blob: c1c18713af094fb42e12f77dfa5410a2aa4e05ff [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "ui/views/controls/scrollbar/scroll_bar.h"
namespace views {
// ScrollView class
// A ScrollView is used to make any View scrollable. The view is added to
// a viewport which takes care of clipping.
// In this current implementation both horizontal and vertical scrollbars are
// added as needed.
// The scrollview supports keyboard UI and mousewheel.
class VIEWS_EXPORT ScrollView : public View, public ScrollBarController {
static const char kViewClassName[];
virtual ~ScrollView();
// Creates a ScrollView with a theme specific border.
static ScrollView* CreateScrollViewWithBorder();
// Set the contents. Any previous contents will be deleted. The contents
// is the view that needs to scroll.
void SetContents(View* a_view);
const View* contents() const { return contents_; }
View* contents() { return contents_; }
// Sets the header, deleting the previous header.
void SetHeader(View* header);
// Returns the visible region of the content View.
gfx::Rect GetVisibleRect() const;
void set_hide_horizontal_scrollbar(bool visible) {
hide_horizontal_scrollbar_ = visible;
// Turns this scroll view into a bounded scroll view, with a fixed height.
// By default, a ScrollView will stretch to fill its outer container.
void ClipHeightTo(int min_height, int max_height);
// Returns whether or not the ScrollView is bounded (as set by ClipHeightTo).
bool is_bounded() const { return max_height_ >= 0 && min_height_ >= 0; }
// Retrieves the width/height of scrollbars. These return 0 if the scrollbar
// has not yet been created.
int GetScrollBarWidth() const;
int GetScrollBarHeight() const;
// Returns the horizontal/vertical scrollbar. This may return NULL.
const ScrollBar* horizontal_scroll_bar() const { return horiz_sb_; }
const ScrollBar* vertical_scroll_bar() const { return vert_sb_; }
// Customize the scrollbar design. ScrollView takes the ownership of the
// specified ScrollBar. |horiz_sb| and |vert_sb| cannot be NULL.
void SetHorizontalScrollBar(ScrollBar* horiz_sb);
void SetVerticalScrollBar(ScrollBar* vert_sb);
// View overrides:
virtual gfx::Size GetPreferredSize() const OVERRIDE;
virtual int GetHeightForWidth(int width) const OVERRIDE;
virtual void Layout() OVERRIDE;
virtual bool OnKeyPressed(const ui::KeyEvent& event) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool OnMouseWheel(const ui::MouseWheelEvent& e) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnMouseEntered(const ui::MouseEvent& event) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnMouseExited(const ui::MouseEvent& event) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnGestureEvent(ui::GestureEvent* event) OVERRIDE;
virtual const char* GetClassName() const OVERRIDE;
// ScrollBarController overrides:
virtual void ScrollToPosition(ScrollBar* source, int position) OVERRIDE;
virtual int GetScrollIncrement(ScrollBar* source,
bool is_page,
bool is_positive) OVERRIDE;
class Viewport;
// Used internally by SetHeader() and SetContents() to reset the view. Sets
// |member| to |new_view|. If |new_view| is non-null it is added to |parent|.
void SetHeaderOrContents(View* parent, View* new_view, View** member);
// Scrolls the minimum amount necessary to make the specified rectangle
// visible, in the coordinates of the contents view. The specified rectangle
// is constrained by the bounds of the contents view. This has no effect if
// the contents have not been set.
void ScrollContentsRegionToBeVisible(const gfx::Rect& rect);
// Computes the visibility of both scrollbars, taking in account the view port
// and content sizes.
void ComputeScrollBarsVisibility(const gfx::Size& viewport_size,
const gfx::Size& content_size,
bool* horiz_is_shown,
bool* vert_is_shown) const;
// Shows or hides the scrollbar/resize_corner based on the value of
// |should_show|.
void SetControlVisibility(View* control, bool should_show);
// Update the scrollbars positions given viewport and content sizes.
void UpdateScrollBarPositions();
// The current contents and its viewport. |contents_| is contained in
// |contents_viewport_|.
View* contents_;
View* contents_viewport_;
// The current header and its viewport. |header_| is contained in
// |header_viewport_|.
View* header_;
View* header_viewport_;
// Horizontal scrollbar.
ScrollBar* horiz_sb_;
// Vertical scrollbar.
ScrollBar* vert_sb_;
// Resize corner.
View* resize_corner_;
// The min and max height for the bounded scroll view. These are negative
// values if the view is not bounded.
int min_height_;
int max_height_;
// If true, never show the horizontal scrollbar (even if the contents is wider
// than the viewport).
bool hide_horizontal_scrollbar_;
// VariableRowHeightScrollHelper is intended for views that contain rows of
// varying height. To use a VariableRowHeightScrollHelper create one supplying
// a Controller and delegate GetPageScrollIncrement and GetLineScrollIncrement
// to the helper. VariableRowHeightScrollHelper calls back to the
// Controller to determine row boundaries.
class VariableRowHeightScrollHelper {
// The origin and height of a row.
struct RowInfo {
RowInfo(int origin, int height) : origin(origin), height(height) {}
// Origin of the row.
int origin;
// Height of the row.
int height;
// Used to determine row boundaries.
class Controller {
// Returns the origin and size of the row at the specified location.
virtual VariableRowHeightScrollHelper::RowInfo GetRowInfo(int y) = 0;
// Creates a new VariableRowHeightScrollHelper. Controller is
// NOT deleted by this VariableRowHeightScrollHelper.
explicit VariableRowHeightScrollHelper(Controller* controller);
virtual ~VariableRowHeightScrollHelper();
// Delegate the View methods of the same name to these. The scroll amount is
// determined by querying the Controller for the appropriate row to scroll
// to.
int GetPageScrollIncrement(ScrollView* scroll_view,
bool is_horizontal, bool is_positive);
int GetLineScrollIncrement(ScrollView* scroll_view,
bool is_horizontal, bool is_positive);
// Returns the row information for the row at the specified location. This
// calls through to the method of the same name on the controller.
virtual RowInfo GetRowInfo(int y);
Controller* controller_;
// FixedRowHeightScrollHelper is intended for views that contain fixed height
// height rows. To use a FixedRowHeightScrollHelper delegate
// GetPageScrollIncrement and GetLineScrollIncrement to it.
class FixedRowHeightScrollHelper : public VariableRowHeightScrollHelper {
// Creates a FixedRowHeightScrollHelper. top_margin gives the distance from
// the top of the view to the first row, and may be 0. row_height gives the
// height of each row.
FixedRowHeightScrollHelper(int top_margin, int row_height);
// Calculates the bounds of the row from the top margin and row height.
virtual RowInfo GetRowInfo(int y) OVERRIDE;
int top_margin_;
int row_height_;
} // namespace views