blob: a9aad2d71714395d1dcd848f3da17be1ff514008 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "media/filters/source_buffer_stream.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <map>
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/debug/trace_event.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "media/base/audio_splicer.h"
namespace media {
typedef StreamParser::BufferQueue BufferQueue;
// Buffers with the same timestamp are only allowed under certain conditions.
// More precisely, it is allowed in all situations except when the previous
// frame is not a key frame and the current is a key frame.
// Examples of situations where DTS of two consecutive frames can be equal:
// - Video: VP8 Alt-Ref frames.
// - Video: IPBPBP...: DTS for I frame and for P frame can be equal.
// - Text track cues that start at same time.
// Returns true if |prev_is_keyframe| and |current_is_keyframe| indicate a
// same timestamp situation that is allowed. False is returned otherwise.
static bool AllowSameTimestamp(
bool prev_is_keyframe, bool current_is_keyframe,
SourceBufferStream::Type type) {
return prev_is_keyframe || !current_is_keyframe;
// Returns the config ID of |buffer| if |buffer| has no splice buffers or
// |index| is out of range. Otherwise returns the config ID for the fade out
// preroll buffer at position |index|.
static int GetConfigId(StreamParserBuffer* buffer, size_t index) {
return index < buffer->splice_buffers().size()
? buffer->splice_buffers()[index]->GetConfigId()
: buffer->GetConfigId();
// Helper class representing a range of buffered data. All buffers in a
// SourceBufferRange are ordered sequentially in presentation order with no
// gaps.
class SourceBufferRange {
// Returns the maximum distance in time between any buffer seen in this
// stream. Used to estimate the duration of a buffer if its duration is not
// known.
typedef base::Callback<base::TimeDelta()> InterbufferDistanceCB;
// Creates a source buffer range with |new_buffers|. |new_buffers| cannot be
// empty and the front of |new_buffers| must be a keyframe.
// |media_segment_start_time| refers to the starting timestamp for the media
// segment to which these buffers belong.
SourceBufferRange(SourceBufferStream::Type type,
const BufferQueue& new_buffers,
base::TimeDelta media_segment_start_time,
const InterbufferDistanceCB& interbuffer_distance_cb);
// Appends |buffers| to the end of the range and updates |keyframe_map_| as
// it encounters new keyframes. Assumes |buffers| belongs at the end of the
// range.
void AppendBuffersToEnd(const BufferQueue& buffers);
bool CanAppendBuffersToEnd(const BufferQueue& buffers) const;
// Appends the buffers from |range| into this range.
// The first buffer in |range| must come directly after the last buffer
// in this range.
// If |transfer_current_position| is true, |range|'s |next_buffer_index_|
// is transfered to this SourceBufferRange.
void AppendRangeToEnd(const SourceBufferRange& range,
bool transfer_current_position);
bool CanAppendRangeToEnd(const SourceBufferRange& range) const;
// Updates |next_buffer_index_| to point to the Buffer containing |timestamp|.
// Assumes |timestamp| is valid and in this range.
void Seek(base::TimeDelta timestamp);
// Updates |next_buffer_index_| to point to next keyframe after or equal to
// |timestamp|.
void SeekAheadTo(base::TimeDelta timestamp);
// Updates |next_buffer_index_| to point to next keyframe strictly after
// |timestamp|.
void SeekAheadPast(base::TimeDelta timestamp);
// Seeks to the beginning of the range.
void SeekToStart();
// Finds the next keyframe from |buffers_| after |timestamp| (or at
// |timestamp| if |is_exclusive| is false) and creates and returns a new
// SourceBufferRange with the buffers from that keyframe onward.
// The buffers in the new SourceBufferRange are moved out of this range. If
// there is no keyframe after |timestamp|, SplitRange() returns null and this
// range is unmodified.
SourceBufferRange* SplitRange(base::TimeDelta timestamp, bool is_exclusive);
// Deletes the buffers from this range starting at |timestamp|, exclusive if
// |is_exclusive| is true, inclusive otherwise.
// Resets |next_buffer_index_| if the buffer at |next_buffer_index_| was
// deleted, and deletes the |keyframe_map_| entries for the buffers that
// were removed.
// |deleted_buffers| contains the buffers that were deleted from this range,
// starting at the buffer that had been at |next_buffer_index_|.
// Returns true if everything in the range was deleted. Otherwise
// returns false.
bool TruncateAt(base::TimeDelta timestamp,
BufferQueue* deleted_buffers, bool is_exclusive);
// Deletes all buffers in range.
void DeleteAll(BufferQueue* deleted_buffers);
// Deletes a GOP from the front or back of the range and moves these
// buffers into |deleted_buffers|. Returns the number of bytes deleted from
// the range (i.e. the size in bytes of |deleted_buffers|).
int DeleteGOPFromFront(BufferQueue* deleted_buffers);
int DeleteGOPFromBack(BufferQueue* deleted_buffers);
// Gets the range of GOP to secure at least |bytes_to_free| from
// [|start_timestamp|, |end_timestamp|).
// Returns the size of the buffers to secure if the buffers of
// [|start_timestamp|, |end_removal_timestamp|) is removed.
// Will not update |end_removal_timestamp| if the returned size is 0.
int GetRemovalGOP(
base::TimeDelta start_timestamp, base::TimeDelta end_timestamp,
int bytes_to_free, base::TimeDelta* end_removal_timestamp);
// Indicates whether the GOP at the beginning or end of the range contains the
// next buffer position.
bool FirstGOPContainsNextBufferPosition() const;
bool LastGOPContainsNextBufferPosition() const;
// Updates |out_buffer| with the next buffer in presentation order. Seek()
// must be called before calls to GetNextBuffer(), and buffers are returned
// in order from the last call to Seek(). Returns true if |out_buffer| is
// filled with a valid buffer, false if there is not enough data to fulfill
// the request.
bool GetNextBuffer(scoped_refptr<StreamParserBuffer>* out_buffer);
bool HasNextBuffer() const;
// Returns the config ID for the buffer that will be returned by
// GetNextBuffer().
int GetNextConfigId() const;
// Returns true if the range knows the position of the next buffer it should
// return, i.e. it has been Seek()ed. This does not necessarily mean that it
// has the next buffer yet.
bool HasNextBufferPosition() const;
// Resets this range to an "unseeked" state.
void ResetNextBufferPosition();
// Returns the timestamp of the next buffer that will be returned from
// GetNextBuffer(), or kNoTimestamp() if the timestamp is unknown.
base::TimeDelta GetNextTimestamp() const;
// Returns the start timestamp of the range.
base::TimeDelta GetStartTimestamp() const;
// Returns the timestamp of the last buffer in the range.
base::TimeDelta GetEndTimestamp() const;
// Returns the timestamp for the end of the buffered region in this range.
// This is an approximation if the duration for the last buffer in the range
// is unset.
base::TimeDelta GetBufferedEndTimestamp() const;
// Gets the timestamp for the keyframe that is after |timestamp|. If
// there isn't a keyframe in the range after |timestamp| then kNoTimestamp()
// is returned.
base::TimeDelta NextKeyframeTimestamp(base::TimeDelta timestamp);
// Gets the timestamp for the closest keyframe that is <= |timestamp|. If
// there isn't a keyframe before |timestamp| or |timestamp| is outside
// this range, then kNoTimestamp() is returned.
base::TimeDelta KeyframeBeforeTimestamp(base::TimeDelta timestamp);
// Returns whether a buffer with a starting timestamp of |timestamp| would
// belong in this range. This includes a buffer that would be appended to
// the end of the range.
bool BelongsToRange(base::TimeDelta timestamp) const;
// Returns true if the range has enough data to seek to the specified
// |timestamp|, false otherwise.
bool CanSeekTo(base::TimeDelta timestamp) const;
// Returns true if this range's buffered timespan completely overlaps the
// buffered timespan of |range|.
bool CompletelyOverlaps(const SourceBufferRange& range) const;
// Returns true if the end of this range contains buffers that overlaps with
// the beginning of |range|.
bool EndOverlaps(const SourceBufferRange& range) const;
// Returns true if |timestamp| is the timestamp of the next buffer in
// sequence after |buffers_.back()|, false otherwise.
bool IsNextInSequence(base::TimeDelta timestamp, bool is_keyframe) const;
// Adds all buffers which overlap [start, end) to the end of |buffers|. If
// no buffers exist in the range returns false, true otherwise.
bool GetBuffersInRange(base::TimeDelta start, base::TimeDelta end,
BufferQueue* buffers);
int size_in_bytes() const { return size_in_bytes_; }
typedef std::map<base::TimeDelta, int> KeyframeMap;
// Seeks the range to the next keyframe after |timestamp|. If
// |skip_given_timestamp| is true, the seek will go to a keyframe with a
// timestamp strictly greater than |timestamp|.
void SeekAhead(base::TimeDelta timestamp, bool skip_given_timestamp);
// Returns an iterator in |buffers_| pointing to the buffer at |timestamp|.
// If |skip_given_timestamp| is true, this returns the first buffer with
// timestamp greater than |timestamp|.
BufferQueue::iterator GetBufferItrAt(
base::TimeDelta timestamp, bool skip_given_timestamp);
// Returns an iterator in |keyframe_map_| pointing to the next keyframe after
// |timestamp|. If |skip_given_timestamp| is true, this returns the first
// keyframe with a timestamp strictly greater than |timestamp|.
KeyframeMap::iterator GetFirstKeyframeAt(
base::TimeDelta timestamp, bool skip_given_timestamp);
// Returns an iterator in |keyframe_map_| pointing to the first keyframe
// before or at |timestamp|.
KeyframeMap::iterator GetFirstKeyframeBefore(base::TimeDelta timestamp);
// Helper method to delete buffers in |buffers_| starting at
// |starting_point|, an iterator in |buffers_|.
// Returns true if everything in the range was removed. Returns
// false if the range still contains buffers.
bool TruncateAt(const BufferQueue::iterator& starting_point,
BufferQueue* deleted_buffers);
// Frees the buffers in |buffers_| from [|start_point|,|ending_point|) and
// updates the |size_in_bytes_| accordingly. Does not update |keyframe_map_|.
void FreeBufferRange(const BufferQueue::iterator& starting_point,
const BufferQueue::iterator& ending_point);
// Returns the distance in time estimating how far from the beginning or end
// of this range a buffer can be to considered in the range.
base::TimeDelta GetFudgeRoom() const;
// Returns the approximate duration of a buffer in this range.
base::TimeDelta GetApproximateDuration() const;
// Type of this stream.
const SourceBufferStream::Type type_;
// An ordered list of buffers in this range.
BufferQueue buffers_;
// Maps keyframe timestamps to its index position in |buffers_|.
KeyframeMap keyframe_map_;
// Index base of all positions in |keyframe_map_|. In other words, the
// real position of entry |k| of |keyframe_map_| in the range is:
// keyframe_map_[k] - keyframe_map_index_base_
int keyframe_map_index_base_;
// Index into |buffers_| for the next buffer to be returned by
// GetNextBuffer(), set to -1 before Seek().
int next_buffer_index_;
// If the first buffer in this range is the beginning of a media segment,
// |media_segment_start_time_| is the time when the media segment begins.
// |media_segment_start_time_| may be <= the timestamp of the first buffer in
// |buffers_|. |media_segment_start_time_| is kNoTimestamp() if this range
// does not start at the beginning of a media segment, which can only happen
// garbage collection or after an end overlap that results in a split range
// (we don't have a way of knowing the media segment timestamp for the new
// range).
base::TimeDelta media_segment_start_time_;
// Called to get the largest interbuffer distance seen so far in the stream.
InterbufferDistanceCB interbuffer_distance_cb_;
// Stores the amount of memory taken up by the data in |buffers_|.
int size_in_bytes_;
} // namespace media
// Helper method that returns true if |ranges| is sorted in increasing order,
// false otherwise.
static bool IsRangeListSorted(
const std::list<media::SourceBufferRange*>& ranges) {
base::TimeDelta prev = media::kNoTimestamp();
for (std::list<media::SourceBufferRange*>::const_iterator itr =
ranges.begin(); itr != ranges.end(); ++itr) {
if (prev != media::kNoTimestamp() && prev >= (*itr)->GetStartTimestamp())
return false;
prev = (*itr)->GetEndTimestamp();
return true;
// Comparison operators for std::upper_bound() and std::lower_bound().
static bool CompareTimeDeltaToStreamParserBuffer(
const base::TimeDelta& decode_timestamp,
const scoped_refptr<media::StreamParserBuffer>& buffer) {
return decode_timestamp < buffer->GetDecodeTimestamp();
static bool CompareStreamParserBufferToTimeDelta(
const scoped_refptr<media::StreamParserBuffer>& buffer,
const base::TimeDelta& decode_timestamp) {
return buffer->GetDecodeTimestamp() < decode_timestamp;
// Returns an estimate of how far from the beginning or end of a range a buffer
// can be to still be considered in the range, given the |approximate_duration|
// of a buffer in the stream.
static base::TimeDelta ComputeFudgeRoom(base::TimeDelta approximate_duration) {
// Because we do not know exactly when is the next timestamp, any buffer
// that starts within 2x the approximate duration of a buffer is considered
// within this range.
return 2 * approximate_duration;
// An arbitrarily-chosen number to estimate the duration of a buffer if none
// is set and there's not enough information to get a better estimate.
static int kDefaultBufferDurationInMs = 125;
// The amount of time the beginning of the buffered data can differ from the
// start time in order to still be considered the start of stream.
static base::TimeDelta kSeekToStartFudgeRoom() {
return base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(1000);
// The maximum amount of data in bytes the stream will keep in memory.
// 12MB: approximately 5 minutes of 320Kbps content.
// 150MB: approximately 5 minutes of 4Mbps content.
static int kDefaultAudioMemoryLimit = 12 * 1024 * 1024;
static int kDefaultVideoMemoryLimit = 150 * 1024 * 1024;
namespace media {
SourceBufferStream::SourceBufferStream(const AudioDecoderConfig& audio_config,
const LogCB& log_cb,
bool splice_frames_enabled)
: log_cb_(log_cb),
splice_frames_enabled_(splice_frames_enabled) {
SourceBufferStream::SourceBufferStream(const VideoDecoderConfig& video_config,
const LogCB& log_cb,
bool splice_frames_enabled)
: log_cb_(log_cb),
splice_frames_enabled_(splice_frames_enabled) {
SourceBufferStream::SourceBufferStream(const TextTrackConfig& text_config,
const LogCB& log_cb,
bool splice_frames_enabled)
: log_cb_(log_cb),
splice_frames_enabled_(splice_frames_enabled) {}
SourceBufferStream::~SourceBufferStream() {
while (!ranges_.empty()) {
delete ranges_.front();
void SourceBufferStream::OnNewMediaSegment(
base::TimeDelta media_segment_start_time) {
media_segment_start_time_ = media_segment_start_time;
new_media_segment_ = true;
RangeList::iterator last_range = range_for_next_append_;
range_for_next_append_ = FindExistingRangeFor(media_segment_start_time);
// Only reset |last_appended_buffer_timestamp_| if this new media segment is
// not adjacent to the previous media segment appended to the stream.
if (range_for_next_append_ == ranges_.end() ||
media_segment_start_time)) {
last_appended_buffer_timestamp_ = kNoTimestamp();
last_appended_buffer_is_keyframe_ = false;
} else if (last_range != ranges_.end()) {
DCHECK(last_range == range_for_next_append_);
bool SourceBufferStream::Append(const BufferQueue& buffers) {
TRACE_EVENT2("media", "SourceBufferStream::Append",
"stream type", GetStreamTypeName(),
"buffers to append", buffers.size());
DCHECK(media_segment_start_time_ != kNoTimestamp());
DCHECK(media_segment_start_time_ <= buffers.front()->GetDecodeTimestamp());
// New media segments must begin with a keyframe.
if (new_media_segment_ && !buffers.front()->IsKeyframe()) {
MEDIA_LOG(log_cb_) << "Media segment did not begin with keyframe.";
return false;
// Buffers within a media segment should be monotonically increasing.
if (!IsMonotonicallyIncreasing(buffers))
return false;
if (media_segment_start_time_ < base::TimeDelta() ||
buffers.front()->GetDecodeTimestamp() < base::TimeDelta()) {
<< "Cannot append a media segment with negative timestamps.";
return false;
if (!IsNextTimestampValid(buffers.front()->GetDecodeTimestamp(),
buffers.front()->IsKeyframe())) {
MEDIA_LOG(log_cb_) << "Invalid same timestamp construct detected at time "
<< buffers.front()->GetDecodeTimestamp().InSecondsF();
return false;
// Save a snapshot of stream state before range modifications are made.
base::TimeDelta next_buffer_timestamp = GetNextBufferTimestamp();
BufferQueue deleted_buffers;
PrepareRangesForNextAppend(buffers, &deleted_buffers);
// If there's a range for |buffers|, insert |buffers| accordingly. Otherwise,
// create a new range with |buffers|.
if (range_for_next_append_ != ranges_.end()) {
last_appended_buffer_timestamp_ = buffers.back()->GetDecodeTimestamp();
last_appended_buffer_is_keyframe_ = buffers.back()->IsKeyframe();
} else {
base::TimeDelta new_range_start_time = std::min(
media_segment_start_time_, buffers.front()->GetDecodeTimestamp());
const BufferQueue* buffers_for_new_range = &buffers;
BufferQueue trimmed_buffers;
// If the new range is not being created because of a new media
// segment, then we must make sure that we start with a keyframe.
// This can happen if the GOP in the previous append gets destroyed
// by a Remove() call.
if (!new_media_segment_ && !buffers.front()->IsKeyframe()) {
BufferQueue::const_iterator itr = buffers.begin();
// Scan past all the non-keyframes.
while (itr != buffers.end() && !(*itr)->IsKeyframe()) {
// If we didn't find a keyframe, then update the last appended
// buffer state and return.
if (itr == buffers.end()) {
last_appended_buffer_timestamp_ = buffers.back()->GetDecodeTimestamp();
last_appended_buffer_is_keyframe_ = buffers.back()->IsKeyframe();
return true;
// Copy the first keyframe and everything after it into |trimmed_buffers|.
trimmed_buffers.assign(itr, buffers.end());
new_range_start_time = trimmed_buffers.front()->GetDecodeTimestamp();
buffers_for_new_range = &trimmed_buffers;
range_for_next_append_ =
AddToRanges(new SourceBufferRange(
GetType(), *buffers_for_new_range, new_range_start_time,
last_appended_buffer_timestamp_ =
last_appended_buffer_is_keyframe_ =
new_media_segment_ = false;
// Seek to try to fulfill a previous call to Seek().
if (seek_pending_) {
if (!deleted_buffers.empty()) {
base::TimeDelta start_of_deleted =
DCHECK(track_buffer_.empty() ||
track_buffer_.back()->GetDecodeTimestamp() < start_of_deleted)
<< "decode timestamp "
<< track_buffer_.back()->GetDecodeTimestamp().InSecondsF() << " sec"
<< ", start_of_deleted " << start_of_deleted.InSecondsF()<< " sec";
track_buffer_.insert(track_buffer_.end(), deleted_buffers.begin(),
// Prune any extra buffers in |track_buffer_| if new keyframes
// are appended to the range covered by |track_buffer_|.
if (!track_buffer_.empty()) {
base::TimeDelta keyframe_timestamp =
if (keyframe_timestamp != kNoTimestamp())
return true;
void SourceBufferStream::Remove(base::TimeDelta start, base::TimeDelta end,
base::TimeDelta duration) {
DVLOG(1) << __FUNCTION__ << "(" << start.InSecondsF()
<< ", " << end.InSecondsF()
<< ", " << duration.InSecondsF() << ")";
DCHECK(start >= base::TimeDelta()) << start.InSecondsF();
DCHECK(start < end) << "start " << start.InSecondsF()
<< " end " << end.InSecondsF();
DCHECK(duration != kNoTimestamp());
base::TimeDelta remove_end_timestamp = duration;
base::TimeDelta keyframe_timestamp = FindKeyframeAfterTimestamp(end);
if (keyframe_timestamp != kNoTimestamp()) {
remove_end_timestamp = keyframe_timestamp;
} else if (end < remove_end_timestamp) {
remove_end_timestamp = end;
BufferQueue deleted_buffers;
RemoveInternal(start, remove_end_timestamp, false, &deleted_buffers);
if (!deleted_buffers.empty())
void SourceBufferStream::RemoveInternal(
base::TimeDelta start, base::TimeDelta end, bool is_exclusive,
BufferQueue* deleted_buffers) {
DVLOG(1) << __FUNCTION__ << "(" << start.InSecondsF()
<< ", " << end.InSecondsF()
<< ", " << is_exclusive << ")";
DCHECK(start >= base::TimeDelta());
DCHECK(start < end) << "start " << start.InSecondsF()
<< " end " << end.InSecondsF();
RangeList::iterator itr = ranges_.begin();
while (itr != ranges_.end()) {
SourceBufferRange* range = *itr;
if (range->GetStartTimestamp() >= end)
// Split off any remaining end piece and add it to |ranges_|.
SourceBufferRange* new_range = range->SplitRange(end, is_exclusive);
if (new_range) {
itr = ranges_.insert(++itr, new_range);
// Update the selected range if the next buffer position was transferred
// to |new_range|.
if (new_range->HasNextBufferPosition())
// Truncate the current range so that it only contains data before
// the removal range.
BufferQueue saved_buffers;
bool delete_range = range->TruncateAt(start, &saved_buffers, is_exclusive);
// Check to see if the current playback position was removed and
// update the selected range appropriately.
if (!saved_buffers.empty()) {
*deleted_buffers = saved_buffers;
if (range == selected_range_ && !range->HasNextBufferPosition())
// If the current range now is completely covered by the removal
// range then delete it and move on.
if (delete_range) {
// Clear |range_for_next_append_| if we determine that the removal
// operation makes it impossible for the next append to be added
// to the current range.
if (range_for_next_append_ != ranges_.end() &&
*range_for_next_append_ == range &&
last_appended_buffer_timestamp_ != kNoTimestamp()) {
base::TimeDelta potential_next_append_timestamp =
last_appended_buffer_timestamp_ +
if (!range->BelongsToRange(potential_next_append_timestamp)) {
DVLOG(1) << "Resetting range_for_next_append_ since the next append"
<< " can't add to the current range.";
range_for_next_append_ =
// Move on to the next range.
DVLOG(1) << __FUNCTION__ << " : done";
void SourceBufferStream::ResetSeekState() {
config_change_pending_ = false;
last_output_buffer_timestamp_ = kNoTimestamp();
splice_buffers_index_ = 0;
splice_buffer_ = NULL;
pre_splice_complete_ = false;
bool SourceBufferStream::ShouldSeekToStartOfBuffered(
base::TimeDelta seek_timestamp) const {
if (ranges_.empty())
return false;
base::TimeDelta beginning_of_buffered =
return (seek_timestamp <= beginning_of_buffered &&
beginning_of_buffered < kSeekToStartFudgeRoom());
bool SourceBufferStream::IsMonotonicallyIncreasing(
const BufferQueue& buffers) const {
base::TimeDelta prev_timestamp = last_appended_buffer_timestamp_;
bool prev_is_keyframe = last_appended_buffer_is_keyframe_;
for (BufferQueue::const_iterator itr = buffers.begin();
itr != buffers.end(); ++itr) {
base::TimeDelta current_timestamp = (*itr)->GetDecodeTimestamp();
bool current_is_keyframe = (*itr)->IsKeyframe();
DCHECK(current_timestamp != kNoTimestamp());
if (prev_timestamp != kNoTimestamp()) {
if (current_timestamp < prev_timestamp) {
MEDIA_LOG(log_cb_) << "Buffers were not monotonically increasing.";
return false;
if (current_timestamp == prev_timestamp &&
!AllowSameTimestamp(prev_is_keyframe, current_is_keyframe,
GetType())) {
MEDIA_LOG(log_cb_) << "Unexpected combination of buffers with the"
<< " same timestamp detected at "
<< current_timestamp.InSecondsF();
return false;
prev_timestamp = current_timestamp;
prev_is_keyframe = current_is_keyframe;
return true;
bool SourceBufferStream::IsNextTimestampValid(
base::TimeDelta next_timestamp, bool next_is_keyframe) const {
return (last_appended_buffer_timestamp_ != next_timestamp) ||
new_media_segment_ ||
AllowSameTimestamp(last_appended_buffer_is_keyframe_, next_is_keyframe,
bool SourceBufferStream::OnlySelectedRangeIsSeeked() const {
for (RangeList::const_iterator itr = ranges_.begin();
itr != ranges_.end(); ++itr) {
if ((*itr)->HasNextBufferPosition() && (*itr) != selected_range_)
return false;
return !selected_range_ || selected_range_->HasNextBufferPosition();
void SourceBufferStream::UpdateMaxInterbufferDistance(
const BufferQueue& buffers) {
base::TimeDelta prev_timestamp = last_appended_buffer_timestamp_;
for (BufferQueue::const_iterator itr = buffers.begin();
itr != buffers.end(); ++itr) {
base::TimeDelta current_timestamp = (*itr)->GetDecodeTimestamp();
DCHECK(current_timestamp != kNoTimestamp());
if (prev_timestamp != kNoTimestamp()) {
base::TimeDelta interbuffer_distance = current_timestamp - prev_timestamp;
if (max_interbuffer_distance_ == kNoTimestamp()) {
max_interbuffer_distance_ = interbuffer_distance;
} else {
max_interbuffer_distance_ =
std::max(max_interbuffer_distance_, interbuffer_distance);
prev_timestamp = current_timestamp;
void SourceBufferStream::SetConfigIds(const BufferQueue& buffers) {
for (BufferQueue::const_iterator itr = buffers.begin();
itr != buffers.end(); ++itr) {
void SourceBufferStream::GarbageCollectIfNeeded() {
// Compute size of |ranges_|.
int ranges_size = 0;
for (RangeList::iterator itr = ranges_.begin(); itr != ranges_.end(); ++itr)
ranges_size += (*itr)->size_in_bytes();
// Return if we're under or at the memory limit.
if (ranges_size <= memory_limit_)
int bytes_to_free = ranges_size - memory_limit_;
// Begin deleting after the last appended buffer.
int bytes_freed = FreeBuffersAfterLastAppended(bytes_to_free);
// Begin deleting from the front.
if (bytes_to_free - bytes_freed > 0)
bytes_freed += FreeBuffers(bytes_to_free - bytes_freed, false);
// Begin deleting from the back.
if (bytes_to_free - bytes_freed > 0)
FreeBuffers(bytes_to_free - bytes_freed, true);
int SourceBufferStream::FreeBuffersAfterLastAppended(int total_bytes_to_free) {
base::TimeDelta next_buffer_timestamp = GetNextBufferTimestamp();
if (last_appended_buffer_timestamp_ == kNoTimestamp() ||
next_buffer_timestamp == kNoTimestamp() ||
last_appended_buffer_timestamp_ >= next_buffer_timestamp) {
return 0;
base::TimeDelta remove_range_start = last_appended_buffer_timestamp_;
if (last_appended_buffer_is_keyframe_)
remove_range_start += GetMaxInterbufferDistance();
base::TimeDelta remove_range_start_keyframe = FindKeyframeAfterTimestamp(
if (remove_range_start_keyframe != kNoTimestamp())
remove_range_start = remove_range_start_keyframe;
if (remove_range_start >= next_buffer_timestamp)
return 0;
base::TimeDelta remove_range_end;
int bytes_freed = GetRemovalRange(
remove_range_start, next_buffer_timestamp, total_bytes_to_free,
if (bytes_freed > 0)
Remove(remove_range_start, remove_range_end, next_buffer_timestamp);
return bytes_freed;
int SourceBufferStream::GetRemovalRange(
base::TimeDelta start_timestamp, base::TimeDelta end_timestamp,
int total_bytes_to_free, base::TimeDelta* removal_end_timestamp) {
DCHECK(start_timestamp >= base::TimeDelta()) << start_timestamp.InSecondsF();
DCHECK(start_timestamp < end_timestamp)
<< "start " << start_timestamp.InSecondsF()
<< ", end " << end_timestamp.InSecondsF();
int bytes_to_free = total_bytes_to_free;
int bytes_freed = 0;
for (RangeList::iterator itr = ranges_.begin();
itr != ranges_.end() && bytes_to_free > 0; ++itr) {
SourceBufferRange* range = *itr;
if (range->GetStartTimestamp() >= end_timestamp)
if (range->GetEndTimestamp() < start_timestamp)
int bytes_removed = range->GetRemovalGOP(
start_timestamp, end_timestamp, bytes_to_free, removal_end_timestamp);
bytes_to_free -= bytes_removed;
bytes_freed += bytes_removed;
return bytes_freed;
int SourceBufferStream::FreeBuffers(int total_bytes_to_free,
bool reverse_direction) {
TRACE_EVENT2("media", "SourceBufferStream::FreeBuffers",
"total bytes to free", total_bytes_to_free,
"reverse direction", reverse_direction);
DCHECK_GT(total_bytes_to_free, 0);
int bytes_to_free = total_bytes_to_free;
int bytes_freed = 0;
// This range will save the last GOP appended to |range_for_next_append_|
// if the buffers surrounding it get deleted during garbage collection.
SourceBufferRange* new_range_for_append = NULL;
while (!ranges_.empty() && bytes_to_free > 0) {
SourceBufferRange* current_range = NULL;
BufferQueue buffers;
int bytes_deleted = 0;
if (reverse_direction) {
current_range = ranges_.back();
if (current_range->LastGOPContainsNextBufferPosition()) {
DCHECK_EQ(current_range, selected_range_);
bytes_deleted = current_range->DeleteGOPFromBack(&buffers);
} else {
current_range = ranges_.front();
if (current_range->FirstGOPContainsNextBufferPosition()) {
DCHECK_EQ(current_range, selected_range_);
bytes_deleted = current_range->DeleteGOPFromFront(&buffers);
// Check to see if we've just deleted the GOP that was last appended.
base::TimeDelta end_timestamp = buffers.back()->GetDecodeTimestamp();
if (end_timestamp == last_appended_buffer_timestamp_) {
DCHECK(last_appended_buffer_timestamp_ != kNoTimestamp());
// Create a new range containing these buffers.
new_range_for_append = new SourceBufferRange(
GetType(), buffers, kNoTimestamp(),
range_for_next_append_ = ranges_.end();
} else {
bytes_to_free -= bytes_deleted;
bytes_freed += bytes_deleted;
if (current_range->size_in_bytes() == 0) {
DCHECK_NE(current_range, selected_range_);
DCHECK(range_for_next_append_ == ranges_.end() ||
*range_for_next_append_ != current_range);
delete current_range;
reverse_direction ? ranges_.pop_back() : ranges_.pop_front();
// Insert |new_range_for_append| into |ranges_|, if applicable.
if (new_range_for_append) {
range_for_next_append_ = AddToRanges(new_range_for_append);
DCHECK(range_for_next_append_ != ranges_.end());
// Check to see if we need to merge |new_range_for_append| with the range
// before or after it. |new_range_for_append| is created whenever the last
// GOP appended is encountered, regardless of whether any buffers after it
// are ultimately deleted. Merging is necessary if there were no buffers
// (or very few buffers) deleted after creating |new_range_for_append|.
if (range_for_next_append_ != ranges_.begin()) {
RangeList::iterator range_before_next = range_for_next_append_;
return bytes_freed;
void SourceBufferStream::PrepareRangesForNextAppend(
const BufferQueue& new_buffers, BufferQueue* deleted_buffers) {
bool temporarily_select_range = false;
if (!track_buffer_.empty()) {
base::TimeDelta tb_timestamp = track_buffer_.back()->GetDecodeTimestamp();
base::TimeDelta seek_timestamp = FindKeyframeAfterTimestamp(tb_timestamp);
if (seek_timestamp != kNoTimestamp() &&
seek_timestamp < new_buffers.front()->GetDecodeTimestamp() &&
range_for_next_append_ != ranges_.end() &&
(*range_for_next_append_)->BelongsToRange(seek_timestamp)) {
DCHECK(tb_timestamp < seek_timestamp);
// If there are GOPs between the end of the track buffer and the
// beginning of the new buffers, then temporarily seek the range
// so that the buffers between these two times will be deposited in
// |deleted_buffers| as if they were part of the current playback
// position.
// TODO(acolwell): Figure out a more elegant way to do this.
SeekAndSetSelectedRange(*range_for_next_append_, seek_timestamp);
temporarily_select_range = true;
// Handle splices between the existing buffers and the new buffers. If a
// splice is generated the timestamp and duration of the first buffer in
// |new_buffers| will be modified.
if (splice_frames_enabled_)
base::TimeDelta prev_timestamp = last_appended_buffer_timestamp_;
bool prev_is_keyframe = last_appended_buffer_is_keyframe_;
base::TimeDelta next_timestamp = new_buffers.front()->GetDecodeTimestamp();
bool next_is_keyframe = new_buffers.front()->IsKeyframe();
if (prev_timestamp != kNoTimestamp() && prev_timestamp != next_timestamp) {
// Clean up the old buffers between the last appended buffer and the
// beginning of |new_buffers|.
RemoveInternal(prev_timestamp, next_timestamp, true, deleted_buffers);
// Make the delete range exclusive if we are dealing with an allowed same
// timestamp situation. This prevents the first buffer in the current append
// from deleting the last buffer in the previous append if both buffers
// have the same timestamp.
// The delete range should never be exclusive if a splice frame was generated
// because we don't generate splice frames for same timestamp situations.
DCHECK(new_buffers.front()->splice_timestamp() !=
const bool is_exclusive =
new_buffers.front()->splice_buffers().empty() &&
prev_timestamp == next_timestamp &&
AllowSameTimestamp(prev_is_keyframe, next_is_keyframe, GetType());
// Delete the buffers that |new_buffers| overlaps.
base::TimeDelta start = new_buffers.front()->GetDecodeTimestamp();
base::TimeDelta end = new_buffers.back()->GetDecodeTimestamp();
base::TimeDelta duration = new_buffers.back()->duration();
if (duration != kNoTimestamp() && duration > base::TimeDelta()) {
end += duration;
} else {
// TODO(acolwell): Ensure all buffers actually have proper
// duration info so that this hack isn't needed.
end += base::TimeDelta::FromInternalValue(1);
RemoveInternal(start, end, is_exclusive, deleted_buffers);
// Restore the range seek state if necessary.
if (temporarily_select_range)
bool SourceBufferStream::AreAdjacentInSequence(
base::TimeDelta first_timestamp, base::TimeDelta second_timestamp) const {
return first_timestamp < second_timestamp &&
second_timestamp <=
first_timestamp + ComputeFudgeRoom(GetMaxInterbufferDistance());
void SourceBufferStream::PruneTrackBuffer(const base::TimeDelta timestamp) {
// If we don't have the next timestamp, we don't have anything to delete.
if (timestamp == kNoTimestamp())
while (!track_buffer_.empty() &&
track_buffer_.back()->GetDecodeTimestamp() >= timestamp) {
void SourceBufferStream::MergeWithAdjacentRangeIfNecessary(
const RangeList::iterator& range_with_new_buffers_itr) {
DCHECK(range_with_new_buffers_itr != ranges_.end());
SourceBufferRange* range_with_new_buffers = *range_with_new_buffers_itr;
RangeList::iterator next_range_itr = range_with_new_buffers_itr;
if (next_range_itr == ranges_.end() ||
!range_with_new_buffers->CanAppendRangeToEnd(**next_range_itr)) {
bool transfer_current_position = selected_range_ == *next_range_itr;
// Update |selected_range_| pointer if |range| has become selected after
// merges.
if (transfer_current_position)
if (next_range_itr == range_for_next_append_)
range_for_next_append_ = range_with_new_buffers_itr;
void SourceBufferStream::Seek(base::TimeDelta timestamp) {
DCHECK(timestamp >= base::TimeDelta());
if (ShouldSeekToStartOfBuffered(timestamp)) {
seek_pending_ = false;
seek_buffer_timestamp_ = timestamp;
seek_pending_ = true;
RangeList::iterator itr = ranges_.end();
for (itr = ranges_.begin(); itr != ranges_.end(); ++itr) {
if ((*itr)->CanSeekTo(timestamp))
if (itr == ranges_.end())
SeekAndSetSelectedRange(*itr, timestamp);
seek_pending_ = false;
bool SourceBufferStream::IsSeekPending() const {
return !(end_of_stream_ && IsEndSelected()) && seek_pending_;
void SourceBufferStream::OnSetDuration(base::TimeDelta duration) {
RangeList::iterator itr = ranges_.end();
for (itr = ranges_.begin(); itr != ranges_.end(); ++itr) {
if ((*itr)->GetEndTimestamp() > duration)
if (itr == ranges_.end())
// Need to partially truncate this range.
if ((*itr)->GetStartTimestamp() < duration) {
bool delete_range = (*itr)->TruncateAt(duration, NULL, false);
if ((*itr == selected_range_) && !selected_range_->HasNextBufferPosition())
if (delete_range) {
} else {
// Delete all ranges that begin after |duration|.
while (itr != ranges_.end()) {
// If we're about to delete the selected range, also reset the seek state.
DCHECK((*itr)->GetStartTimestamp() >= duration);
if (*itr == selected_range_)
SourceBufferStream::Status SourceBufferStream::GetNextBuffer(
scoped_refptr<StreamParserBuffer>* out_buffer) {
if (!splice_buffer_) {
const SourceBufferStream::Status status = GetNextBufferInternal(out_buffer);
// Just return if GetNextBufferInternal() failed or there's no fade out
// preroll, there's nothing else to do.
if (status != SourceBufferStream::kSuccess ||
(*out_buffer)->splice_buffers().empty()) {
return status;
// Fall through into splice buffer processing.
splice_buffers_index_ = 0;
const BufferQueue& splice_buffers = splice_buffer_->splice_buffers();
const size_t last_splice_buffer_index = splice_buffers.size() - 1;
// Are there any splice buffers left to hand out? The last buffer should be
// handed out separately since it represents the first post-splice buffer.
if (splice_buffers_index_ < last_splice_buffer_index) {
// Account for config changes which occur between fade out buffers.
if (current_config_index_ !=
splice_buffers[splice_buffers_index_]->GetConfigId()) {
config_change_pending_ = true;
DVLOG(1) << "Config change (splice buffer config ID does not match).";
return SourceBufferStream::kConfigChange;
// Every pre splice buffer must have the same splice_timestamp().
DCHECK(splice_buffer_->splice_timestamp() ==
*out_buffer = splice_buffers[splice_buffers_index_++];
return SourceBufferStream::kSuccess;
// Did we hand out the last pre-splice buffer on the previous call?
if (!pre_splice_complete_) {
DCHECK_EQ(splice_buffers_index_, last_splice_buffer_index);
pre_splice_complete_ = true;
config_change_pending_ = true;
DVLOG(1) << "Config change (forced for fade in of splice frame).";
return SourceBufferStream::kConfigChange;
// All pre-splice buffers have been handed out and a config change completed,
// so hand out the final buffer for fade in. Because a config change is
// always issued prior to handing out this buffer, any changes in config id
// have been inherently handled.
DCHECK_EQ(splice_buffers_index_, splice_buffers.size() - 1);
DCHECK(splice_buffers.back()->splice_timestamp() == kNoTimestamp());
*out_buffer = splice_buffers.back();
splice_buffer_ = NULL;
splice_buffers_index_ = 0;
pre_splice_complete_ = false;
return SourceBufferStream::kSuccess;
SourceBufferStream::Status SourceBufferStream::GetNextBufferInternal(
scoped_refptr<StreamParserBuffer>* out_buffer) {
if (!track_buffer_.empty()) {
scoped_refptr<StreamParserBuffer>& next_buffer = track_buffer_.front();
// If the next buffer is an audio splice frame, the next effective config id
// comes from the first splice buffer.
if (GetConfigId(next_buffer, 0) != current_config_index_) {
config_change_pending_ = true;
DVLOG(1) << "Config change (track buffer config ID does not match).";
return kConfigChange;
*out_buffer = next_buffer;
last_output_buffer_timestamp_ = (*out_buffer)->GetDecodeTimestamp();
// If the track buffer becomes empty, then try to set the selected range
// based on the timestamp of this buffer being returned.
if (track_buffer_.empty())
return kSuccess;
if (!selected_range_ || !selected_range_->HasNextBuffer()) {
if (end_of_stream_ && IsEndSelected())
return kEndOfStream;
return kNeedBuffer;
if (selected_range_->GetNextConfigId() != current_config_index_) {
config_change_pending_ = true;
DVLOG(1) << "Config change (selected range config ID does not match).";
return kConfigChange;
last_output_buffer_timestamp_ = (*out_buffer)->GetDecodeTimestamp();
return kSuccess;
base::TimeDelta SourceBufferStream::GetNextBufferTimestamp() {
if (!track_buffer_.empty())
return track_buffer_.front()->GetDecodeTimestamp();
if (!selected_range_)
return kNoTimestamp();
return selected_range_->GetNextTimestamp();
base::TimeDelta SourceBufferStream::GetEndBufferTimestamp() {
if (!selected_range_)
return kNoTimestamp();
return selected_range_->GetEndTimestamp();
SourceBufferStream::FindExistingRangeFor(base::TimeDelta start_timestamp) {
for (RangeList::iterator itr = ranges_.begin(); itr != ranges_.end(); ++itr) {
if ((*itr)->BelongsToRange(start_timestamp))
return itr;
return ranges_.end();
SourceBufferStream::AddToRanges(SourceBufferRange* new_range) {
base::TimeDelta start_timestamp = new_range->GetStartTimestamp();
RangeList::iterator itr = ranges_.end();
for (itr = ranges_.begin(); itr != ranges_.end(); ++itr) {
if ((*itr)->GetStartTimestamp() > start_timestamp)
return ranges_.insert(itr, new_range);
SourceBufferStream::GetSelectedRangeItr() {
RangeList::iterator itr = ranges_.end();
for (itr = ranges_.begin(); itr != ranges_.end(); ++itr) {
if (*itr == selected_range_)
DCHECK(itr != ranges_.end());
return itr;
void SourceBufferStream::SeekAndSetSelectedRange(
SourceBufferRange* range, base::TimeDelta seek_timestamp) {
if (range)
void SourceBufferStream::SetSelectedRange(SourceBufferRange* range) {
DVLOG(1) << __FUNCTION__ << " : " << selected_range_ << " -> " << range;
if (selected_range_)
DCHECK(!range || range->HasNextBufferPosition());
selected_range_ = range;
Ranges<base::TimeDelta> SourceBufferStream::GetBufferedTime() const {
Ranges<base::TimeDelta> ranges;
for (RangeList::const_iterator itr = ranges_.begin();
itr != ranges_.end(); ++itr) {
ranges.Add((*itr)->GetStartTimestamp(), (*itr)->GetBufferedEndTimestamp());
return ranges;
base::TimeDelta SourceBufferStream::GetBufferedDuration() const {
if (ranges_.empty())
return base::TimeDelta();
return ranges_.back()->GetBufferedEndTimestamp();
void SourceBufferStream::MarkEndOfStream() {
end_of_stream_ = true;
void SourceBufferStream::UnmarkEndOfStream() {
end_of_stream_ = false;
bool SourceBufferStream::IsEndSelected() const {
if (ranges_.empty())
return true;
if (seek_pending_)
return seek_buffer_timestamp_ >= ranges_.back()->GetBufferedEndTimestamp();
return selected_range_ == ranges_.back();
const AudioDecoderConfig& SourceBufferStream::GetCurrentAudioDecoderConfig() {
if (config_change_pending_)
return audio_configs_[current_config_index_];
const VideoDecoderConfig& SourceBufferStream::GetCurrentVideoDecoderConfig() {
if (config_change_pending_)
return video_configs_[current_config_index_];
const TextTrackConfig& SourceBufferStream::GetCurrentTextTrackConfig() {
return text_track_config_;
base::TimeDelta SourceBufferStream::GetMaxInterbufferDistance() const {
if (max_interbuffer_distance_ == kNoTimestamp())
return base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(kDefaultBufferDurationInMs);
return max_interbuffer_distance_;
bool SourceBufferStream::UpdateAudioConfig(const AudioDecoderConfig& config) {
DVLOG(3) << "UpdateAudioConfig.";
if (audio_configs_[0].codec() != config.codec()) {
MEDIA_LOG(log_cb_) << "Audio codec changes not allowed.";
return false;
if (audio_configs_[0].is_encrypted() != config.is_encrypted()) {
MEDIA_LOG(log_cb_) << "Audio encryption changes not allowed.";
return false;
// Check to see if the new config matches an existing one.
for (size_t i = 0; i < audio_configs_.size(); ++i) {
if (config.Matches(audio_configs_[i])) {
append_config_index_ = i;
return true;
// No matches found so let's add this one to the list.
append_config_index_ = audio_configs_.size();
DVLOG(2) << "New audio config - index: " << append_config_index_;
audio_configs_.resize(audio_configs_.size() + 1);
audio_configs_[append_config_index_] = config;
return true;
bool SourceBufferStream::UpdateVideoConfig(const VideoDecoderConfig& config) {
DVLOG(3) << "UpdateVideoConfig.";
if (video_configs_[0].codec() != config.codec()) {
MEDIA_LOG(log_cb_) << "Video codec changes not allowed.";
return false;
if (video_configs_[0].is_encrypted() != config.is_encrypted()) {
MEDIA_LOG(log_cb_) << "Video encryption changes not allowed.";
return false;
// Check to see if the new config matches an existing one.
for (size_t i = 0; i < video_configs_.size(); ++i) {
if (config.Matches(video_configs_[i])) {
append_config_index_ = i;
return true;
// No matches found so let's add this one to the list.
append_config_index_ = video_configs_.size();
DVLOG(2) << "New video config - index: " << append_config_index_;
video_configs_.resize(video_configs_.size() + 1);
video_configs_[append_config_index_] = config;
return true;
void SourceBufferStream::CompleteConfigChange() {
config_change_pending_ = false;
if (splice_buffer_) {
current_config_index_ =
GetConfigId(splice_buffer_, splice_buffers_index_);
if (!track_buffer_.empty()) {
current_config_index_ = GetConfigId(track_buffer_.front(), 0);
if (selected_range_ && selected_range_->HasNextBuffer())
current_config_index_ = selected_range_->GetNextConfigId();
void SourceBufferStream::SetSelectedRangeIfNeeded(
const base::TimeDelta timestamp) {
DVLOG(1) << __FUNCTION__ << "(" << timestamp.InSecondsF() << ")";
if (selected_range_) {
if (!track_buffer_.empty()) {
base::TimeDelta start_timestamp = timestamp;
// If the next buffer timestamp is not known then use a timestamp just after
// the timestamp on the last buffer returned by GetNextBuffer().
if (start_timestamp == kNoTimestamp()) {
if (last_output_buffer_timestamp_ == kNoTimestamp())
start_timestamp = last_output_buffer_timestamp_ +
base::TimeDelta seek_timestamp =
// If we don't have buffered data to seek to, then return.
if (seek_timestamp == kNoTimestamp())
base::TimeDelta SourceBufferStream::FindNewSelectedRangeSeekTimestamp(
const base::TimeDelta start_timestamp) {
DCHECK(start_timestamp != kNoTimestamp());
DCHECK(start_timestamp >= base::TimeDelta());
RangeList::iterator itr = ranges_.begin();
for (; itr != ranges_.end(); ++itr) {
if ((*itr)->GetEndTimestamp() >= start_timestamp) {
if (itr == ranges_.end())
return kNoTimestamp();
// First check for a keyframe timestamp >= |start_timestamp|
// in the current range.
base::TimeDelta keyframe_timestamp =
if (keyframe_timestamp != kNoTimestamp())
return keyframe_timestamp;
// If a keyframe was not found then look for a keyframe that is
// "close enough" in the current or next range.
base::TimeDelta end_timestamp =
start_timestamp + ComputeFudgeRoom(GetMaxInterbufferDistance());
DCHECK(start_timestamp < end_timestamp);
// Make sure the current range doesn't start beyond |end_timestamp|.
if ((*itr)->GetStartTimestamp() >= end_timestamp)
return kNoTimestamp();
keyframe_timestamp = (*itr)->KeyframeBeforeTimestamp(end_timestamp);
// Check to see if the keyframe is within the acceptable range
// (|start_timestamp|, |end_timestamp|].
if (keyframe_timestamp != kNoTimestamp() &&
start_timestamp < keyframe_timestamp &&
keyframe_timestamp <= end_timestamp) {
return keyframe_timestamp;
// If |end_timestamp| is within this range, then no other checks are
// necessary.
if (end_timestamp <= (*itr)->GetEndTimestamp())
return kNoTimestamp();
// Move on to the next range.
// Return early if the next range does not contain |end_timestamp|.
if (itr == ranges_.end() || (*itr)->GetStartTimestamp() >= end_timestamp)
return kNoTimestamp();
keyframe_timestamp = (*itr)->KeyframeBeforeTimestamp(end_timestamp);
// Check to see if the keyframe is within the acceptable range
// (|start_timestamp|, |end_timestamp|].
if (keyframe_timestamp != kNoTimestamp() &&
start_timestamp < keyframe_timestamp &&
keyframe_timestamp <= end_timestamp) {
return keyframe_timestamp;
return kNoTimestamp();
base::TimeDelta SourceBufferStream::FindKeyframeAfterTimestamp(
const base::TimeDelta timestamp) {
DCHECK(timestamp != kNoTimestamp());
RangeList::iterator itr = FindExistingRangeFor(timestamp);
if (itr == ranges_.end())
return kNoTimestamp();
// First check for a keyframe timestamp >= |timestamp|
// in the current range.
return (*itr)->NextKeyframeTimestamp(timestamp);
std::string SourceBufferStream::GetStreamTypeName() const {
switch (GetType()) {
case kAudio:
return "AUDIO";
case kVideo:
return "VIDEO";
case kText:
return "TEXT";
return "";
SourceBufferStream::Type SourceBufferStream::GetType() const {
if (!audio_configs_.empty())
return kAudio;
if (!video_configs_.empty())
return kVideo;
DCHECK_NE(text_track_config_.kind(), kTextNone);
return kText;
void SourceBufferStream::DeleteAndRemoveRange(RangeList::iterator* itr) {
DCHECK(*itr != ranges_.end());
if (**itr == selected_range_) {
DVLOG(1) << __FUNCTION__ << " deleting selected range.";
if (*itr == range_for_next_append_) {
DVLOG(1) << __FUNCTION__ << " deleting range_for_next_append_.";
range_for_next_append_ = ranges_.end();
delete **itr;
*itr = ranges_.erase(*itr);
void SourceBufferStream::GenerateSpliceFrame(const BufferQueue& new_buffers) {
// Splice frames are only supported for audio.
if (GetType() != kAudio)
// Find the overlapped range (if any).
const base::TimeDelta splice_timestamp = new_buffers.front()->timestamp();
RangeList::iterator range_itr = FindExistingRangeFor(splice_timestamp);
if (range_itr == ranges_.end())
const base::TimeDelta max_splice_end_timestamp =
splice_timestamp + base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(
// Find all buffers involved before the splice point.
BufferQueue pre_splice_buffers;
if (!(*range_itr)->GetBuffersInRange(
splice_timestamp, max_splice_end_timestamp, &pre_splice_buffers)) {
// If there are gaps in the timeline, it's possible that we only find buffers
// after the splice point but within the splice range. For simplicity, we do
// not generate splice frames in this case.
// We also do not want to generate splices if the first new buffer replaces an
// existing buffer exactly.
if (pre_splice_buffers.front()->timestamp() >= splice_timestamp)
// If any |pre_splice_buffers| are already splices, do not generate a splice.
for (size_t i = 0; i < pre_splice_buffers.size(); ++i) {
const BufferQueue& original_splice_buffers =
if (!original_splice_buffers.empty()) {
DVLOG(1) << "Can't generate splice: overlapped buffers contain a "
"pre-existing splice.";
// Don't generate splice frames which represent less than two frames, since we
// need at least that much to generate a crossfade. Per the spec, make this
// check using the sample rate of the overlapping buffers.
const base::TimeDelta splice_duration =
pre_splice_buffers.back()->timestamp() +
pre_splice_buffers.back()->duration() - splice_timestamp;
const base::TimeDelta minimum_splice_duration = base::TimeDelta::FromSecondsD(
2.0 / audio_configs_[append_config_index_].samples_per_second());
if (splice_duration < minimum_splice_duration) {
DVLOG(1) << "Can't generate splice: not enough samples for crossfade; have "
<< splice_duration.InMicroseconds() << " us, but need "
<< minimum_splice_duration.InMicroseconds() << " us.";
SourceBufferStream::Type type, const BufferQueue& new_buffers,
base::TimeDelta media_segment_start_time,
const InterbufferDistanceCB& interbuffer_distance_cb)
: type_(type),
size_in_bytes_(0) {
void SourceBufferRange::AppendBuffersToEnd(const BufferQueue& new_buffers) {
DCHECK(buffers_.empty() || CanAppendBuffersToEnd(new_buffers));
DCHECK(media_segment_start_time_ == kNoTimestamp() ||
media_segment_start_time_ <=
for (BufferQueue::const_iterator itr = new_buffers.begin();
itr != new_buffers.end();
++itr) {
DCHECK((*itr)->GetDecodeTimestamp() != kNoTimestamp());
size_in_bytes_ += (*itr)->data_size();
if ((*itr)->IsKeyframe()) {
buffers_.size() - 1 + keyframe_map_index_base_));
void SourceBufferRange::Seek(base::TimeDelta timestamp) {
KeyframeMap::iterator result = GetFirstKeyframeBefore(timestamp);
next_buffer_index_ = result->second - keyframe_map_index_base_;
DCHECK_LT(next_buffer_index_, static_cast<int>(buffers_.size()));
void SourceBufferRange::SeekAheadTo(base::TimeDelta timestamp) {
SeekAhead(timestamp, false);
void SourceBufferRange::SeekAheadPast(base::TimeDelta timestamp) {
SeekAhead(timestamp, true);
void SourceBufferRange::SeekAhead(base::TimeDelta timestamp,
bool skip_given_timestamp) {
KeyframeMap::iterator result =
GetFirstKeyframeAt(timestamp, skip_given_timestamp);
// If there isn't a keyframe after |timestamp|, then seek to end and return
// kNoTimestamp to signal such.
if (result == keyframe_map_.end()) {
next_buffer_index_ = -1;
next_buffer_index_ = result->second - keyframe_map_index_base_;
DCHECK_LT(next_buffer_index_, static_cast<int>(buffers_.size()));
void SourceBufferRange::SeekToStart() {
next_buffer_index_ = 0;
SourceBufferRange* SourceBufferRange::SplitRange(
base::TimeDelta timestamp, bool is_exclusive) {
// Find the first keyframe after |timestamp|. If |is_exclusive|, do not
// include keyframes at |timestamp|.
KeyframeMap::iterator new_beginning_keyframe =
GetFirstKeyframeAt(timestamp, is_exclusive);
// If there is no keyframe after |timestamp|, we can't split the range.
if (new_beginning_keyframe == keyframe_map_.end())
return NULL;
// Remove the data beginning at |keyframe_index| from |buffers_| and save it
// into |removed_buffers|.
int keyframe_index =
new_beginning_keyframe->second - keyframe_map_index_base_;
DCHECK_LT(keyframe_index, static_cast<int>(buffers_.size()));
BufferQueue::iterator starting_point = buffers_.begin() + keyframe_index;
BufferQueue removed_buffers(starting_point, buffers_.end());
keyframe_map_.erase(new_beginning_keyframe, keyframe_map_.end());
FreeBufferRange(starting_point, buffers_.end());
// Create a new range with |removed_buffers|.
SourceBufferRange* split_range =
new SourceBufferRange(
type_, removed_buffers, kNoTimestamp(), interbuffer_distance_cb_);
// If the next buffer position is now in |split_range|, update the state of
// this range and |split_range| accordingly.
if (next_buffer_index_ >= static_cast<int>(buffers_.size())) {
split_range->next_buffer_index_ = next_buffer_index_ - keyframe_index;
return split_range;
BufferQueue::iterator SourceBufferRange::GetBufferItrAt(
base::TimeDelta timestamp,
bool skip_given_timestamp) {
return skip_given_timestamp
? std::upper_bound(buffers_.begin(),
: std::lower_bound(buffers_.begin(),
SourceBufferRange::GetFirstKeyframeAt(base::TimeDelta timestamp,
bool skip_given_timestamp) {
return skip_given_timestamp ?
keyframe_map_.upper_bound(timestamp) :
SourceBufferRange::GetFirstKeyframeBefore(base::TimeDelta timestamp) {
KeyframeMap::iterator result = keyframe_map_.lower_bound(timestamp);
// lower_bound() returns the first element >= |timestamp|, so we want the
// previous element if it did not return the element exactly equal to
// |timestamp|.
if (result != keyframe_map_.begin() &&
(result == keyframe_map_.end() || result->first != timestamp)) {
return result;
void SourceBufferRange::DeleteAll(BufferQueue* removed_buffers) {
TruncateAt(buffers_.begin(), removed_buffers);
bool SourceBufferRange::TruncateAt(
base::TimeDelta timestamp, BufferQueue* removed_buffers,
bool is_exclusive) {
// Find the place in |buffers_| where we will begin deleting data.
BufferQueue::iterator starting_point =
GetBufferItrAt(timestamp, is_exclusive);
return TruncateAt(starting_point, removed_buffers);
int SourceBufferRange::DeleteGOPFromFront(BufferQueue* deleted_buffers) {
int buffers_deleted = 0;
int total_bytes_deleted = 0;
KeyframeMap::iterator front = keyframe_map_.begin();
DCHECK(front != keyframe_map_.end());
// Delete the keyframe at the start of |keyframe_map_|.
// Now we need to delete all the buffers that depend on the keyframe we've
// just deleted.
int end_index = keyframe_map_.size() > 0 ?
keyframe_map_.begin()->second - keyframe_map_index_base_ :
// Delete buffers from the beginning of the buffered range up until (but not
// including) the next keyframe.
for (int i = 0; i < end_index; i++) {
int bytes_deleted = buffers_.front()->data_size();
size_in_bytes_ -= bytes_deleted;
total_bytes_deleted += bytes_deleted;
// Update |keyframe_map_index_base_| to account for the deleted buffers.
keyframe_map_index_base_ += buffers_deleted;
if (next_buffer_index_ > -1) {
next_buffer_index_ -= buffers_deleted;
DCHECK_GE(next_buffer_index_, 0);
// Invalidate media segment start time if we've deleted the first buffer of
// the range.
if (buffers_deleted > 0)
media_segment_start_time_ = kNoTimestamp();
return total_bytes_deleted;
int SourceBufferRange::DeleteGOPFromBack(BufferQueue* deleted_buffers) {
// Remove the last GOP's keyframe from the |keyframe_map_|.
KeyframeMap::iterator back = keyframe_map_.end();
DCHECK_GT(keyframe_map_.size(), 0u);
// The index of the first buffer in the last GOP is equal to the new size of
// |buffers_| after that GOP is deleted.
size_t goal_size = back->second - keyframe_map_index_base_;
int total_bytes_deleted = 0;
while (buffers_.size() != goal_size) {
int bytes_deleted = buffers_.back()->data_size();
size_in_bytes_ -= bytes_deleted;
total_bytes_deleted += bytes_deleted;
// We're removing buffers from the back, so push each removed buffer to the
// front of |deleted_buffers| so that |deleted_buffers| are in nondecreasing
// order.
return total_bytes_deleted;
int SourceBufferRange::GetRemovalGOP(
base::TimeDelta start_timestamp, base::TimeDelta end_timestamp,
int total_bytes_to_free, base::TimeDelta* removal_end_timestamp) {
int bytes_to_free = total_bytes_to_free;
int bytes_removed = 0;
KeyframeMap::iterator gop_itr = GetFirstKeyframeAt(start_timestamp, false);
if (gop_itr == keyframe_map_.end())
return 0;
int keyframe_index = gop_itr->second - keyframe_map_index_base_;
BufferQueue::iterator buffer_itr = buffers_.begin() + keyframe_index;
KeyframeMap::iterator gop_end = keyframe_map_.end();
if (end_timestamp < GetBufferedEndTimestamp())
gop_end = GetFirstKeyframeBefore(end_timestamp);
// Check if the removal range is within a GOP and skip the loop if so.
// [keyframe]...[start_timestamp]...[end_timestamp]...[keyframe]
KeyframeMap::iterator gop_itr_prev = gop_itr;
if (gop_itr_prev != keyframe_map_.begin() && --gop_itr_prev == gop_end)
gop_end = gop_itr;
while (gop_itr != gop_end && bytes_to_free > 0) {
int gop_size = 0;
int next_gop_index = gop_itr == keyframe_map_.end() ?
buffers_.size() : gop_itr->second - keyframe_map_index_base_;
BufferQueue::iterator next_gop_start = buffers_.begin() + next_gop_index;
for (; buffer_itr != next_gop_start; ++buffer_itr)
gop_size += (*buffer_itr)->data_size();
bytes_removed += gop_size;
bytes_to_free -= gop_size;
if (bytes_removed > 0) {
*removal_end_timestamp = gop_itr == keyframe_map_.end() ?
GetBufferedEndTimestamp() : gop_itr->first;
return bytes_removed;
bool SourceBufferRange::FirstGOPContainsNextBufferPosition() const {
if (!HasNextBufferPosition())
return false;
// If there is only one GOP, it must contain the next buffer position.
if (keyframe_map_.size() == 1u)
return true;
KeyframeMap::const_iterator second_gop = keyframe_map_.begin();
return next_buffer_index_ < second_gop->second - keyframe_map_index_base_;
bool SourceBufferRange::LastGOPContainsNextBufferPosition() const {
if (!HasNextBufferPosition())
return false;
// If there is only one GOP, it must contain the next buffer position.
if (keyframe_map_.size() == 1u)
return true;
KeyframeMap::const_iterator last_gop = keyframe_map_.end();
return last_gop->second - keyframe_map_index_base_ <= next_buffer_index_;
void SourceBufferRange::FreeBufferRange(
const BufferQueue::iterator& starting_point,
const BufferQueue::iterator& ending_point) {
for (BufferQueue::iterator itr = starting_point;
itr != ending_point; ++itr) {
size_in_bytes_ -= (*itr)->data_size();
DCHECK_GE(size_in_bytes_, 0);
buffers_.erase(starting_point, ending_point);
bool SourceBufferRange::TruncateAt(
const BufferQueue::iterator& starting_point, BufferQueue* removed_buffers) {
DCHECK(!removed_buffers || removed_buffers->empty());
// Return if we're not deleting anything.
if (starting_point == buffers_.end())
return false;
// Reset the next buffer index if we will be deleting the buffer that's next
// in sequence.
if (HasNextBufferPosition()) {
base::TimeDelta next_buffer_timestamp = GetNextTimestamp();
if (next_buffer_timestamp == kNoTimestamp() ||
next_buffer_timestamp >= (*starting_point)->GetDecodeTimestamp()) {
if (HasNextBuffer() && removed_buffers) {
int starting_offset = starting_point - buffers_.begin();
int next_buffer_offset = next_buffer_index_ - starting_offset;
DCHECK_GE(next_buffer_offset, 0);
BufferQueue saved(starting_point + next_buffer_offset, buffers_.end());
// Remove keyframes from |starting_point| onward.
KeyframeMap::iterator starting_point_keyframe =
keyframe_map_.erase(starting_point_keyframe, keyframe_map_.end());
// Remove everything from |starting_point| onward.
FreeBufferRange(starting_point, buffers_.end());
return buffers_.empty();
bool SourceBufferRange::GetNextBuffer(
scoped_refptr<StreamParserBuffer>* out_buffer) {
if (!HasNextBuffer())
return false;
*out_buffer = buffers_[next_buffer_index_];
return true;
bool SourceBufferRange::HasNextBuffer() const {
return next_buffer_index_ >= 0 &&
next_buffer_index_ < static_cast<int>(buffers_.size());
int SourceBufferRange::GetNextConfigId() const {
// If the next buffer is an audio splice frame, the next effective config id
// comes from the first fade out preroll buffer.
return GetConfigId(buffers_[next_buffer_index_], 0);
base::TimeDelta SourceBufferRange::GetNextTimestamp() const {
if (next_buffer_index_ >= static_cast<int>(buffers_.size())) {
return kNoTimestamp();
return buffers_[next_buffer_index_]->GetDecodeTimestamp();
bool SourceBufferRange::HasNextBufferPosition() const {
return next_buffer_index_ >= 0;
void SourceBufferRange::ResetNextBufferPosition() {
next_buffer_index_ = -1;
void SourceBufferRange::AppendRangeToEnd(const SourceBufferRange& range,
bool transfer_current_position) {
if (transfer_current_position && range.next_buffer_index_ >= 0)
next_buffer_index_ = range.next_buffer_index_ + buffers_.size();
bool SourceBufferRange::CanAppendRangeToEnd(
const SourceBufferRange& range) const {
return CanAppendBuffersToEnd(range.buffers_);
bool SourceBufferRange::CanAppendBuffersToEnd(
const BufferQueue& buffers) const {
return IsNextInSequence(buffers.front()->GetDecodeTimestamp(),
bool SourceBufferRange::BelongsToRange(base::TimeDelta timestamp) const {
return (IsNextInSequence(timestamp, false) ||
(GetStartTimestamp() <= timestamp && timestamp <= GetEndTimestamp()));
bool SourceBufferRange::CanSeekTo(base::TimeDelta timestamp) const {
base::TimeDelta start_timestamp =
std::max(base::TimeDelta(), GetStartTimestamp() - GetFudgeRoom());
return !keyframe_map_.empty() && start_timestamp <= timestamp &&
timestamp < GetBufferedEndTimestamp();
bool SourceBufferRange::CompletelyOverlaps(
const SourceBufferRange& range) const {
return GetStartTimestamp() <= range.GetStartTimestamp() &&
GetEndTimestamp() >= range.GetEndTimestamp();
bool SourceBufferRange::EndOverlaps(const SourceBufferRange& range) const {
return range.GetStartTimestamp() <= GetEndTimestamp() &&
GetEndTimestamp() < range.GetEndTimestamp();
base::TimeDelta SourceBufferRange::GetStartTimestamp() const {
base::TimeDelta start_timestamp = media_segment_start_time_;
if (start_timestamp == kNoTimestamp())
start_timestamp = buffers_.front()->GetDecodeTimestamp();
return start_timestamp;
base::TimeDelta SourceBufferRange::GetEndTimestamp() const {
return buffers_.back()->GetDecodeTimestamp();
base::TimeDelta SourceBufferRange::GetBufferedEndTimestamp() const {
base::TimeDelta duration = buffers_.back()->duration();
if (duration == kNoTimestamp() || duration == base::TimeDelta())
duration = GetApproximateDuration();
return GetEndTimestamp() + duration;
base::TimeDelta SourceBufferRange::NextKeyframeTimestamp(
base::TimeDelta timestamp) {
if (timestamp < GetStartTimestamp() || timestamp >= GetBufferedEndTimestamp())
return kNoTimestamp();
KeyframeMap::iterator itr = GetFirstKeyframeAt(timestamp, false);
if (itr == keyframe_map_.end())
return kNoTimestamp();
return itr->first;
base::TimeDelta SourceBufferRange::KeyframeBeforeTimestamp(
base::TimeDelta timestamp) {
if (timestamp < GetStartTimestamp() || timestamp >= GetBufferedEndTimestamp())
return kNoTimestamp();
return GetFirstKeyframeBefore(timestamp)->first;
bool SourceBufferRange::IsNextInSequence(
base::TimeDelta timestamp, bool is_keyframe) const {
base::TimeDelta end = buffers_.back()->GetDecodeTimestamp();
if (end < timestamp &&
(type_ == SourceBufferStream::kText ||
timestamp <= end + GetFudgeRoom())) {
return true;
return timestamp == end && AllowSameTimestamp(
buffers_.back()->IsKeyframe(), is_keyframe, type_);
base::TimeDelta SourceBufferRange::GetFudgeRoom() const {
return ComputeFudgeRoom(GetApproximateDuration());
base::TimeDelta SourceBufferRange::GetApproximateDuration() const {
base::TimeDelta max_interbuffer_distance = interbuffer_distance_cb_.Run();
DCHECK(max_interbuffer_distance != kNoTimestamp());
return max_interbuffer_distance;
bool SourceBufferRange::GetBuffersInRange(base::TimeDelta start,
base::TimeDelta end,
BufferQueue* buffers) {
// Find the nearest buffer with a decode timestamp <= start.
const base::TimeDelta first_timestamp = KeyframeBeforeTimestamp(start);
if (first_timestamp == kNoTimestamp())
return false;
// Find all buffers involved in the range.
const size_t previous_size = buffers->size();
for (BufferQueue::iterator it = GetBufferItrAt(first_timestamp, false);
it != buffers_.end();
++it) {
const scoped_refptr<StreamParserBuffer>& buffer = *it;
// Buffers without duration are not supported, so bail if we encounter any.
if (buffer->duration() == kNoTimestamp() ||
buffer->duration() <= base::TimeDelta()) {
return false;
if (buffer->end_of_stream() || buffer->timestamp() >= end)
if (buffer->timestamp() + buffer->duration() <= start)
return previous_size < buffers->size();
} // namespace media