blob: ce7b05b9e5415bcfba1ea99fcfca93b90a08b461 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "chrome/browser/policy/policy_service.h"
namespace policy {
class PolicyBundle;
class PolicyDomainDescriptor;
// Base implementation for platform-specific policy loaders. Together with the
// AsyncPolicyProvider, this base implementation takes care of the initial load,
// periodic reloads, watching file changes, refreshing policies and object
// lifetime.
// All methods are invoked on the FILE thread, including the destructor.
// The only exceptions are the constructor (which may be called on any thread),
// and the initial Load() which is called on the thread that owns the provider.
// LastModificationTime() is also invoked once on that thread at startup.
class AsyncPolicyLoader {
virtual ~AsyncPolicyLoader();
// Returns the currently configured policies. Load() is always invoked on
// the FILE thread, except for the initial Load() at startup which is invoked
// from the thread that owns the provider.
virtual scoped_ptr<PolicyBundle> Load() = 0;
// Allows implementations to finalize their initialization on the FILE
// thread (e.g. setup file watchers).
virtual void InitOnFile() = 0;
// Implementations should return the time of the last modification detected,
// or base::Time() if it doesn't apply, which is the default.
virtual base::Time LastModificationTime();
// Implementations should invoke Reload() when a change is detected. This
// must be invoked from the FILE thread and will trigger a Load(), and pass
// the returned bundle to the provider.
// The load is immediate when |force| is true. Otherwise, the loader
// reschedules the reload until the LastModificationTime() is a couple of
// seconds in the past. This mitigates the problem of reading files that are
// currently being written to, and whose contents are incomplete.
// A reload is posted periodically, if it hasn't been triggered recently. This
// makes sure the policies are reloaded if the update events aren't triggered.
void Reload(bool force);
// Passes the current |descriptor| for a domain, which is used to determine
// which policy names are supported for each component.
void RegisterPolicyDomain(
scoped_refptr<const PolicyDomainDescriptor> descriptor);
typedef std::map<PolicyDomain, scoped_refptr<const PolicyDomainDescriptor> >
// Returns the current DescriptorMap. This can be used by implementations to
// determine the components registered for each domain, and to filter out
// unknonwn policies.
const DescriptorMap& descriptor_map() const { return descriptor_map_; }
// Allow AsyncPolicyProvider to call Init().
friend class AsyncPolicyProvider;
typedef base::Callback<void(scoped_ptr<PolicyBundle>)> UpdateCallback;
// Used by the AsyncPolicyProvider to do the initial Load(). The first load
// is also used to initialize |last_modification_time_|.
scoped_ptr<PolicyBundle> InitialLoad();
// Used by the AsyncPolicyProvider to install the |update_callback_|.
// Invoked on the FILE thread.
void Init(const UpdateCallback& update_callback);
// Cancels any pending periodic reload and posts one |delay| time units from
// now.
void ScheduleNextReload(base::TimeDelta delay);
// Checks if the underlying files haven't changed recently, by checking the
// LastModificationTime(). |delay| is updated with a suggested time to wait
// before retrying when this returns false.
bool IsSafeToReload(const base::Time& now, base::TimeDelta* delay);
// Callback for updates, passed in Init().
UpdateCallback update_callback_;
// Used to get WeakPtrs for the periodic reload task.
base::WeakPtrFactory<AsyncPolicyLoader> weak_factory_;
// Records last known modification timestamp.
base::Time last_modification_time_;
// The wall clock time at which the last modification timestamp was
// recorded. It's better to not assume the file notification time and the
// wall clock times come from the same source, just in case there is some
// non-local filesystem involved.
base::Time last_modification_clock_;
// A map of the currently registered domains and their descriptors.
DescriptorMap descriptor_map_;
} // namespace policy