blob: 0ac140870ced95ee7ba583ec2d8e9138c3034be1 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# pylint: disable=W0212
import functools
import inspect
import types
def Cache(obj):
"""Decorator for caching read-only properties.
Example usage (always returns the same Foo instance):
def CreateFoo():
return Foo()
If CreateFoo() accepts parameters, a separate cached value is maintained
for each unique parameter combination.
Cached methods maintain their cache for the lifetime of the /instance/, while
cached functions maintain their cache for the lifetime of the /module/.
def Cacher(*args, **kwargs):
cacher = args[0] if inspect.getargspec(obj).args[:1] == ['self'] else obj
cacher.__cache = cacher.__cache if hasattr(cacher, '__cache') else {}
key = str(obj) + str(args) + str(kwargs)
if key not in cacher.__cache:
cacher.__cache[key] = obj(*args, **kwargs)
return cacher.__cache[key]
return Cacher
def Disabled(*args):
"""Decorator for disabling tests/benchmarks.
May be used without args to unconditionally disable:
@Disabled # Unconditionally disabled.
If args are given, the test will be disabled if ANY of the args match the
browser type, OS name or OS version:
@Disabled('canary') # Disabled for canary browsers
@Disabled('win') # Disabled on Windows.
@Disabled('win', 'linux') # Disabled on both Windows and Linux.
@Disabled('mavericks') # Disabled on Mac Mavericks (10.9) only.
def _Disabled(func):
if not isinstance(func, types.FunctionType):
func._disabled_strings = disabled_strings
return func
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
func(*args, **kwargs)
wrapper._disabled_strings = disabled_strings
return wrapper
if len(args) == 1 and callable(args[0]):
disabled_strings = []
return _Disabled(args[0])
disabled_strings = list(args)
for disabled_string in disabled_strings:
# TODO(tonyg): Validate that these strings are recognized.
assert isinstance(disabled_string, str), '@Disabled accepts a list of strs'
return _Disabled
def Enabled(*args):
"""Decorator for enabling tests/benchmarks.
The test will be enabled if ANY of the args match the browser type, OS name
or OS version:
@Enabled('canary') # Enabled only for canary browsers
@Enabled('win') # Enabled only on Windows.
@Enabled('win', 'linux') # Enabled only on Windows or Linux.
@Enabled('mavericks') # Enabled only on Mac Mavericks (10.9).
def _Enabled(func):
if not isinstance(func, types.FunctionType):
func._enabled_strings = enabled_strings
return func
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
func(*args, **kwargs)
wrapper._enabled_strings = enabled_strings
return wrapper
assert args and not callable(args[0]), '@Enabled requires argumentas'
enabled_strings = list(args)
for enabled_string in enabled_strings:
# TODO(tonyg): Validate that these strings are recognized.
assert isinstance(enabled_string, str), '@Enabled accepts a list of strs'
return _Enabled
def IsEnabled(test, possible_browser):
"""Returns True iff |test| is enabled given the |possible_browser|.
Use to respect the @Enabled / @Disabled decorators.
test: A function or class that may contain _disabled_strings and/or
_enabled_strings attributes.
possible_browser: A PossibleBrowser to check whether |test| may run against.
platform_attributes = [a.lower() for a in [
if possible_browser.supports_tab_control:
platform_attributes.append('has tabs')
if hasattr(test, '__name__'):
name = test.__name__
elif hasattr(test, '__class__'):
name = test.__class__.__name__
name = str(test)
if hasattr(test, '_disabled_strings'):
disabled_strings = test._disabled_strings
if not disabled_strings:
return False # No arguments to @Disabled means always disable.
for disabled_string in disabled_strings:
if disabled_string in platform_attributes:
print (
'Skipping %s because it is disabled for %s. '
'You are running %s.' % (name,
' and '.join(disabled_strings),
' '.join(platform_attributes)))
return False
if hasattr(test, '_enabled_strings'):
enabled_strings = test._enabled_strings
if not enabled_strings:
return True # No arguments to @Enabled means always enable.
for enabled_string in enabled_strings:
if enabled_string in platform_attributes:
return True
print (
'Skipping %s because it is only enabled for %s. '
'You are running %s.' % (name,
' or '.join(enabled_strings),
' '.join(platform_attributes)))
return False
return True