blob: 0b42e240af2e68cfd72cf5988083503f90a3a410 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/wm/maximize_mode/maximize_mode_controller.h"
#include "ash/accelerators/accelerator_controller.h"
#include "ash/accelerators/accelerator_table.h"
#include "ash/accelerometer/accelerometer_controller.h"
#include "ash/ash_switches.h"
#include "ash/display/display_manager.h"
#include "ash/shell.h"
#include "ash/wm/maximize_mode/maximize_mode_event_blocker.h"
#include "base/auto_reset.h"
#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "ui/base/accelerators/accelerator.h"
#include "ui/events/event.h"
#include "ui/events/event_handler.h"
#include "ui/events/keycodes/keyboard_codes.h"
#include "ui/gfx/vector3d_f.h"
namespace ash {
namespace {
// The hinge angle at which to enter maximize mode.
const float kEnterMaximizeModeAngle = 200.0f;
// The angle at which to exit maximize mode, this is specifically less than the
// angle to enter maximize mode to prevent rapid toggling when near the angle.
const float kExitMaximizeModeAngle = 160.0f;
// When the lid is fully open 360 degrees, the accelerometer readings can
// occasionally appear as though the lid is almost closed. If the lid appears
// near closed but the device is on we assume it is an erroneous reading from
// it being open 360 degrees.
const float kFullyOpenAngleErrorTolerance = 20.0f;
// When the device approaches vertical orientation (i.e. portrait orientation)
// the accelerometers for the base and lid approach the same values (i.e.
// gravity pointing in the direction of the hinge). When this happens we cannot
// compute the hinge angle reliably and must turn ignore accelerometer readings.
// This is the minimum acceleration perpendicular to the hinge under which to
// detect hinge angle.
const float kHingeAngleDetectionThreshold = 0.25f;
// The maximum deviation from the acceleration expected due to gravity under
// which to detect hinge angle and screen rotation.
const float kDeviationFromGravityThreshold = 0.1f;
// The maximum deviation between the magnitude of the two accelerometers under
// which to detect hinge angle and screen rotation. These accelerometers are
// attached to the same physical device and so should be under the same
// acceleration.
const float kNoisyMagnitudeDeviation = 0.1f;
// The angle which the screen has to be rotated past before the display will
// rotate to match it (i.e. 45.0f is no stickiness).
const float kDisplayRotationStickyAngleDegrees = 60.0f;
// The minimum acceleration in a direction required to trigger screen rotation.
// This prevents rapid toggling of rotation when the device is near flat and
// there is very little screen aligned force on it. The value is effectively the
// sine of the rise angle required, with the current value requiring at least a
// 25 degree rise.
const float kMinimumAccelerationScreenRotation = 0.42f;
const float kRadiansToDegrees = 180.0f / 3.14159265f;
// Returns the angle between |base| and |other| in degrees.
float AngleBetweenVectorsInDegrees(const gfx::Vector3dF& base,
const gfx::Vector3dF& other) {
return acos(gfx::DotProduct(base, other) /
base.Length() / other.Length()) * kRadiansToDegrees;
// Returns the clockwise angle between |base| and |other| where |normal| is the
// normal of the virtual surface to measure clockwise according to.
float ClockwiseAngleBetweenVectorsInDegrees(const gfx::Vector3dF& base,
const gfx::Vector3dF& other,
const gfx::Vector3dF& normal) {
float angle = AngleBetweenVectorsInDegrees(base, other);
gfx::Vector3dF cross(base);
// If the dot product of this cross product is normal, it means that the
// shortest angle between |base| and |other| was counterclockwise with respect
// to the surface represented by |normal| and this angle must be reversed.
if (gfx::DotProduct(cross, normal) > 0.0f)
angle = 360.0f - angle;
return angle;
#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
// An event handler which listens for a volume down + power keypress and
// triggers a screenshot when this is seen.
class ScreenshotActionHandler : public ui::EventHandler {
virtual ~ScreenshotActionHandler();
// ui::EventHandler:
virtual void OnKeyEvent(ui::KeyEvent* event) OVERRIDE;
bool volume_down_pressed_;
: volume_down_pressed_(false) {
ScreenshotActionHandler::~ScreenshotActionHandler() {
void ScreenshotActionHandler::OnKeyEvent(ui::KeyEvent* event) {
if (event->key_code() == ui::VKEY_VOLUME_DOWN) {
volume_down_pressed_ = event->type() == ui::ET_KEY_PRESSED ||
event->type() == ui::ET_TRANSLATED_KEY_PRESS;
} else if (volume_down_pressed_ &&
event->key_code() == ui::VKEY_POWER &&
event->type() == ui::ET_KEY_PRESSED) {
ash::TAKE_SCREENSHOT, ui::Accelerator());
#endif // OS_CHROMEOS
} // namespace
: rotation_locked_(false),
user_rotation_(gfx::Display::ROTATE_0) {
MaximizeModeController::~MaximizeModeController() {
bool MaximizeModeController::CanEnterMaximizeMode() {
// If we have ever seen accelerometer data, then HandleHingeRotation may
// trigger maximize mode at some point in the future.
// The --enable-touch-view-testing switch can also mean that we may enter
// maximize mode.
return have_seen_accelerometer_data_ ||
void MaximizeModeController::OnAccelerometerUpdated(
const gfx::Vector3dF& base,
const gfx::Vector3dF& lid) {
have_seen_accelerometer_data_ = true;
// Ignore the reading if it appears unstable. The reading is considered
// unstable if it deviates too much from gravity and/or the magnitude of the
// reading from the lid differs too much from the reading from the base.
float base_magnitude = base.Length();
float lid_magnitude = lid.Length();
if (std::abs(base_magnitude - lid_magnitude) > kNoisyMagnitudeDeviation ||
std::abs(base_magnitude - 1.0f) > kDeviationFromGravityThreshold ||
std::abs(lid_magnitude - 1.0f) > kDeviationFromGravityThreshold) {
// Responding to the hinge rotation can change the maximize mode state which
// affects screen rotation, so we handle hinge rotation first.
HandleHingeRotation(base, lid);
void MaximizeModeController::HandleHingeRotation(const gfx::Vector3dF& base,
const gfx::Vector3dF& lid) {
static const gfx::Vector3dF hinge_vector(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
bool maximize_mode_engaged =
// Ignore the component of acceleration parallel to the hinge for the purposes
// of hinge angle calculation.
gfx::Vector3dF base_flattened(base);
gfx::Vector3dF lid_flattened(lid);
// As the hinge approaches a vertical angle, the base and lid accelerometers
// approach the same values making any angle calculations highly inaccurate.
// Bail out early when it is too close.
if (base_flattened.Length() < kHingeAngleDetectionThreshold ||
lid_flattened.Length() < kHingeAngleDetectionThreshold) {
// Compute the angle between the base and the lid.
float angle = ClockwiseAngleBetweenVectorsInDegrees(base_flattened,
lid_flattened, hinge_vector);
// Toggle maximize mode on or off when corresponding thresholds are passed.
// TODO(flackr): Make MaximizeModeController own the MaximizeModeWindowManager
// such that observations of state changes occur after the change and shell
// has fewer states to track.
if (maximize_mode_engaged &&
angle > kFullyOpenAngleErrorTolerance &&
angle < kExitMaximizeModeAngle) {
} else if (!maximize_mode_engaged &&
angle > kEnterMaximizeModeAngle) {
void MaximizeModeController::HandleScreenRotation(const gfx::Vector3dF& lid) {
bool maximize_mode_engaged =
if (!maximize_mode_engaged || rotation_locked_)
DisplayManager* display_manager =
gfx::Display::Rotation current_rotation = display_manager->GetDisplayInfo(
// After determining maximize mode state, determine if the screen should
// be rotated.
gfx::Vector3dF lid_flattened(lid.x(), lid.y(), 0.0f);
float lid_flattened_length = lid_flattened.Length();
// When the lid is close to being flat, don't change rotation as it is too
// sensitive to slight movements.
if (lid_flattened_length < kMinimumAccelerationScreenRotation)
// The reference vector is the angle of gravity when the device is rotated
// clockwise by 45 degrees. Computing the angle between this vector and
// gravity we can easily determine the expected display rotation.
static gfx::Vector3dF rotation_reference(-1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
// Set the down vector to match the expected direction of gravity given the
// last configured rotation. This is used to enforce a stickiness that the
// user must overcome to rotate the display and prevents frequent rotations
// when holding the device near 45 degrees.
gfx::Vector3dF down(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
if (current_rotation == gfx::Display::ROTATE_0)
else if (current_rotation == gfx::Display::ROTATE_90)
else if (current_rotation == gfx::Display::ROTATE_180)
// Don't rotate if the screen has not passed the threshold.
if (AngleBetweenVectorsInDegrees(down, lid_flattened) <
kDisplayRotationStickyAngleDegrees) {
float angle = ClockwiseAngleBetweenVectorsInDegrees(rotation_reference,
lid_flattened, gfx::Vector3dF(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f));
gfx::Display::Rotation new_rotation = gfx::Display::ROTATE_90;
if (angle < 90.0f)
new_rotation = gfx::Display::ROTATE_0;
else if (angle < 180.0f)
new_rotation = gfx::Display::ROTATE_270;
else if (angle < 270.0f)
new_rotation = gfx::Display::ROTATE_180;
if (new_rotation != current_rotation)
SetDisplayRotation(display_manager, new_rotation);
void MaximizeModeController::SetDisplayRotation(
DisplayManager* display_manager,
gfx::Display::Rotation rotation) {
base::AutoReset<bool> auto_in_set_screen_rotation(
&in_set_screen_rotation_, true);
void MaximizeModeController::EnterMaximizeMode() {
// TODO(jonross): Listen for display configuration changes. If the user
// causes a rotation change a rotation lock should be applied.
DisplayManager* display_manager = Shell::GetInstance()->display_manager();
user_rotation_ = display_manager->
event_blocker_.reset(new MaximizeModeEventBlocker);
#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
event_handler_.reset(new ScreenshotActionHandler);
void MaximizeModeController::LeaveMaximizeMode() {
DisplayManager* display_manager = Shell::GetInstance()->display_manager();
DisplayInfo info = display_manager->
gfx::Display::Rotation current_rotation = info.rotation();
if (current_rotation != user_rotation_)
SetDisplayRotation(display_manager, user_rotation_);
rotation_locked_ = false;
} // namespace ash