blob: 0dfa97a06ddb9c2ff6c83e2fa2b18d268269bfb0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
namespace signin_metrics {
// Log to UMA histograms and UserCounts stats about a single execution of the
// AccountReconciler.
// |total_number_accounts| - How many accounts are in the browser for this
// profile.
// |count_added_to_cookie_jar| - How many accounts were in the browser but not
// the cookie jar.
// |count_added_to_token| - How may accounts were in the cookie jar but not in
// the browser.
// |primary_accounts_same| - False if the primary account for the cookie jar
// and the token service were different; else true.
// |is_first_reconcile| - True if these stats are from the first execution of
// the AccountReconcilor.
void LogSigninAccountReconciliation(int total_number_accounts,
int count_added_to_cookie_jar,
int count_added_to_token,
bool primary_accounts_same,
bool is_first_reconcile);
// Track a successful signin.
void LogSigninAddAccount();
} // namespace signin_metrics