blob: 8fb2aab1c665b3c22840180baac085d5bcb0cb16 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/location_bar/ev_bubble_decoration.h"
#import "base/logging.h"
#include "base/strings/sys_string_conversions.h"
#import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/location_bar/location_icon_decoration.h"
#include "grit/theme_resources.h"
#include "ui/gfx/font_list.h"
#include "ui/gfx/text_elider.h"
namespace {
// TODO(shess): In general, decorations that don't fit in the
// available space are omitted. This one never goes to omitted, it
// sticks at 150px, which AFAICT follows the Windows code. Since the
// Layout() code doesn't take this into account, it's possible the
// control could end up with display artifacts, though things still
// work (and don't crash).
// Minimum acceptable width for the ev bubble.
const CGFloat kMinElidedBubbleWidth = 150.0;
// Maximum amount of available space to make the bubble, subject to
// |kMinElidedBubbleWidth|.
const float kMaxBubbleFraction = 0.5;
// The info-bubble point should look like it points to the bottom of the lock
// icon. Determined with
const CGFloat kPageInfoBubblePointYOffset = 6.0;
// TODO(shess): This is ugly, find a better way. Using it right now
// so that I can crib from gtk and still be able to see that I'm using
// the same values easily.
NSColor* ColorWithRGBBytes(int rr, int gg, int bb) {
DCHECK_LE(rr, 255);
DCHECK_LE(bb, 255);
DCHECK_LE(gg, 255);
return [NSColor colorWithCalibratedRed:static_cast<float>(rr)/255.0
} // namespace
EVBubbleDecoration::EVBubbleDecoration(LocationIconDecoration* location_icon)
: location_icon_(location_icon) {
// Color tuples stolen from
SetTextColor(ColorWithRGBBytes(0x07, 0x95, 0x00));
EVBubbleDecoration::~EVBubbleDecoration() {}
void EVBubbleDecoration::SetFullLabel(NSString* label) {
full_label_.reset([label retain]);
NSPoint EVBubbleDecoration::GetBubblePointInFrame(NSRect frame) {
NSRect image_rect = GetImageRectInFrame(frame);
return NSMakePoint(NSMidX(image_rect),
NSMaxY(image_rect) - kPageInfoBubblePointYOffset);
CGFloat EVBubbleDecoration::GetWidthForSpace(CGFloat width) {
// Limit with to not take up too much of the available width, but
// also don't let it shrink too much.
width = std::max(width * kMaxBubbleFraction, kMinElidedBubbleWidth);
// Use the full label if it fits.
NSImage* image = GetImage();
const CGFloat all_width = GetWidthForImageAndLabel(image, full_label_);
if (all_width <= width) {
return all_width;
// Width left for laying out the label.
const CGFloat width_left = width - GetWidthForImageAndLabel(image, @"");
// Middle-elide the label to fit |width_left|. This leaves the
// prefix and the trailing country code in place.
NSString* elided_label = base::SysUTF16ToNSString(
// Use the elided label.
return GetWidthForImageAndLabel(image, elided_label);
// Pass mouse operations through to location icon.
bool EVBubbleDecoration::IsDraggable() {
return location_icon_->IsDraggable();
NSPasteboard* EVBubbleDecoration::GetDragPasteboard() {
return location_icon_->GetDragPasteboard();
NSImage* EVBubbleDecoration::GetDragImage() {
return location_icon_->GetDragImage();
NSRect EVBubbleDecoration::GetDragImageFrame(NSRect frame) {
return GetImageRectInFrame(frame);
bool EVBubbleDecoration::OnMousePressed(NSRect frame, NSPoint location) {
return location_icon_->OnMousePressed(frame, location);
bool EVBubbleDecoration::AcceptsMousePress() {
return true;
ui::NinePartImageIds EVBubbleDecoration::GetBubbleImageIds() {