blob: 65a6e2bd6b9c369ecf722c3dfe983cdb7252413e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Use the <code>chrome.bluetooth</code> API to connect to a Bluetooth
// device. All functions report failures via chrome.runtime.lastError.
namespace bluetooth {
// Allocation authorities for Vendor IDs.
enum VendorIdSource {bluetooth, usb};
// Common device types recognized by Chrome.
enum DeviceType {computer, phone, modem, audio, carAudio, video, peripheral,
joystick, gamepad, keyboard, mouse, tablet,
// Information about the state of the Bluetooth adapter.
dictionary AdapterState {
// The address of the adapter, in the format 'XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX'.
DOMString address;
// The human-readable name of the adapter.
DOMString name;
// Indicates whether or not the adapter has power.
boolean powered;
// Indicates whether or not the adapter is available (i.e. enabled).
boolean available;
// Indicates whether or not the adapter is currently discovering.
boolean discovering;
// Information about the state of a known Bluetooth device.
dictionary Device {
// The address of the device, in the format 'XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX'.
DOMString address;
// The human-readable name of the device.
DOMString? name;
// The class of the device, a bit-field defined by
long? deviceClass;
// The Device ID record of the device, where available.
VendorIdSource? vendorIdSource;
long? vendorId;
long? productId;
long? deviceId;
// The type of the device, if recognized by Chrome. This is obtained from
// the |deviceClass| field and only represents a small fraction of the
// possible device types. When in doubt you should use the |deviceClass|
// field directly.
DeviceType? type;
// Indicates whether or not the device is paired with the system.
boolean? paired;
// Indicates whether the device is currently connected to the system.
boolean? connected;
// Indicates the RSSI ("received signal strength indication") of the
// connection to the device, measured in dBm, to a resolution of 1dBm.
// If the device is currently connected, then measures the RSSI of the
// connection signal. Otherwise, measures the RSSI of the last inquiry sent
// to the device, where available. Absent if unavailable.
long? rssi;
// Indicates the host's current transmit power ("Tx power") for the
// connection to the device, measured in dBm, to a resolution of 1dBm.
// This value is only available if the device is currently connected.
long? currentHostTransmitPower;
// Indicates the host's maximum transmit power ("Tx power") for the
// connection to the device, measured in dBm, to a resolution of 1dBm.
// This value is only available if the device is currently connected.
long? maximumHostTransmitPower;
// UUIDs of protocols, profiles and services advertised by the device.
// For classic Bluetooth devices, this list is obtained from EIR data and
// SDP tables. For Low Energy devices, this list is obtained from AD and
// GATT primary services. For dual mode devices this may be obtained from
// both.
DOMString[]? uuids;
// Information about a Bluetooth profile.
dictionary Profile {
// Unique profile identifier, e.g. 00001401-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B23FB
DOMString uuid;
// Human-readable name of the Profile, e.g. "Health Device"
DOMString? name;
// The RFCOMM channel id, used when the profile is to be exported to remote
// devices.
long? channel;
// The LS2CAP PSM number, used when the profile is to be exported to remote
// devices.
long? psm;
// Specifies whether pairing (and encryption) is required to be able to
// connect.
boolean? requireAuthentication;
// Specifies whether user authorization is required to be able to connect.
boolean? requireAuthorization;
// Specifies whether this profile will be automatically connected if any
// other profile of device also exporting this profile connects to the host.
boolean? autoConnect;
// Specifies the implemented version of the profile.
long? version;
// Specifies the profile-specific bit field of features the implementation
// supports.
long? features;
// The socket properties specified in the $ref:update function. Each property
// is optional. If a property value is not specified, the existing value if
// preserved when calling $ref:update.
dictionary SocketProperties {
// Flag indicating whether the socket is left open when the event page of
// the application is unloaded (see <a
// href="">Manage App
// Lifecycle</a>). The default value is <code>false.</code> When the
// application is loaded, any sockets previously opened with persistent=true
// can be fetched with $ref:getSockets.
boolean? persistent;
// An application-defined string associated with the socket.
DOMString? name;
// The size of the buffer used to receive data. The default value is 4096.
long? bufferSize;
dictionary Socket {
// The socket identifier.
long id;
// The remote Bluetooth device associated with this socket.
Device device;
// The remote Bluetooth uuid associated with this socket.
DOMString uuid;
// Flag indicating whether the socket is left open when the application is
// suspended (see <code>SocketProperties.persistent</code>).
boolean persistent;
// Application-defined string associated with the socket.
DOMString? name;
// The size of the buffer used to receive data. If no buffer size has been
// specified explictly, the field is not provided.
long? bufferSize;
// Flag indicating whether a connected socket blocks its peer from sending
// more data (see <code>setPaused</code>).
boolean paused;
callback AdapterStateCallback = void(AdapterState result);
callback AddressCallback = void(DOMString result);
callback BooleanCallback = void(boolean result);
callback DataCallback = void(optional ArrayBuffer result);
callback DeviceCallback = void(Device result);
callback DevicesCallback = void(Device[] result);
callback NameCallback = void(DOMString result);
callback ResultCallback = void();
callback SizeCallback = void(long result);
callback SocketCallback = void(Socket result);
// Options for the connect function.
dictionary ConnectOptions {
// The connection is made to |device|.
Device device;
// The connection is made to |profile|.
Profile profile;
// Options for the disconnect function.
dictionary DisconnectOptions {
// The socket identifier.
long socketId;
// Callback from the <code>getSocket</code> method.
// |socket| : Object containing the socket information.
callback GetSocketCallback = void (Socket socket);
// Callback from the <code>getSockets</code> method.
// |sockets| : Array of object containing socket information.
callback GetSocketsCallback = void (Socket[] sockets);
// Data from an <code>onReceive</code> event.
dictionary ReceiveInfo {
// The socket identifier.
long socketId;
// The data received, with a maximum size of <code>bufferSize</code>.
ArrayBuffer data;
enum ReceiveError {
// The connection was disconnected.
// A system error occurred and the connection may be unrecoverable.
// Data from an <code>onReceiveError</code> event.
dictionary ReceiveErrorInfo {
// The socket identifier.
long socketId;
// The error message.
DOMString errorMessage;
// An error code indicating what went wrong.
ReceiveError error;
// These functions all report failures via chrome.runtime.lastError.
interface Functions {
// Get information about the Bluetooth adapter.
// |callback| : Called with an AdapterState object describing the adapter
// state.
static void getAdapterState(AdapterStateCallback callback);
// Get a list of Bluetooth devices known to the system, including paired
// and recently discovered devices.
// |callback| : Called when the search is completed.
static void getDevices(DevicesCallback callback);
// Get information about a Bluetooth device known to the system.
// |deviceAddress| : Address of device to get.
// |callback| : Called with the Device object describing the device.
static void getDevice(DOMString deviceAddress, DeviceCallback callback);
// Registers the JavaScript application as an implementation for the given
// Profile; if a channel or PSM is specified, the profile will be exported
// in the host's SDP and GATT tables and advertised to other devices.
static void addProfile(Profile profile, ResultCallback callback);
// Unregisters the JavaScript application as an implementation for the given
// Profile; only the uuid field of the Profile object is used.
static void removeProfile(Profile profile, ResultCallback callback);
// Connect to a service on a device.
// |options| : The options for the connection.
// |callback| : Called to indicate success or failure.
static void connect(ConnectOptions options,
ResultCallback callback);
// Closes a Bluetooth connection.
// |options| : The options for this function.
// |callback| : Called to indicate success or failure.
static void disconnect(DisconnectOptions options,
optional ResultCallback callback);
// Sends data to a Bluetooth connection.
// |socketId| : The socket identifier.
// |data| : The data to send.
// |callback| : Called with the number of bytes sent.
static void send(long socketId,
ArrayBuffer data,
optional SizeCallback callback);
// Updates the socket properties.
// |socketId| : The socket identifier.
// |properties| : The properties to update.
// |callback| : Called when the properties are updated.
static void updateSocket(long socketId,
SocketProperties properties,
optional ResultCallback callback);
// Enables or disables the application from receiving messages from its
// peer. The default value is <code>false</code>. Pausing a socket is
// typically used by an application to throttle data sent by its peer. When
// a socket is paused, no $ref:onReceive event is raised. When a socket is
// connected and un-paused, $ref:onReceive events are raised again when
// messages are received.
static void setSocketPaused(long socketId,
boolean paused,
optional ResultCallback callback);
// Retrieves the state of the given socket.
// |socketId| : The socket identifier.
// |callback| : Called when the socket state is available.
static void getSocket(long socketId,
GetSocketCallback callback);
// Retrieves the list of currently opened sockets owned by the application.
// |callback| : Called when the list of sockets is available.
static void getSockets(GetSocketsCallback callback);
// Start discovery. Newly discovered devices will be returned via the
// onDeviceAdded event. Previously discovered devices already known to
// the adapter must be obtained using getDevices and will only be updated
// using the |onDeviceChanged| event if information about them changes.
// Discovery will fail to start if this application has already called
// startDiscovery. Discovery can be resource intensive: stopDiscovery
// should be called as soon as possible.
// |callback| : Called to indicate success or failure.
static void startDiscovery(
optional ResultCallback callback);
// Stop discovery.
// |callback| : Called to indicate success or failure.
static void stopDiscovery(
optional ResultCallback callback);
interface Events {
// Fired when the state of the Bluetooth adapter changes.
// |state| : The new state of the adapter.
static void onAdapterStateChanged(AdapterState state);
// Fired when information about a new Bluetooth device is available.
static void onDeviceAdded(Device device);
// Fired when information about a known Bluetooth device has changed.
static void onDeviceChanged(Device device);
// Fired when a Bluetooth device that was previously discovered has been
// out of range for long enough to be considered unavailable again, and
// when a paired device is removed.
static void onDeviceRemoved(Device device);
// Fired when a connection has been made for a registered profile.
// |socket| : The socket for the connection.
static void onConnection(Socket socket);
// Event raised when data has been received for a given socket.
// |info| : The event data.
static void onReceive(ReceiveInfo info);
// Event raised when a network error occured while the runtime was waiting
// for data on the socket. Once this event is raised, the socket is set to
// <code>paused</code> and no more <code>onReceive</code> events are raised
// for this socket.
// |info| : The event data.
static void onReceiveError(ReceiveErrorInfo info);