blob: f86a8f3754ac0d08184bd721400271329bf76202 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h"
class PrefRegistrySimple;
namespace chromeos {
class User;
class SupervisedUserAuthentication;
// Keys in dictionary with supervised password information.
extern const char kSchemaVersion[];
extern const char kPasswordRevision[];
extern const char kSalt[];
extern const char kRequirePasswordUpdate[];
extern const char kHasIncompleteKey[];
extern const int kMinPasswordRevision;
// Values for these keys are not stored in local state.
extern const char kEncryptedPassword[];
extern const char kPasswordSignature[];
extern const char kPasswordEncryptionKey[];
extern const char kPasswordSignatureKey[];
extern const char kPasswordUpdateFile[];
// Base class for SupervisedUserManagerImpl - provides a mechanism for getting
// and setting specific values for supervised users, as well as additional
// lookup methods that make sense only for supervised users.
class SupervisedUserManager {
typedef base::Callback<void(const std::string& /* token */)>
// Registers user manager preferences.
static void RegisterPrefs(PrefRegistrySimple* registry);
SupervisedUserManager() {}
virtual ~SupervisedUserManager() {}
// Checks if given user have supervised users on this device.
virtual bool HasSupervisedUsers(const std::string& manager_id) const = 0;
// Creates supervised user with given |display_name| and |local_user_id|
// and persists that to user list. Also links this user identified by
// |sync_user_id| to manager with a |manager_id|.
// Returns created user, or existing user if there already
// was locally managed user with such display name.
// TODO(antrim): Refactor into a single struct to have only 1 getter.
virtual const User* CreateUserRecord(
const std::string& manager_id,
const std::string& local_user_id,
const std::string& sync_user_id,
const base::string16& display_name) = 0;
// Generates unique user ID for supervised user.
virtual std::string GenerateUserId() = 0;
// Returns the supervised user with the given |display_name| if found in
// the persistent list. Returns |NULL| otherwise.
virtual const User* FindByDisplayName(
const base::string16& display_name) const = 0;
// Returns the supervised user with the given |sync_id| if found in
// the persistent list. Returns |NULL| otherwise.
virtual const User* FindBySyncId(const std::string& sync_id) const = 0;
// Returns sync_user_id for supervised user with |user_id| or empty string if
// such user is not found or it doesn't have user_id defined.
virtual std::string GetUserSyncId(const std::string& user_id) const = 0;
// Returns the display name for manager of user |user_id| if it is known
// (was previously set by a |SaveUserDisplayName| call).
// Otherwise, returns a manager id.
virtual base::string16 GetManagerDisplayName(
const std::string& user_id) const = 0;
// Returns the user id for manager of user |user_id| if it is known (user is
// actually a managed user).
// Otherwise, returns an empty string.
virtual std::string GetManagerUserId(const std::string& user_id) const = 0;
// Returns the display email for manager of user |user_id| if it is known
// (user is actually a managed user).
// Otherwise, returns an empty string.
virtual std::string GetManagerDisplayEmail(const std::string& user_id)
const = 0;
// Create a record about starting supervised user creation transaction.
virtual void StartCreationTransaction(const base::string16& display_name) = 0;
// Add user id to supervised user creation transaction record.
virtual void SetCreationTransactionUserId(const std::string& user_id) = 0;
// Remove locally managed user creation transaction record.
virtual void CommitCreationTransaction() = 0;
// Return object that handles specifics of supervised user authentication.
virtual SupervisedUserAuthentication* GetAuthentication() = 0;
// Fill |result| with public password-specific data for |user_id| from Local
// State.
virtual void GetPasswordInformation(const std::string& user_id,
base::DictionaryValue* result) = 0;
// Stores public password-specific data from |password_info| for |user_id| in
// Local State.
virtual void SetPasswordInformation(
const std::string& user_id,
const base::DictionaryValue* password_info) = 0;
// Loads a sync oauth token in background, and passes it to callback.
virtual void LoadSupervisedUserToken(Profile* profile,
const LoadTokenCallback& callback) = 0;
// Configures sync service with oauth token.
virtual void ConfigureSyncWithToken(Profile* profile,
const std::string& token) = 0;
} // namespace chromeos