blob: 127b003cb6f31b9b66c85b19f53512f235f2643d [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
from measurements import record_per_area
from telemetry import test
from telemetry.core import wpr_modes
from import page_measurement_unittest_base
from telemetry.unittest import options_for_unittests
class RecordPerAreaUnitTest(
"""Smoke test for record_per_area measurement
Runs record_per_area measurement on a simple page and verifies
that all metrics were added to the results. The test is purely functional,
i.e. it only checks if the metrics are present and non-zero.
def setUp(self):
self._options = options_for_unittests.GetCopy()
self._options.browser_options.wpr_mode = wpr_modes.WPR_OFF
def testRecordPerArea(self):
ps = self.CreatePageSetFromFileInUnittestDataDir('scrollable_page.html')
measurement = record_per_area.RecordPerArea()
results = self.RunMeasurement(measurement, ps, options=self._options)
self.assertEquals(0, len(results.failures))