blob: 85f6740d1ad1cfda71a8686b267099b9efc443c1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Run-length encode and decode R_ARM_RELATIVE relocations.
// R_ARM_RELATIVE relocations are the bulk of dynamic relocations (the
// .rel.dyn section) in libchrome<version>.so, and the ELF standard
// representation of them is wasteful.
// A relocation is 8 bytes (16 bytes on 64 bit plaforms), split into offset
// and info fields. Offsets strictly increase, and each is commonly a
// few bytes different from its predecessor. There are long runs where
// the difference does not change. The info field is always 0x17. Example,
// from 'readelf -x4 libchrome.<version>.so':
// offset info offset info
// 808fef01 17000000 848fef01 17000000 ................
// 888fef01 17000000 8c8fef01 17000000 ................
// 908fef01 17000000 948fef01 17000000 ................
// Run length encoding packs this data more efficiently, by representing it
// as a delta and a count of entries each differing from its predecessor
// by this delta. The above can be represented as a start address followed
// by an encoded count of 6 and offset difference of 4:
// start count diff
// 808fef01 00000006 00000004
// Because R_ARM_RELATIVE relocation offsets strictly increase, the complete
// set of R_ARM_RELATIVE relocations in libchrome.<version>.so can be
// represented by a single start address followed by one or more difference
// and count encoded word pairs:
// start run1 count run1 diff run2 count run2 diff
// 808fef01 00000006 00000004 00000010 00000008 ...
// Decoding regenerates R_ARM_RELATIVE relocations beginning at address
// 'start' and for each encoded run, incrementing the address by 'difference'
// for 'count' iterations and emitting a new R_ARM_RELATIVE relocation.
// Once encoded, data is prefixed by a single word count of packed delta and
// count pairs. A final run-length encoded R_ARM_RELATIVE relocations vector
// might therefore look something like:
// pairs start run 1 run 2 ... run 15
// 0000000f 808fef01 00000006 00000004 00000010 00000008 ...
// Interpreted as:
// pairs=15 start=.. count=6,delta=4 count=16,delta=8
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <vector>
#include "elf.h"
namespace relocation_packer {
// A RelocationRunLengthCodec packs vectors of R_ARM_RELATIVE relocations
// into more compact forms, and unpacks them to reproduce the pre-packed data.
class RelocationRunLengthCodec {
// Encode R_ARM_RELATIVE relocations into a more compact form.
// |relocations| is a vector of R_ARM_RELATIVE relocation structs.
// |packed| is the vector of packed words into which relocations are packed.
static void Encode(const std::vector<Elf32_Rel>& relocations,
std::vector<Elf32_Word>* packed);
// Decode R_ARM_RELATIVE relocations from their more compact form.
// |packed| is the vector of packed relocations.
// |relocations| is a vector of unpacked R_ARM_RELATIVE relocation structs.
static void Decode(const std::vector<Elf32_Word>& packed,
std::vector<Elf32_Rel>* relocations);
} // namespace relocation_packer