blob: 587ca48d870de2d12ece8c3870a4bacf8da70d15 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.android_webview;
import android.content.Context;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.Message;
import android.os.Process;
import android.provider.Settings;
import android.util.Log;
import android.webkit.WebSettings;
import android.webkit.WebSettings.PluginState;
import org.chromium.base.CalledByNative;
import org.chromium.base.JNINamespace;
import org.chromium.base.ThreadUtils;
* Stores Android WebView specific settings that does not need to be synced to WebKit.
* Use {@link org.chromium.content.browser.ContentSettings} for WebKit settings.
* Methods in this class can be called from any thread, including threads created by
* the client of WebView.
public class AwSettings {
// This enum corresponds to WebSettings.LayoutAlgorithm. We use our own to be
// able to extend it.
public enum LayoutAlgorithm {
// These constants must be kept in sync with the Android framework, defined in WebSettimgs.
public static final int MIXED_CONTENT_ALWAYS_ALLOW = 0;
public static final int MIXED_CONTENT_NEVER_ALLOW = 1;
public static final int MIXED_CONTENT_COMPATIBILITY_MODE = 2;
private static final String TAG = "AwSettings";
// This class must be created on the UI thread. Afterwards, it can be
// used from any thread. Internally, the class uses a message queue
// to call native code on the UI thread only.
// Values passed in on construction.
private final boolean mHasInternetPermission;
private ZoomSupportChangeListener mZoomChangeListener;
private double mDIPScale = 1.0;
// Lock to protect all settings.
private final Object mAwSettingsLock = new Object();
private LayoutAlgorithm mLayoutAlgorithm = LayoutAlgorithm.NARROW_COLUMNS;
private int mTextSizePercent = 100;
private String mStandardFontFamily = "sans-serif";
private String mFixedFontFamily = "monospace";
private String mSansSerifFontFamily = "sans-serif";
private String mSerifFontFamily = "serif";
private String mCursiveFontFamily = "cursive";
private String mFantasyFontFamily = "fantasy";
private String mDefaultTextEncoding;
private String mUserAgent;
private int mMinimumFontSize = 8;
private int mMinimumLogicalFontSize = 8;
private int mDefaultFontSize = 16;
private int mDefaultFixedFontSize = 13;
private boolean mLoadsImagesAutomatically = true;
private boolean mImagesEnabled = true;
private boolean mJavaScriptEnabled = false;
private boolean mAllowUniversalAccessFromFileURLs = false;
private boolean mAllowFileAccessFromFileURLs = false;
private boolean mJavaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically = false;
private boolean mSupportMultipleWindows = false;
private PluginState mPluginState = PluginState.OFF;
private boolean mAppCacheEnabled = false;
private boolean mDomStorageEnabled = false;
private boolean mDatabaseEnabled = false;
private boolean mUseWideViewport = false;
private boolean mLoadWithOverviewMode = false;
private boolean mMediaPlaybackRequiresUserGesture = true;
private String mDefaultVideoPosterURL;
private float mInitialPageScalePercent = 0;
private boolean mSpatialNavigationEnabled; // Default depends on device features.
private boolean mEnableSupportedHardwareAcceleratedFeatures = false;
private int mMixedContentMode = MIXED_CONTENT_NEVER_ALLOW;
private boolean mVideoOverlayForEmbeddedVideoEnabled = false;
// Although this bit is stored on AwSettings it is actually controlled via the CookieManager.
private boolean mAcceptThirdPartyCookies;
private final boolean mSupportLegacyQuirks;
private final boolean mPasswordEchoEnabled;
// Not accessed by the native side.
private boolean mBlockNetworkLoads; // Default depends on permission of embedding APK.
private boolean mAllowContentUrlAccess = true;
private boolean mAllowFileUrlAccess = true;
private int mCacheMode = WebSettings.LOAD_DEFAULT;
private boolean mShouldFocusFirstNode = true;
private boolean mGeolocationEnabled = true;
private boolean mAutoCompleteEnabled = true;
private boolean mSupportZoom = true;
private boolean mBuiltInZoomControls = false;
private boolean mDisplayZoomControls = true;
static class LazyDefaultUserAgent{
// Lazy Holder pattern
private static final String sInstance = nativeGetDefaultUserAgent();
// Protects access to settings global fields.
private static final Object sGlobalContentSettingsLock = new Object();
// For compatibility with the legacy WebView, we can only enable AppCache when the path is
// provided. However, we don't use the path, so we just check if we have received it from the
// client.
private static boolean sAppCachePathIsSet = false;
// The native side of this object. It's lifetime is bounded by the WebContent it is attached to.
private long mNativeAwSettings = 0;
// Custom handler that queues messages to call native code on the UI thread.
private final EventHandler mEventHandler;
private static final int MINIMUM_FONT_SIZE = 1;
private static final int MAXIMUM_FONT_SIZE = 72;
// Class to handle messages to be processed on the UI thread.
private class EventHandler {
// Message id for running a Runnable with mAwSettingsLock held.
private static final int RUN_RUNNABLE_BLOCKING = 0;
// Actual UI thread handler
private Handler mHandler;
// Synchronization flag.
private boolean mSynchronizationPending = false;
EventHandler() {
void bindUiThread() {
if (mHandler != null) return;
mHandler = new Handler(ThreadUtils.getUiThreadLooper()) {
public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
switch (msg.what) {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
if (mNativeAwSettings != 0) {
mSynchronizationPending = false;
void runOnUiThreadBlockingAndLocked(Runnable r) {
assert Thread.holdsLock(mAwSettingsLock);
if (mHandler == null) return;
if (ThreadUtils.runningOnUiThread()) {;
} else {
assert !mSynchronizationPending;
mSynchronizationPending = true;
mHandler.sendMessage(Message.obtain(null, RUN_RUNNABLE_BLOCKING, r));
try {
while (mSynchronizationPending) {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "Interrupted waiting a Runnable to complete", e);
mSynchronizationPending = false;
void maybePostOnUiThread(Runnable r) {
if (mHandler != null) {;
void updateWebkitPreferencesLocked() {
runOnUiThreadBlockingAndLocked(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
interface ZoomSupportChangeListener {
public void onGestureZoomSupportChanged(
boolean supportsDoubleTapZoom, boolean supportsMultiTouchZoom);
public AwSettings(Context context,
boolean isAccessFromFileURLsGrantedByDefault,
boolean supportsLegacyQuirks) {
boolean hasInternetPermission = context.checkPermission(
Process.myUid()) == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED;
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
mHasInternetPermission = hasInternetPermission;
mBlockNetworkLoads = !hasInternetPermission;
mEventHandler = new EventHandler();
if (isAccessFromFileURLsGrantedByDefault) {
mAllowUniversalAccessFromFileURLs = true;
mAllowFileAccessFromFileURLs = true;
mDefaultTextEncoding = AwResource.getDefaultTextEncoding();
mUserAgent = LazyDefaultUserAgent.sInstance;
// Best-guess a sensible initial value based on the features supported on the device.
mSpatialNavigationEnabled = !context.getPackageManager().hasSystemFeature(
// Respect the system setting for password echoing.
mPasswordEchoEnabled = Settings.System.getInt(context.getContentResolver(),
Settings.System.TEXT_SHOW_PASSWORD, 1) == 1;
// By default, scale the text size by the system font scale factor. Embedders
// may override this by invoking setTextZoom().
mTextSizePercent *= context.getResources().getConfiguration().fontScale;
mSupportLegacyQuirks = supportsLegacyQuirks;
// Defer initializing the native side until a native WebContents instance is set.
private void nativeAwSettingsGone(long nativeAwSettings) {
assert mNativeAwSettings != 0 && mNativeAwSettings == nativeAwSettings;
mNativeAwSettings = 0;
private double getDIPScaleLocked() {
assert Thread.holdsLock(mAwSettingsLock);
return mDIPScale;
void setDIPScale(double dipScale) {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
mDIPScale = dipScale;
// TODO(joth): This should also be synced over to native side, but right now
// the setDIPScale call is always followed by a setWebContents() which covers this.
void setZoomListener(ZoomSupportChangeListener zoomChangeListener) {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
mZoomChangeListener = zoomChangeListener;
void setWebContents(long nativeWebContents) {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
if (mNativeAwSettings != 0) {
assert mNativeAwSettings == 0; // nativeAwSettingsGone should have been called.
if (nativeWebContents != 0) {
mNativeAwSettings = nativeInit(nativeWebContents);
private void updateEverythingLocked() {
assert Thread.holdsLock(mAwSettingsLock);
assert mNativeAwSettings != 0;
supportsDoubleTapZoomLocked(), supportsMultiTouchZoomLocked());
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#setBlockNetworkLoads}.
public void setBlockNetworkLoads(boolean flag) {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
if (!flag && !mHasInternetPermission) {
throw new SecurityException("Permission denied - " +
"application missing INTERNET permission");
mBlockNetworkLoads = flag;
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#getBlockNetworkLoads}.
public boolean getBlockNetworkLoads() {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
return mBlockNetworkLoads;
* Enable/disable third party cookies for an AwContents
* @param accept true if we should accept third party cookies
public void setAcceptThirdPartyCookies(boolean accept) {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
if (mAcceptThirdPartyCookies != accept) {
mAcceptThirdPartyCookies = accept;
* Return whether third party cookies are enabled for an AwContents
* @return true if accept third party cookies
public boolean getAcceptThirdPartyCookies() {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
return mAcceptThirdPartyCookies;
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#setAllowFileAccess}.
public void setAllowFileAccess(boolean allow) {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
if (mAllowFileUrlAccess != allow) {
mAllowFileUrlAccess = allow;
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#getAllowFileAccess}.
public boolean getAllowFileAccess() {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
return mAllowFileUrlAccess;
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#setAllowContentAccess}.
public void setAllowContentAccess(boolean allow) {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
if (mAllowContentUrlAccess != allow) {
mAllowContentUrlAccess = allow;
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#getAllowContentAccess}.
public boolean getAllowContentAccess() {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
return mAllowContentUrlAccess;
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#setCacheMode}.
public void setCacheMode(int mode) {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
if (mCacheMode != mode) {
mCacheMode = mode;
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#getCacheMode}.
public int getCacheMode() {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
return mCacheMode;
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#setNeedInitialFocus}.
public void setShouldFocusFirstNode(boolean flag) {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
mShouldFocusFirstNode = flag;
* See {@link android.webkit.WebView#setInitialScale}.
public void setInitialPageScale(final float scaleInPercent) {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
if (mInitialPageScalePercent != scaleInPercent) {
mInitialPageScalePercent = scaleInPercent;
mEventHandler.runOnUiThreadBlockingAndLocked(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if (mNativeAwSettings != 0) {
private float getInitialPageScalePercentLocked() {
assert Thread.holdsLock(mAwSettingsLock);
return mInitialPageScalePercent;
void setSpatialNavigationEnabled(boolean enable) {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
if (mSpatialNavigationEnabled != enable) {
mSpatialNavigationEnabled = enable;
private boolean getSpatialNavigationLocked() {
assert Thread.holdsLock(mAwSettingsLock);
return mSpatialNavigationEnabled;
void setEnableSupportedHardwareAcceleratedFeatures(boolean enable) {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
if (mEnableSupportedHardwareAcceleratedFeatures != enable) {
mEnableSupportedHardwareAcceleratedFeatures = enable;
private boolean getEnableSupportedHardwareAcceleratedFeaturesLocked() {
assert Thread.holdsLock(mAwSettingsLock);
return mEnableSupportedHardwareAcceleratedFeatures;
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#setNeedInitialFocus}.
public boolean shouldFocusFirstNode() {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
return mShouldFocusFirstNode;
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#setGeolocationEnabled}.
public void setGeolocationEnabled(boolean flag) {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
if (mGeolocationEnabled != flag) {
mGeolocationEnabled = flag;
* @return Returns if geolocation is currently enabled.
boolean getGeolocationEnabled() {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
return mGeolocationEnabled;
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#setSaveFormData}.
public void setSaveFormData(final boolean enable) {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
if (mAutoCompleteEnabled != enable) {
mAutoCompleteEnabled = enable;
mEventHandler.runOnUiThreadBlockingAndLocked(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if (mNativeAwSettings != 0) {
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#getSaveFormData}.
public boolean getSaveFormData() {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
return getSaveFormDataLocked();
private boolean getSaveFormDataLocked() {
assert Thread.holdsLock(mAwSettingsLock);
return mAutoCompleteEnabled;
* @returns the default User-Agent used by each ContentViewCore instance, i.e. unless
* overridden by {@link #setUserAgentString()}
public static String getDefaultUserAgent() {
return LazyDefaultUserAgent.sInstance;
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#setUserAgentString}.
public void setUserAgentString(String ua) {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
final String oldUserAgent = mUserAgent;
if (ua == null || ua.length() == 0) {
mUserAgent = LazyDefaultUserAgent.sInstance;
} else {
mUserAgent = ua;
if (!oldUserAgent.equals(mUserAgent)) {
mEventHandler.runOnUiThreadBlockingAndLocked(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if (mNativeAwSettings != 0) {
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#getUserAgentString}.
public String getUserAgentString() {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
return getUserAgentLocked();
private String getUserAgentLocked() {
assert Thread.holdsLock(mAwSettingsLock);
return mUserAgent;
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#setLoadWithOverviewMode}.
public void setLoadWithOverviewMode(boolean overview) {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
if (mLoadWithOverviewMode != overview) {
mLoadWithOverviewMode = overview;
mEventHandler.runOnUiThreadBlockingAndLocked(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if (mNativeAwSettings != 0) {
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#getLoadWithOverviewMode}.
public boolean getLoadWithOverviewMode() {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
return getLoadWithOverviewModeLocked();
private boolean getLoadWithOverviewModeLocked() {
assert Thread.holdsLock(mAwSettingsLock);
return mLoadWithOverviewMode;
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#setTextZoom}.
public void setTextZoom(final int textZoom) {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
if (mTextSizePercent != textZoom) {
mTextSizePercent = textZoom;
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#getTextZoom}.
public int getTextZoom() {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
return getTextSizePercentLocked();
private int getTextSizePercentLocked() {
assert Thread.holdsLock(mAwSettingsLock);
return mTextSizePercent;
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#setStandardFontFamily}.
public void setStandardFontFamily(String font) {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
if (font != null && !mStandardFontFamily.equals(font)) {
mStandardFontFamily = font;
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#getStandardFontFamily}.
public String getStandardFontFamily() {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
return getStandardFontFamilyLocked();
private String getStandardFontFamilyLocked() {
assert Thread.holdsLock(mAwSettingsLock);
return mStandardFontFamily;
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#setFixedFontFamily}.
public void setFixedFontFamily(String font) {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
if (font != null && !mFixedFontFamily.equals(font)) {
mFixedFontFamily = font;
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#getFixedFontFamily}.
public String getFixedFontFamily() {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
return getFixedFontFamilyLocked();
private String getFixedFontFamilyLocked() {
assert Thread.holdsLock(mAwSettingsLock);
return mFixedFontFamily;
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#setSansSerifFontFamily}.
public void setSansSerifFontFamily(String font) {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
if (font != null && !mSansSerifFontFamily.equals(font)) {
mSansSerifFontFamily = font;
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#getSansSerifFontFamily}.
public String getSansSerifFontFamily() {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
return getSansSerifFontFamilyLocked();
private String getSansSerifFontFamilyLocked() {
assert Thread.holdsLock(mAwSettingsLock);
return mSansSerifFontFamily;
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#setSerifFontFamily}.
public void setSerifFontFamily(String font) {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
if (font != null && !mSerifFontFamily.equals(font)) {
mSerifFontFamily = font;
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#getSerifFontFamily}.
public String getSerifFontFamily() {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
return getSerifFontFamilyLocked();
private String getSerifFontFamilyLocked() {
assert Thread.holdsLock(mAwSettingsLock);
return mSerifFontFamily;
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#setCursiveFontFamily}.
public void setCursiveFontFamily(String font) {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
if (font != null && !mCursiveFontFamily.equals(font)) {
mCursiveFontFamily = font;
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#getCursiveFontFamily}.
public String getCursiveFontFamily() {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
return getCursiveFontFamilyLocked();
private String getCursiveFontFamilyLocked() {
assert Thread.holdsLock(mAwSettingsLock);
return mCursiveFontFamily;
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#setFantasyFontFamily}.
public void setFantasyFontFamily(String font) {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
if (font != null && !mFantasyFontFamily.equals(font)) {
mFantasyFontFamily = font;
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#getFantasyFontFamily}.
public String getFantasyFontFamily() {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
return getFantasyFontFamilyLocked();
private String getFantasyFontFamilyLocked() {
assert Thread.holdsLock(mAwSettingsLock);
return mFantasyFontFamily;
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#setMinimumFontSize}.
public void setMinimumFontSize(int size) {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
size = clipFontSize(size);
if (mMinimumFontSize != size) {
mMinimumFontSize = size;
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#getMinimumFontSize}.
public int getMinimumFontSize() {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
return getMinimumFontSizeLocked();
private int getMinimumFontSizeLocked() {
assert Thread.holdsLock(mAwSettingsLock);
return mMinimumFontSize;
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#setMinimumLogicalFontSize}.
public void setMinimumLogicalFontSize(int size) {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
size = clipFontSize(size);
if (mMinimumLogicalFontSize != size) {
mMinimumLogicalFontSize = size;
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#getMinimumLogicalFontSize}.
public int getMinimumLogicalFontSize() {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
return getMinimumLogicalFontSizeLocked();
private int getMinimumLogicalFontSizeLocked() {
assert Thread.holdsLock(mAwSettingsLock);
return mMinimumLogicalFontSize;
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#setDefaultFontSize}.
public void setDefaultFontSize(int size) {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
size = clipFontSize(size);
if (mDefaultFontSize != size) {
mDefaultFontSize = size;
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#getDefaultFontSize}.
public int getDefaultFontSize() {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
return getDefaultFontSizeLocked();
private int getDefaultFontSizeLocked() {
assert Thread.holdsLock(mAwSettingsLock);
return mDefaultFontSize;
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#setDefaultFixedFontSize}.
public void setDefaultFixedFontSize(int size) {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
size = clipFontSize(size);
if (mDefaultFixedFontSize != size) {
mDefaultFixedFontSize = size;
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#getDefaultFixedFontSize}.
public int getDefaultFixedFontSize() {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
return getDefaultFixedFontSizeLocked();
private int getDefaultFixedFontSizeLocked() {
assert Thread.holdsLock(mAwSettingsLock);
return mDefaultFixedFontSize;
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#setJavaScriptEnabled}.
public void setJavaScriptEnabled(boolean flag) {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
if (mJavaScriptEnabled != flag) {
mJavaScriptEnabled = flag;
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#setAllowUniversalAccessFromFileURLs}.
public void setAllowUniversalAccessFromFileURLs(boolean flag) {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
if (mAllowUniversalAccessFromFileURLs != flag) {
mAllowUniversalAccessFromFileURLs = flag;
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#setAllowFileAccessFromFileURLs}.
public void setAllowFileAccessFromFileURLs(boolean flag) {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
if (mAllowFileAccessFromFileURLs != flag) {
mAllowFileAccessFromFileURLs = flag;
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#setLoadsImagesAutomatically}.
public void setLoadsImagesAutomatically(boolean flag) {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
if (mLoadsImagesAutomatically != flag) {
mLoadsImagesAutomatically = flag;
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#getLoadsImagesAutomatically}.
public boolean getLoadsImagesAutomatically() {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
return getLoadsImagesAutomaticallyLocked();
private boolean getLoadsImagesAutomaticallyLocked() {
assert Thread.holdsLock(mAwSettingsLock);
return mLoadsImagesAutomatically;
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#setImagesEnabled}.
public void setImagesEnabled(boolean flag) {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
if (mImagesEnabled != flag) {
mImagesEnabled = flag;
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#getImagesEnabled}.
public boolean getImagesEnabled() {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
return mImagesEnabled;
private boolean getImagesEnabledLocked() {
assert Thread.holdsLock(mAwSettingsLock);
return mImagesEnabled;
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#getJavaScriptEnabled}.
public boolean getJavaScriptEnabled() {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
return mJavaScriptEnabled;
private boolean getJavaScriptEnabledLocked() {
assert Thread.holdsLock(mAwSettingsLock);
return mJavaScriptEnabled;
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#getAllowUniversalAccessFromFileURLs}.
public boolean getAllowUniversalAccessFromFileURLs() {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
return getAllowUniversalAccessFromFileURLsLocked();
private boolean getAllowUniversalAccessFromFileURLsLocked() {
assert Thread.holdsLock(mAwSettingsLock);
return mAllowUniversalAccessFromFileURLs;
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#getAllowFileAccessFromFileURLs}.
public boolean getAllowFileAccessFromFileURLs() {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
return getAllowFileAccessFromFileURLsLocked();
private boolean getAllowFileAccessFromFileURLsLocked() {
assert Thread.holdsLock(mAwSettingsLock);
return mAllowFileAccessFromFileURLs;
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#setPluginsEnabled}.
public void setPluginsEnabled(boolean flag) {
setPluginState(flag ? PluginState.ON : PluginState.OFF);
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#setPluginState}.
public void setPluginState(PluginState state) {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
if (mPluginState != state) {
mPluginState = state;
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#getPluginsEnabled}.
public boolean getPluginsEnabled() {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
return mPluginState == PluginState.ON;
* Return true if plugins are disabled.
* @return True if plugins are disabled.
private boolean getPluginsDisabledLocked() {
assert Thread.holdsLock(mAwSettingsLock);
return mPluginState == PluginState.OFF;
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#getPluginState}.
public PluginState getPluginState() {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
return mPluginState;
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#setJavaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically}.
public void setJavaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically(boolean flag) {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
if (mJavaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically != flag) {
mJavaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically = flag;
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#getJavaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically}.
public boolean getJavaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically() {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
return getJavaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomaticallyLocked();
private boolean getJavaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomaticallyLocked() {
assert Thread.holdsLock(mAwSettingsLock);
return mJavaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically;
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#setLayoutAlgorithm}.
public void setLayoutAlgorithm(LayoutAlgorithm l) {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
if (mLayoutAlgorithm != l) {
mLayoutAlgorithm = l;
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#getLayoutAlgorithm}.
public LayoutAlgorithm getLayoutAlgorithm() {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
return mLayoutAlgorithm;
* Gets whether Text Auto-sizing layout algorithm is enabled.
* @return true if Text Auto-sizing layout algorithm is enabled
private boolean getTextAutosizingEnabledLocked() {
assert Thread.holdsLock(mAwSettingsLock);
return mLayoutAlgorithm == LayoutAlgorithm.TEXT_AUTOSIZING;
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#setSupportMultipleWindows}.
public void setSupportMultipleWindows(boolean support) {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
if (mSupportMultipleWindows != support) {
mSupportMultipleWindows = support;
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#supportMultipleWindows}.
public boolean supportMultipleWindows() {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
return mSupportMultipleWindows;
private boolean getSupportMultipleWindowsLocked() {
assert Thread.holdsLock(mAwSettingsLock);
return mSupportMultipleWindows;
private boolean getSupportLegacyQuirksLocked() {
assert Thread.holdsLock(mAwSettingsLock);
return mSupportLegacyQuirks;
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#setUseWideViewPort}.
public void setUseWideViewPort(boolean use) {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
if (mUseWideViewport != use) {
mUseWideViewport = use;
supportsDoubleTapZoomLocked(), supportsMultiTouchZoomLocked());
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#getUseWideViewPort}.
public boolean getUseWideViewPort() {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
return getUseWideViewportLocked();
private boolean getUseWideViewportLocked() {
assert Thread.holdsLock(mAwSettingsLock);
return mUseWideViewport;
private boolean getPasswordEchoEnabledLocked() {
assert Thread.holdsLock(mAwSettingsLock);
return mPasswordEchoEnabled;
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#setAppCacheEnabled}.
public void setAppCacheEnabled(boolean flag) {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
if (mAppCacheEnabled != flag) {
mAppCacheEnabled = flag;
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#setAppCachePath}.
public void setAppCachePath(String path) {
boolean needToSync = false;
synchronized (sGlobalContentSettingsLock) {
// AppCachePath can only be set once.
if (!sAppCachePathIsSet && path != null && !path.isEmpty()) {
sAppCachePathIsSet = true;
needToSync = true;
// The obvious problem here is that other WebViews will not be updated,
// until they execute synchronization from Java to the native side.
// But this is the same behaviour as it was in the legacy WebView.
if (needToSync) {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
* Gets whether Application Cache is enabled.
* @return true if Application Cache is enabled
private boolean getAppCacheEnabledLocked() {
assert Thread.holdsLock(mAwSettingsLock);
if (!mAppCacheEnabled) {
return false;
synchronized (sGlobalContentSettingsLock) {
return sAppCachePathIsSet;
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#setDomStorageEnabled}.
public void setDomStorageEnabled(boolean flag) {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
if (mDomStorageEnabled != flag) {
mDomStorageEnabled = flag;
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#getDomStorageEnabled}.
public boolean getDomStorageEnabled() {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
return mDomStorageEnabled;
private boolean getDomStorageEnabledLocked() {
assert Thread.holdsLock(mAwSettingsLock);
return mDomStorageEnabled;
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#setDatabaseEnabled}.
public void setDatabaseEnabled(boolean flag) {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
if (mDatabaseEnabled != flag) {
mDatabaseEnabled = flag;
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#getDatabaseEnabled}.
public boolean getDatabaseEnabled() {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
return mDatabaseEnabled;
private boolean getDatabaseEnabledLocked() {
assert Thread.holdsLock(mAwSettingsLock);
return mDatabaseEnabled;
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#setDefaultTextEncodingName}.
public void setDefaultTextEncodingName(String encoding) {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
if (encoding != null && !mDefaultTextEncoding.equals(encoding)) {
mDefaultTextEncoding = encoding;
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#getDefaultTextEncodingName}.
public String getDefaultTextEncodingName() {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
return getDefaultTextEncodingLocked();
private String getDefaultTextEncodingLocked() {
assert Thread.holdsLock(mAwSettingsLock);
return mDefaultTextEncoding;
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#setMediaPlaybackRequiresUserGesture}.
public void setMediaPlaybackRequiresUserGesture(boolean require) {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
if (mMediaPlaybackRequiresUserGesture != require) {
mMediaPlaybackRequiresUserGesture = require;
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#getMediaPlaybackRequiresUserGesture}.
public boolean getMediaPlaybackRequiresUserGesture() {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
return getMediaPlaybackRequiresUserGestureLocked();
private boolean getMediaPlaybackRequiresUserGestureLocked() {
assert Thread.holdsLock(mAwSettingsLock);
return mMediaPlaybackRequiresUserGesture;
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#setDefaultVideoPosterURL}.
public void setDefaultVideoPosterURL(String url) {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
if (mDefaultVideoPosterURL != null && !mDefaultVideoPosterURL.equals(url) ||
mDefaultVideoPosterURL == null && url != null) {
mDefaultVideoPosterURL = url;
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#getDefaultVideoPosterURL}.
public String getDefaultVideoPosterURL() {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
return getDefaultVideoPosterURLLocked();
private String getDefaultVideoPosterURLLocked() {
assert Thread.holdsLock(mAwSettingsLock);
return mDefaultVideoPosterURL;
private void onGestureZoomSupportChanged(
final boolean supportsDoubleTapZoom, final boolean supportsMultiTouchZoom) {
// Always post asynchronously here, to avoid doubling back onto the caller.
mEventHandler.maybePostOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
if (mZoomChangeListener != null) {
supportsDoubleTapZoom, supportsMultiTouchZoom);
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#setSupportZoom}.
public void setSupportZoom(boolean support) {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
if (mSupportZoom != support) {
mSupportZoom = support;
supportsDoubleTapZoomLocked(), supportsMultiTouchZoomLocked());
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#supportZoom}.
public boolean supportZoom() {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
return mSupportZoom;
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#setBuiltInZoomControls}.
public void setBuiltInZoomControls(boolean enabled) {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
if (mBuiltInZoomControls != enabled) {
mBuiltInZoomControls = enabled;
supportsDoubleTapZoomLocked(), supportsMultiTouchZoomLocked());
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#getBuiltInZoomControls}.
public boolean getBuiltInZoomControls() {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
return mBuiltInZoomControls;
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#setDisplayZoomControls}.
public void setDisplayZoomControls(boolean enabled) {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
mDisplayZoomControls = enabled;
* See {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#getDisplayZoomControls}.
public boolean getDisplayZoomControls() {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
return mDisplayZoomControls;
public void setMixedContentMode(int mode) {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
if (mMixedContentMode != mode) {
mMixedContentMode = mode;
public int getMixedContentMode() {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
return mMixedContentMode;
private boolean getAllowRunningInsecureContentLocked() {
assert Thread.holdsLock(mAwSettingsLock);
return mMixedContentMode == MIXED_CONTENT_ALWAYS_ALLOW;
private boolean getAllowDisplayingInsecureContentLocked() {
assert Thread.holdsLock(mAwSettingsLock);
return mMixedContentMode == MIXED_CONTENT_ALWAYS_ALLOW ||
* Sets whether to use the video overlay for the embedded video.
* @param flag whether to enable the video overlay for the embedded video.
public void setVideoOverlayForEmbeddedVideoEnabled(final boolean enabled) {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
if (mVideoOverlayForEmbeddedVideoEnabled != enabled) {
mVideoOverlayForEmbeddedVideoEnabled = enabled;
mEventHandler.runOnUiThreadBlockingAndLocked(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if (mNativeAwSettings != 0) {
* Gets whether to use the video overlay for the embedded video.
* @return true if the WebView enables the video overlay for the embedded video.
public boolean getVideoOverlayForEmbeddedVideoEnabled() {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
return getVideoOverlayForEmbeddedVideoEnabledLocked();
private boolean getVideoOverlayForEmbeddedVideoEnabledLocked() {
assert Thread.holdsLock(mAwSettingsLock);
return mVideoOverlayForEmbeddedVideoEnabled;
private boolean supportsDoubleTapZoomLocked() {
assert Thread.holdsLock(mAwSettingsLock);
return mSupportZoom && mBuiltInZoomControls && mUseWideViewport;
private boolean supportsMultiTouchZoomLocked() {
assert Thread.holdsLock(mAwSettingsLock);
return mSupportZoom && mBuiltInZoomControls;
boolean supportsMultiTouchZoom() {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
return supportsMultiTouchZoomLocked();
boolean shouldDisplayZoomControls() {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
return supportsMultiTouchZoomLocked() && mDisplayZoomControls;
private int clipFontSize(int size) {
if (size < MINIMUM_FONT_SIZE) {
} else if (size > MAXIMUM_FONT_SIZE) {
return size;
private void updateEverything() {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
private void populateWebPreferences(long webPrefsPtr) {
synchronized (mAwSettingsLock) {
assert mNativeAwSettings != 0;
nativePopulateWebPreferencesLocked(mNativeAwSettings, webPrefsPtr);
private void updateWebkitPreferencesOnUiThreadLocked() {
assert mEventHandler.mHandler != null;
if (mNativeAwSettings != 0) {
private native long nativeInit(long webContentsPtr);
private native void nativeDestroy(long nativeAwSettings);
private native void nativePopulateWebPreferencesLocked(long nativeAwSettings, long webPrefsPtr);
private native void nativeResetScrollAndScaleState(long nativeAwSettings);
private native void nativeUpdateEverythingLocked(long nativeAwSettings);
private native void nativeUpdateInitialPageScaleLocked(long nativeAwSettings);
private native void nativeUpdateUserAgentLocked(long nativeAwSettings);
private native void nativeUpdateWebkitPreferencesLocked(long nativeAwSettings);
private static native String nativeGetDefaultUserAgent();
private native void nativeUpdateFormDataPreferencesLocked(long nativeAwSettings);
private native void nativeUpdateRendererPreferencesLocked(long nativeAwSettings);