blob: eb33be96e6e438fa28808b6a73a717542d76fdd9 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
if (cpu_arch == "arm") {
if (is_posix) {
declare_args() {
# Normally, Android builds are lightly optimized, even for debug builds, to
# keep binary size down. Setting this flag to true disables such optimization
android_full_debug = false
# compiler ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Base compiler configuration.
# See also "runtime_library" below for related stuff and a discusison about
# where stuff should go. Put warning related stuff in the "warnings" config.
config("compiler") {
cflags = []
cflags_c = []
cflags_cc = []
ldflags = []
defines = []
include_dirs = []
include_dirs += [ "//", root_gen_dir ]
# In general, Windows is totally different, but all the other builds share
# some common GCC configuration. This section sets up Windows and the common
# GCC flags, and then we handle the other non-Windows platforms specifically
# below.
if (is_win) {
# Windows compiler flags setup.
# -----------------------------
cflags += [
"/Gy", # Enable function-level linking.
"/GS", # Enable buffer security checking.
"/EHsc", # Assume C functions can't throw exceptions and don't catch
# structured exceptions (only C++ ones).
"/FS", # Preserve previous PDB behavior.
} else {
# Common GCC compiler flags setup.
# --------------------------------
cflags += [
"-fno-strict-aliasing", # See
cflags_cc += [
# Not exporting C++ inline functions can generally be applied anywhere
# so we do so here. Normal function visibility is controlled by
# //build/config/gcc:symbol_visibility_hidden.
# Stack protection.
if (is_mac) {
cflags += [ "-fstack-protector-all" ]
} else if (is_linux) {
cflags += [ "-fstack-protector", "--param=ssp-buffer-size=4" ]
# Linker warnings.
if (!(is_chromeos && cpu_arch == "arm") && !is_mac) {
# TODO(jochen): Enable this on chromeos on arm.
ldflags += [ "-Wl,--fatal-warnings" ]
# Mac-specific compiler flags setup.
# ----------------------------------
if (is_mac || is_ios) {
# These flags are shared between the C compiler and linker.
common_mac_flags = []
# CPU architecture.
if (cpu_arch == "x64") {
common_mac_flags += [ "-arch x86_64" ]
} else if (cpu_arch == "x86") {
common_mac_flags += [ "-arch i386" ]
cflags += common_mac_flags
# Without this, the constructors and destructors of a C++ object inside
# an Objective C struct won't be called, which is very bad.
cflags_objcc = [ "-fobjc-call-cxx-cdtors", ]
cflags_c += [ "-std=c99" ]
cflags_cc += [ "-std=gnu++11" ]
ldflags += common_mac_flags
} else if (is_posix) {
# Non-Mac Posix compiler flags setup.
# -----------------------------------
# CPU architecture. We may or may not be doing a cross compile now, so for
# simplicity we always explicitly set the architecture.
if (cpu_arch == "x64") {
cflags += [ "-m64" ]
ldflags += [ "-m64" ]
} else if (cpu_arch == "x86") {
cflags += [ "-m32" ]
ldflags += [ "-m32" ]
} else if (cpu_arch == "arm") {
# Don't set the compiler flags for the WebView build. These will come
# from the Android build system.
if (!is_android_webview_build) {
cflags += [
if (arm_tune != "") {
cflags += [ "-mtune=$arm_tune" ]
if (arm_use_thumb) {
cflags += [ "-mthumb" ]
if (is_android && !is_clang) { # Clang doesn't support this option.
cflags += [ "-mthumb-interwork" ]
defines += [ "_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64" ]
# Omit unwind support in official builds to save space. We can use breakpad
# for these builds.
if (is_chrome_branded && is_official_build) {
cflags += [
} else {
cflags += [ "-funwind-tables" ]
# Linux/Android common flags setup.
# ---------------------------------
if (is_linux || is_android) {
cflags += [
"-pipe", # Use pipes for communicating between sub-processes. Faster.
ldflags += [
# Linux-specific compiler flags setup.
# ------------------------------------
if (is_linux) {
cflags += [ "-pthread" ]
if (cpu_arch == "x64") {
# Use gold for linking on 64-bit Linux only (on 32-bit it runs out of
# address space, and it doesn't support cross-compiling).
gold_path = rebase_path("//third_party/binutils/Linux_x64/Release/bin",
ldflags += [
# There seems to be a conflict of --icf and -pie in gold which can
# generate crashy binaries. As a security measure, -pie takes
# precedence for now.
# TODO(brettw) common.gypi has this only for target toolset.
# Experimentation found that using four linking threads
# saved ~20% of link time.
# Only apply this to the target linker, since the host
# linker might not be gold, but isn't used much anyway.
# TODO(raymes): Disable threading because gold is frequently
# crashing on the bots:
ldflags += [
# Clang-specific compiler flags setup.
# ------------------------------------
if (is_clang) {
cflags += [
cflags_cc += [
# Android-specific flags setup.
# -----------------------------
if (is_android) {
cflags += [
if (!is_clang) {
# Clang doesn't support these flags.
cflags += [
# The following 6 options are disabled to save on
# binary size in gcc 4.8.
# TODO(fdegans) Reevaluate when we upgrade GCC.
if (is_android_webview_build) {
# Android predefines this as 1; undefine it here so Chromium can redefine
# it later to be 2 for chromium code and unset for third party code. This
# works because cflags are added before defines.
# TODO(brettw) the above comment seems incorrect. We specify defines
# before cflags on our compiler command lines.
cflags += [ "-U_FORTIFY_SOURCE" ]
if (is_asan) {
# Android build relies on -Wl,--gc-sections removing unreachable code.
# ASan instrumentation for globals inhibits this and results in a library
# with unresolvable relocations.
# TODO(eugenis): find a way to reenable this.
cflags += [ "-mllvm -asan-globals=0" ]
defines += [ "ANDROID" ]
if (!is_android_webview_build) {
# The NDK has these things, but doesn't define the constants
# to say that it does. Define them here instead.
defines += [ "HAVE_SYS_UIO_H" ]
# Use gold for Android for most CPU architectures.
if (cpu_arch == "x86" || cpu_arch == "x64" || cpu_arch == "arm") {
if (is_clang) {
# Clang does not support -fuse-ld to invoke the built-in gold linker,
# so use the -B option which requires us to specify the path.
ldflags += [
"-B" + rebase_path("//build/android/arm-linux-androideabi-gold",
} else {
ldflags += [ "-fuse-ld=gold" ]
ldflags += [
# Don't export symbols from statically linked libraries.
if (cpu_arch == "arm") {
ldflags += [
# Enable identical code folding to reduce size.
if (is_clang) {
if (cpu_arch == "arm") {
cflags += [
"-target arm-linux-androideabi",
ldflags += [ "-target arm-linux-androideabi" ]
} else if (cpu_arch == "x86") {
cflags += [ "-target x86-linux-androideabi" ]
ldflags += [ "-target x86-linux-androideabi" ]
# runtime_library -------------------------------------------------------------
# Sets the runtime library and associated options.
# How do you determine what should go in here vs. "compiler" above? Consider if
# a target might choose to use a different runtime library (ignore for a moment
# if this is possible or reasonable on your system). If such a target would want
# to change or remove your option, put it in the runtime_library config. If a
# target wants the option regardless, put it in the compiler config.
config("runtime_library") {
cflags = []
defines = []
ldflags = []
lib_dirs = []
libs = []
if (is_component_build) {
# Component mode: dynamic CRT.
defines += [ "COMPONENT_BUILD" ]
if (is_win) {
# Since the library is shared, it requires exceptions or will give errors
# about things not matching, so keep exceptions on.
if (is_debug) {
cflags += [ "/MDd" ]
} else {
cflags += [ "/MD" ]
} else {
# Static CRT.
if (is_win) {
# We don't use exceptions, and when we link statically we can just get
# rid of them entirely.
defines += [ "_HAS_EXCEPTIONS=0" ]
if (is_debug) {
cflags += [ "/MTd" ]
} else {
cflags += [ "/MT" ]
if (is_win) {
defines += [
# Stlport setup. Android uses a different (smaller) version of the STL.
if (is_android) {
if (is_clang) {
# Work around incompatibilities between bionic and clang headers.
defines += [
defines += [
"__GNU_SOURCE=1", # Necessary for clone().
ldflags += [
# NOTE: The stlport header include paths below are specified in cflags
# rather than include_dirs because they need to come after include_dirs.
# Think of them like system headers, but don't use '-isystem' because the
# arm-linux-androideabi-4.4.3 toolchain (circa Gingerbread) will exhibit
# strange errors. The include ordering here is important; change with
# caution.
if (use_system_stlport) {
cflags += [
# For libstdc++/include, which is used by stlport.
"-I" + rebase_path("$android_src/bionic", root_build_dir),
"-I" + rebase_path("$android_src/external/stlport/stlport",
libs += [
} else {
android_stlport_root = "$android_ndk_root/sources/cxx-stl/stlport"
cflags += [
"-I" + rebase_path("$android_stlport_root/stlport", root_build_dir)
lib_dirs += [ "$android_stlport_root/libs/$android_app_abi" ]
if (component_mode == "shared_library") {
libs += [ "stlport_shared" ]
} else {
libs += [ "stlport_static" ]
libs += [
# Manually link the libgcc.a that the cross compiler uses. This is
# absolute because the linker will look inside the sysroot if it's not.
# chromium_code ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Toggles between higher and lower warnings for code that is (or isn't)
# part of Chromium.
config("chromium_code") {
if (is_win) {
cflags = [
"/W4", # Warning level 4.
"/WX", # Treat warnings as errors.
} else {
cflags = [
# GCC turns on -Wsign-compare for C++ under -Wall, but clang doesn't,
# so we specify it explicitly.
# TODO(fischman): remove this if obsoletes it.
# In Chromium code, we define __STDC_foo_MACROS in order to get the
# C99 macros on Mac and Linux.
defines = [
# TODO(brettw) this should also be enabled on Linux but some files
# currently fail.
if (is_mac) {
cflags += [ "-Wextra" ]
config("no_chromium_code") {
cflags = []
cflags_cc = []
defines = []
if (is_win) {
cflags += [
"/W3", # Warning level 3.
"/wd4800", # Disable warning when forcing value to bool.
defines += [
if (is_linux) {
# Don't warn about ignoring the return value from e.g. close(). This is
# off by default in some gccs but on by default in others. BSD systems do
# not support this option, since they are usually using gcc 4.2.1, which
# does not have this flag yet.
cflags += [ "-Wno-unused-result" ]
if (is_linux || is_android) {
cflags += [
# Don't warn about printf format problems. This is off by default in gcc
# but on in Ubuntu's gcc(!).
cflags_cc += [
# Don't warn about hash_map in third-party code.
if (is_android_webview_build) {
# There is a class of warning which:
# 1) Android always enables and also treats as errors
# 2) Chromium ignores in third party code
# So we re-enable those warnings when building Android.
cflags += [
cflags_cc += [ "-Wno-non-virtual-dtor" ]
# rtti ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Allows turning Run-Time Type Identification on or off.
config("rtti") {
if (is_win) {
cflags_cc = [ "/GR" ]
config("no_rtti") {
if (is_win) {
cflags_cc = [ "/GR-" ]
} else {
cflags_cc = [ "-fno-rtti" ]
# Warnings ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# This is where we disable various warnings that we've decided aren't
# worthwhile, and enable special warnings.
config("default_warnings") {
if (is_win) {
# Please keep ordered and add names if you add more.
cflags = [
"/wd4018", # Comparing signed and unsigned values.
"/wd4100", # Unreferenced formal function parameter.
"/wd4121", # Alignment of a member was sensitive to packing.
"/wd4125", # Decimal digit terminates octal escape sequence.
"/wd4127", # Conditional expression is constant.
"/wd4130", # Logical operation on address of string constant.
"/wd4189", # A variable was declared and initialized but never used.
"/wd4201", # Nonstandard extension used: nameless struct/union.
"/wd4238", # Nonstandard extension used: class rvalue used as lvalue.
"/wd4244", # Conversion: possible loss of data.
"/wd4245", # Conversion: signed/unsigned mismatch,
"/wd4251", # Class needs to have dll-interface.
"/wd4310", # Cast truncates constant value.
"/wd4351", # Elements of array will be default initialized.
"/wd4355", # 'this' used in base member initializer list.
"/wd4396", # Inline friend template thing.
"/wd4428", # Universal character name encountered in source.
"/wd4481", # Nonstandard extension: override specifier.
"/wd4503", # Decorated name length exceeded, name was truncated.
"/wd4505", # Unreferenced local function has been removed.
"/wd4510", # Default constructor could not be generated.
"/wd4512", # Assignment operator could not be generated.
"/wd4530", # Exception handler used, but unwind semantics not enabled.
"/wd4610", # Class can never be instantiated, constructor required.
"/wd4611", # C++ object destruction and 'catch'.
"/wd4701", # Potentially uninitialized local variable name used.
"/wd4702", # Unreachable code.
"/wd4706", # Assignment within conditional expression.
"/wd4819", # Character not in the current code page.
} else {
# Common GCC warning setup.
cflags = [
# Enables.
"-Wendif-labels", # Weird old-style text after an #endif.
# Disables.
"-Wno-missing-field-initializers", # "struct foo f = {0};"
"-Wno-unused-parameter", # Unused function parameters.
if (is_mac) {
cflags += [
if (is_clang) {
cflags += [
# This warns on using ints as initializers for floats in
# initializer lists (e.g. |int a = f(); CGSize s = { a, a };|),
# which happens in several places in chrome code. Not sure if
# this is worth fixing.
# Don't die on dtoa code that uses a char as an array index.
# This is required solely for base/third_party/dmg_fp/
# TODO(brettw) move this to that project then!
# Warns on switches on enums that cover all enum values but
# also contain a default: branch. Chrome is full of that.
# Clang considers the `register` keyword as deprecated, but e.g.
# code generated by flex (used in angle) contains that keyword.
# Clang spots more unused functions.
# Suppress warnings about ABI changes on ARM (Clang doesn't give this
# warning).
if (cpu_arch == "arm" && !is_clang) {
cflags += [ "-Wno-psabi" ]
if (is_android) {
# Disable any additional warnings enabled by the Android build system but
# which chromium does not build cleanly with (when treating warning as
# errors).
cflags += [
cflags_cc = [
# Disabling c++0x-compat should be handled in WebKit, but
# this currently doesn't work because gcc_version is not set
# correctly when building with the Android build system.
# TODO(torne): Fix this in WebKit.
# Other things unrelated to -Wextra:
if (gcc_version >= 48) {
# Don't warn about the "typedef 'foo' locally defined but not used"
# for gcc 4.8.
# TODO: remove this flag once all builds work. See
cflags += [
# This will generate warnings when using Clang if code generates exit-time
# destructors, which will slow down closing the program.
# TODO(thakis): Make this a blacklist instead,
config("wexit_time_destructors") {
if (is_clang) {
cflags = [ "-Wexit-time-destructors" ]
# Optimization -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Note that sets up a variable "default_optimization_config"
# which it will assign to the config it implicitly applies to every target. If
# you want to override the optimization level for your target, remove this
# config (which will expand differently for debug or release builds), and then
# add back the one you want to override it with:
# configs -= default_optimization_config
# configs += [ "//build/config/compiler/optimize_max" ]
# Shared settings for both "optimize" and "optimize_max" configs.
if (is_win) {
common_optimize_on_cflags = [
"/Ob2", # both explicit and auto inlining.
"/Oy-", # disable omitting frame pointers, must be after /o2.
"/Os", # favor size over speed.
common_optimize_on_ldflags = []
} else {
common_optimize_on_cflags = [
# Don't emit the GCC version ident directives, they just end up in the
# .comment section taking up binary size.
# Put data and code in their own sections, so that unused symbols
# can be removed at link time with --gc-sections.
common_optimize_on_ldflags = []
if (is_android) {
common_optimize_on_cflags += [
common_optimize_on_ldflags += [
# Warn in case of text relocations.
if (is_mac) {
if (symbol_level == 2) {
# Mac dead code stripping requires symbols.
common_optimize_on_ldflags += [
} else {
# Non-Mac Posix linker flags.
common_optimize_on_ldflags += [
# Specifically tell the linker to perform optimizations.
# See .
# Default "optimization on" config. On Windows, this favors size over speed.
config("optimize") {
cflags = common_optimize_on_cflags
ldflags = common_optimize_on_ldflags
if (is_win) {
cflags += [
"/Os", # favor size over speed.
} else if (is_android || is_ios) {
cflags += [
"-Os", # Favor size over speed.
} else {
cflags += [
# Turn off optimizations.
config("no_optimize") {
if (is_win) {
cflags = [
"/Od", # Disable optimization.
"/Ob0", # Disable all inlining (on by default).
"/RTC1", # Runtime checks for stack frame and uninitialized variables.
} else if (is_android && !android_full_debug) {
# On Android we kind of optimize some things that don't affect debugging
# much even when optimization is disabled to get the binary size down.
cflags = [
ldflags = common_optimize_on_ldflags
} else {
cflags = [ "-O0" ]
# On Windows, turns up the optimization level. This implies whole program
# optimization and link-time code generation which is very expensive and should
# be used sparingly. For non-Windows, this is the same as "optimize".
config("optimize_max") {
cflags = common_optimize_on_cflags
ldflags = common_optimize_on_ldflags
if (is_win) {
cflags += [
"/Ot", # Favor speed over size.
"/GL", # Whole program optimization.
} else {
cflags += [
# Symbols ----------------------------------------------------------------------
config("symbols") {
if (is_win) {
cflags = [ "/Zi" ] # Produce PDB file, no edit and continue.
ldflags = [ "/DEBUG" ]
} else {
cflags = [ "-g2" ]
config("minimal_symbols") {
if (is_win) {
# Linker symbols for backtraces only.
ldflags = [ "/DEBUG" ]
} else {
cflags = [ "-g1" ]
config("no_symbols") {
if (!is_win) {
cflags = [ "-g0" ]