blob: e687fdfba5d3e059f51b02d4991940cf2391c4ef [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This API is designed to be used with Chrome Sync.
namespace syncedNotificationsPrivate {
// Potential sync change types.
enum ChangeType {
// Whether or not to resync all data items if the data type context changes.
enum RefreshRequest {
enum SyncDataType {
dictionary SyncData {
SyncDataType datatype;
// |dataItem| will be a binary protobuf which matches the backend
// for the datatype.
ArrayBuffer dataItem;
// Datatype that represents a single sync change to a notification or an app
// info.
dictionary SyncChange {
SyncData data;
ChangeType changeType;
// Gets an array of SyncChange objects representing the current sync state.
// chrome.runtime.lastError contains any errors; if that is the case then
// changes should be undefined.
callback GetInitialDataCallback = void (SyncData[] changes);
// Called on completion or error of the sync operation. lastError contains an
// error message if required.
callback SyncOperationCallback = void ();
interface Functions {
// Gets all data from sync representing the current state (for use at
// startup). This returns both Synced Notifications and AppInfos (with the
// datatype enum set appropriately). Can return undefined, in which case
// LastError will be set. This means sync is unavailable at this time.
static void getInitialData(SyncDataType type,
GetInitialDataCallback callback);
// Sends a changed (read state) notification back up to sync. To keep the
// sync from needing to understand the protocol, we send the whole object,
// not just the new read state.
static void updateNotification(ArrayBuffer changedNotification,
SyncOperationCallback callback);
// Sets the (e.g.) Locale and DPI scale factor and list of sending services,
// encoded as a binary protobuf. Sync will persist these values for this
// and future sessions.
static void setRenderContext(RefreshRequest refresh,
ArrayBuffer dataTypeContext,
SyncOperationCallback callback);
interface Events {
// Called by sync when we get new notifications or app infos from the
// server.
static void onDataChanges(SyncChange[] changes);
// Called by sync when sync becomes available. This can be used to get the
// initial data for the app as soon as sync starts up, even if that is not
// soon after chrome startup.
static void onSyncStartup();