blob: 3e709476a129eb640eae54054189d0859b9e3c02 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/memory/shared_memory.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
namespace gpu {
struct MailboxHolder;
} // namespace gpu
namespace media {
class VideoCaptureFormat;
} // namespace media
namespace content {
// ID used for identifying an object of VideoCaptureController.
struct CONTENT_EXPORT VideoCaptureControllerID {
explicit VideoCaptureControllerID(int device_id);
bool operator<(const VideoCaptureControllerID& vc) const;
bool operator==(const VideoCaptureControllerID& vc) const;
int device_id;
// VideoCaptureControllerEventHandler is the interface for
// VideoCaptureController to notify clients about the events such as
// BufferReady, FrameInfo, Error, etc.
class CONTENT_EXPORT VideoCaptureControllerEventHandler {
// An Error has occurred in the VideoCaptureDevice.
virtual void OnError(const VideoCaptureControllerID& id) = 0;
// A buffer has been newly created.
virtual void OnBufferCreated(const VideoCaptureControllerID& id,
base::SharedMemoryHandle handle,
int length,
int buffer_id) = 0;
// A previously created buffer has been freed and will no longer be used.
virtual void OnBufferDestroyed(const VideoCaptureControllerID& id,
int buffer_id) = 0;
// A buffer has been filled with I420 video.
virtual void OnBufferReady(const VideoCaptureControllerID& id,
int buffer_id,
const media::VideoCaptureFormat& format,
base::TimeTicks timestamp) = 0;
// A texture mailbox buffer has been filled with data.
virtual void OnMailboxBufferReady(const VideoCaptureControllerID& id,
int buffer_id,
const gpu::MailboxHolder& mailbox_holder,
const media::VideoCaptureFormat& format,
base::TimeTicks timestamp) = 0;
// The capture session has ended and no more frames will be sent.
virtual void OnEnded(const VideoCaptureControllerID& id) = 0;
virtual ~VideoCaptureControllerEventHandler() {}
} // namespace content