |nodes| are the nodes
// parented to the root.
OnViewManagerConnectionEstablished(uint16 connection_id,
uint32 next_server_change_id,
INode[] nodes);
// This is sent to clients when a change is made to the server that results
// in the |server_change_id| changing but the client isn't notified. This is
// not sent if the client receives a callback giving a new
// |server_change_id|. For example, if a client 1 changes the hierarchy in
// some way but client 2 isn't notified of the change, then client 2 gets
// OnServerChangeIdAdvanced().
OnServerChangeIdAdvanced(uint32 next_server_change_id);
// Invoked when a node's bounds have changed.
OnNodeBoundsChanged(uint32 node, mojo.Rect old_bounds, mojo.Rect new_bounds);
// Invoked when a change is done to the hierarchy. A value of 0 is used to
// identify a null node. For example, if the old_parent is NULL, 0 is
// supplied. See description above ViewManager for details on the change ids.
// |nodes| contains any nodes that are that the client has not been told
// about. This is not sent for hierarchy changes of nodes not known to this
// client or not attached to the tree.
OnNodeHierarchyChanged(uint32 node,
uint32 new_parent,
uint32 old_parent,
uint32 server_change_id,
INode[] nodes);
// Invoked when a node is deleted.
OnNodeDeleted(uint32 node, uint32 server_change_id);
// Invoked when the view associated with a node is replaced by another view.
// 0 is used to identify a null view.
OnNodeViewReplaced(uint32 node, uint32 new_view_id, uint32 old_view_id);
// Invoked when a view is deleted.
OnViewDeleted(uint32 view);