blob: 6a00efa2339c2b0f702f36f53494a94d37ddf2ea [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/users/avatar/user_image_loader.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/users/avatar/user_image_manager.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/users/user.h"
#include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile_downloader_delegate.h"
#include "ui/gfx/image/image_skia.h"
class ProfileDownloader;
class UserImage;
namespace base {
class FilePath;
class SequencedTaskRunner;
namespace chromeos {
class UserImageSyncObserver;
class UserManager;
class UserImageManagerImpl
: public UserImageManager,
public ProfileDownloaderDelegate {
// UserImageManager:
UserImageManagerImpl(const std::string& user_id,
UserManager* user_manager);
virtual ~UserImageManagerImpl();
virtual void LoadUserImage() OVERRIDE;
virtual void UserLoggedIn(bool user_is_new, bool user_is_local) OVERRIDE;
virtual void SaveUserDefaultImageIndex(int default_image_index) OVERRIDE;
virtual void SaveUserImage(const UserImage& user_image) OVERRIDE;
virtual void SaveUserImageFromFile(const base::FilePath& path) OVERRIDE;
virtual void SaveUserImageFromProfileImage() OVERRIDE;
virtual void DeleteUserImage() OVERRIDE;
virtual void DownloadProfileImage(const std::string& reason) OVERRIDE;
virtual const gfx::ImageSkia& DownloadedProfileImage() const OVERRIDE;
virtual UserImageSyncObserver* GetSyncObserver() const OVERRIDE;
virtual void Shutdown() OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnExternalDataSet(const std::string& policy) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnExternalDataCleared(const std::string& policy) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnExternalDataFetched(const std::string& policy,
scoped_ptr<std::string> data) OVERRIDE;
static void IgnoreProfileDataDownloadDelayForTesting();
friend class UserImageManagerTest;
// Every image load or update is encapsulated by a Job. Whenever an image load
// or update is requested for a user, the Job currently running for that user
// (if any) is canceled. This ensures that at most one Job is running per user
// at any given time. There are two further guarantees:
// * Changes to User objects and local state are performed on the thread that
// |this| runs on.
// * File writes and deletions are performed via |background_task_runner_|.
// With the above, it is guaranteed that any changes made by a canceled Job
// cannot race against against changes made by the superseding Job.
class Job;
// ProfileDownloaderDelegate:
virtual bool NeedsProfilePicture() const OVERRIDE;
virtual int GetDesiredImageSideLength() const OVERRIDE;
virtual Profile* GetBrowserProfile() OVERRIDE;
virtual std::string GetCachedPictureURL() const OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnProfileDownloadSuccess(ProfileDownloader* downloader) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnProfileDownloadFailure(
ProfileDownloader* downloader,
ProfileDownloaderDelegate::FailureReason reason) OVERRIDE;
// Returns true if the user image for the user is managed by
// policy and the user is not allowed to change it.
bool IsUserImageManaged() const;
// Randomly chooses one of the default images for the specified user, sends a
// LOGIN_USER_IMAGE_CHANGED notification and updates local state.
void SetInitialUserImage();
// Initializes the |downloaded_profile_image_| for the currently logged-in
// user to a profile image that had been downloaded and saved before if such
// a saved image is available and no updated image has been downloaded yet.
void TryToInitDownloadedProfileImage();
// Returns true if the profile image needs to be downloaded. This is the case
// when a GAIA user is logged in and at least one of the following applies:
// * The profile image has explicitly been requested by a call to
// DownloadProfileImage() and has not been successfully downloaded since.
// * The user's user image is the profile image.
bool NeedProfileImage() const;
// Downloads the profile data for the currently logged-in user. The user's
// full name and, if NeedProfileImage() is true, the profile image are
// downloaded. |reason| is an arbitrary string (used to report UMA histograms
// with download times).
void DownloadProfileData(const std::string& reason);
// Removes ther user from the dictionary |prefs_dict_root| in
// local state and deletes the image file that the dictionary
// referenced for that user.
void DeleteUserImageAndLocalStateEntry(const char* prefs_dict_root);
// Called when a Job updates the copy of the user image held in
// memory. Allows |this| to update |downloaded_profile_image_| and
void OnJobChangedUserImage();
// Called when a Job for the user finishes. If a migration was
// required for the user, the migration is now complete and the old
// image file for that user, if any, is deleted.
void OnJobDone();
// Completes migration by removing the user from the old prefs
// dictionary.
void UpdateLocalStateAfterMigration();
// Create a sync observer if a user is logged in, the user's user image is
// allowed to be synced and no sync observer exists yet.
void TryToCreateImageSyncObserver();
// Returns immutable version of user with |user_id_|.
const User* GetUser() const;
// Returns mutable version of user with |user_id_|.
User* GetUserAndModify() const;
// Returns true if user with |user_id_| is logged in and a regular user.
bool IsUserLoggedInAndRegular() const;
// The user manager.
UserManager* user_manager_;
// Loader for JPEG user images.
scoped_refptr<UserImageLoader> image_loader_;
// Unsafe loader instance for all user images formats.
scoped_refptr<UserImageLoader> unsafe_image_loader_;
// Whether the |profile_downloader_| is downloading the profile image for the
// currently logged-in user (and not just the full name). Only valid when a
// download is currently in progress.
bool downloading_profile_image_;
// Download reason given to DownloadProfileImage(), used for UMA histograms.
// Only valid when a download is currently in progress and
// |downloading_profile_image_| is true.
std::string profile_image_download_reason_;
// Time when the profile image download started. Only valid when a download is
// currently in progress and |downloading_profile_image_| is true.
base::TimeTicks profile_image_load_start_time_;
// Downloader for the user's profile data. NULL when no download is
// currently in progress.
scoped_ptr<ProfileDownloader> profile_downloader_;
// The currently logged-in user's downloaded profile image, if successfully
// downloaded or initialized from a previously downloaded and saved image.
gfx::ImageSkia downloaded_profile_image_;
// Data URL corresponding to |downloaded_profile_image_|. Empty if no
// |downloaded_profile_image_| is currently available.
std::string downloaded_profile_image_data_url_;
// URL from which |downloaded_profile_image_| was downloaded. Empty if no
// |downloaded_profile_image_| is currently available.
GURL profile_image_url_;
// Whether a download of the currently logged-in user's profile image has been
// explicitly requested by a call to DownloadProfileImage() and has not been
// satisfied by a successful download yet.
bool profile_image_requested_;
// Timer used to start a profile data download shortly after login and to
// restart the download after network errors.
base::OneShotTimer<UserImageManagerImpl> profile_download_one_shot_timer_;
// Timer used to periodically start a profile data, ensuring the profile data
// stays up to date.
base::RepeatingTimer<UserImageManagerImpl> profile_download_periodic_timer_;
// Sync observer for the currently logged-in user.
scoped_ptr<UserImageSyncObserver> user_image_sync_observer_;
// Background task runner on which Jobs perform file I/O and the image
// decoders run.
scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> background_task_runner_;
// The currently running job.
scoped_ptr<Job> job_;
bool has_managed_image_;
bool user_needs_migration_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<UserImageManagerImpl> weak_factory_;
} // namespace chromeos