blob: 15bab87ec0ee5202f1fa430848907cf138754196 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "chromeos/dbus/ibus/ibus_lookup_table.h"
#include "ui/views/view.h"
namespace gfx {
class Font;
namespace chromeos {
class IBusLookupTable;
namespace input_method {
class CandidateView;
class HidableArea;
class InformationTextArea;
// CandidateWindowView is the main container of the candidate window UI.
class CandidateWindowView : public views::View {
// The object can be monitored by the observer.
class Observer {
virtual ~Observer() {}
// The function is called when a candidate is committed.
// See comments at NotifyCandidateClicked() in chromeos_input_method_ui.h
// for details about the parameters.
virtual void OnCandidateCommitted(int index, int button, int flag) = 0;
virtual void OnCandidateWindowOpened() = 0;
virtual void OnCandidateWindowClosed() = 0;
explicit CandidateWindowView(views::Widget* parent_frame);
virtual ~CandidateWindowView();
void Init();
// Adds the given observer. The ownership is not transferred.
void AddObserver(Observer* observer) {
// Removes the given observer.
void RemoveObserver(Observer* observer) {
// Selects the candidate specified by the index in the current page
// (zero-origin). Changes the appearance of the selected candidate,
// updates the information in the candidate window as needed.
void SelectCandidateAt(int index_in_page);
// The function is called when a candidate is being dragged. From the
// given point, locates the candidate under the mouse cursor, and
// selects it.
void OnCandidatePressed(const gfx::Point& point);
// Commits the candidate currently being selected.
void CommitCandidate();
// Hides the lookup table.
void HideLookupTable();
// Hides the auxiliary text.
void HideAuxiliaryText();
// Hides the preedit text.
void HidePreeditText();
// Hides whole the candidate window.
void HideAll();
// Shows the lookup table.
void ShowLookupTable();
// Shows the auxiliary text.
void ShowAuxiliaryText();
// Shows the preedit text.
void ShowPreeditText();
// Updates the auxiliary text.
void UpdateAuxiliaryText(const std::string& utf8_text);
// Updates the preedit text.
void UpdatePreeditText(const std::string& utf8_text);
// Returns true if we should update candidate views in the window. For
// instance, if we are going to show the same candidates as before, we
// don't have to update candidate views. This happens when the user just
// moves the cursor in the same page in the candidate window.
static bool ShouldUpdateCandidateViews(
const IBusLookupTable& old_table,
const IBusLookupTable& new_table);
// Updates candidates of the candidate window from |lookup_table|.
// Candidates are arranged per |orientation|.
void UpdateCandidates(const IBusLookupTable& lookup_table);
// Resizes and moves the parent frame. The two actions should be
// performed consecutively as resizing may require the candidate window
// to move. For instance, we may need to move the candidate window from
// below the cursor to above the cursor, if the candidate window becomes
// too big to be shown near the bottom of the screen. This function
// needs to be called when the visible contents of the candidate window
// are modified.
void ResizeAndMoveParentFrame();
// Returns the horizontal offset used for placing the vertical candidate
// window so that the first candidate is aligned with the the text being
// converted like:
// XXX <- The user is converting XXX
// +-----+
// |1 XXX|
// |2 YYY|
// |3 ZZZ|
// Returns 0 if no candidate is present.
int GetHorizontalOffset();
void set_cursor_location(const gfx::Rect& cursor_location) {
cursor_location_ = cursor_location;
void set_composition_head_location(
const gfx::Rect& composition_head_location) {
composition_head_location_ = composition_head_location;
const gfx::Rect& cursor_location() const { return cursor_location_; }
const gfx::Rect& composition_head_location() const {
return composition_head_location_;
// Override View::VisibilityChanged()
virtual void VisibilityChanged(View* starting_from, bool is_visible) OVERRIDE;
// Override View::OnBoundsChanged()
virtual void OnBoundsChanged(const gfx::Rect& previous_bounds) OVERRIDE;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(CandidateWindowViewTest, ShortcutSettingTest);
// Initializes the candidate views if needed.
void MaybeInitializeCandidateViews(const IBusLookupTable& lookup_table);
// Returns the appropriate area (header or footer) to put auxiliary texts.
InformationTextArea* GetAuxiliaryTextArea();
// Returns true if the candidate window is open. The suggestion window does
// not count as the candidate window.
bool IsCandidateWindowOpen() const;
// Notifies observers if the candidate window's opened/closed state has
// changed from the previous call to this function.
void NotifyIfCandidateWindowOpenedOrClosed();
// The lookup table (candidates).
IBusLookupTable lookup_table_;
// The index in the current page of the candidate currently being selected.
int selected_candidate_index_in_page_;
// The observers of the object.
ObserverList<Observer> observers_;
// The parent frame.
views::Widget* parent_frame_;
// Views created in the class will be part of tree of |this|, so these
// child views will be deleted when |this| is deleted.
// The preedit area is where the preedit text is shown, if it is needed
// in cases such as the focus is on a plugin that doesn't support in-line
// preedit drawing.
InformationTextArea* preedit_area_;
// The header area is where the auxiliary text is shown, if the
// orientation is horizontal. If the auxiliary text is not provided, we
// show nothing. For instance, we show pinyin text like "zhong'guo".
InformationTextArea* header_area_;
// The candidate area is where candidates are rendered.
HidableArea* candidate_area_;
// The candidate views are used for rendering candidates.
std::vector<CandidateView*> candidate_views_;
// The footer area is where the auxiliary text is shown, if the
// orientation is vertical. Usually the auxiliary text is used for
// showing candidate number information like 2/19.
InformationTextArea* footer_area_;
// Current columns size in |candidate_area_|.
gfx::Size previous_shortcut_column_size_;
gfx::Size previous_candidate_column_size_;
gfx::Size previous_annotation_column_size_;
// The last cursor location.
gfx::Rect cursor_location_;
// The last compostion head location.
gfx::Rect composition_head_location_;
// True if the candidate window should be shown with aligning with composition
// text as opposed to the cursor.
bool should_show_at_composition_head_;
// True if the candidate window should be shonw on the upper side of
// composition text.
bool should_show_upper_side_;
// True if the candidate window was open. This is used to determine when to
// send OnCandidateWindowOpened and OnCandidateWindowClosed events.
bool was_candidate_window_open_;
// This function judge whether the candidate window should be shown or not,
// if should be, shows parent_frame and if not, hides parent_frame.
void UpdateParentArea();
} // namespace input_method
} // namespace chromeos