blob: e65c7479865609608eb083ee20b79faeb17852c8 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import os
from telemetry.core import util
# TODO(achuith, dtu, nduca): Add unit tests specifically for WebContents,
# independent of Tab.
class WebContents(object):
"""Represents web contents in the browser"""
def __init__(self, inspector_backend, backend_list):
self._inspector_backend = inspector_backend
self._backend_list = backend_list
with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
'network_quiescence.js')) as f:
self._quiescence_js =
def id(self):
"""Return the unique id string for this tab object."""
def WaitForDocumentReadyStateToBeComplete(self,
'document.readyState == "complete"', timeout)
def WaitForDocumentReadyStateToBeInteractiveOrBetter(self,
'document.readyState == "interactive" || '
'document.readyState == "complete"', timeout)
def WaitForJavaScriptExpression(self, expr, timeout):
"""Waits for the given JavaScript expression to be True.
This method is robust against any given Evaluation timing out.
def IsJavaScriptExpressionTrue():
return bool(self.EvaluateJavaScript(expr))
except util.TimeoutException:
# If the main thread is busy for longer than Evaluate's timeout, we
# may time out here early. Instead, we want to wait for the full
# timeout of this method.
return False
util.WaitFor(IsJavaScriptExpressionTrue, timeout)
except util.TimeoutException as e:
# Try to make timeouts a little more actionable by dumping |this|.
raise util.TimeoutException(e.message + self.EvaluateJavaScript("""
(function() {
var error = '\\n\\nJavaScript |this|:\\n';
for (name in this) {
try {
error += '\\t' + name + ': ' + this[name] + '\\n';
} catch (e) {
error += '\\t' + name + ': ???\\n';
if (window && window.document) {
error += '\\n\\nJavaScript window.document:\\n';
for (name in window.document) {
try {
error += '\\t' + name + ': ' + window.document[name] + '\\n';
} catch (e) {
error += '\\t' + name + ': ???\\n';
return error;
def HasReachedQuiescence(self):
"""Determine whether the page has reached quiescence after loading.
True if 2 seconds have passed since last resource received, false
# Inclusion of the script that provides
# window.__telemetry_testHasReachedNetworkQuiescence()
# is idempotent, it's run on every call because WebContents doesn't track
# page loads and we need to execute anew for every newly loaded page.
has_reached_quiescence = (
self.EvaluateJavaScript(self._quiescence_js +
return has_reached_quiescence
def ExecuteJavaScript(self, statement, timeout=DEFAULT_WEB_CONTENTS_TIMEOUT):
"""Executes statement in JavaScript. Does not return the result.
If the statement failed to evaluate, EvaluateException will be raised.
return self.ExecuteJavaScriptInContext(
statement, context_id=None, timeout=timeout)
def EvaluateJavaScript(self, expr, timeout=DEFAULT_WEB_CONTENTS_TIMEOUT):
"""Evalutes expr in JavaScript and returns the JSONized result.
Consider using ExecuteJavaScript for cases where the result of the
expression is not needed.
If evaluation throws in JavaScript, a Python EvaluateException will
be raised.
If the result of the evaluation cannot be JSONized, then an
EvaluationException will be raised.
return self.EvaluateJavaScriptInContext(
expr, context_id=None, timeout=timeout)
def ExecuteJavaScriptInContext(self, expr, context_id,
"""Similar to ExecuteJavaScript, except context_id can refer to an iframe.
The main page has context_id=1, the first iframe context_id=2, etc.
return self._inspector_backend.ExecuteJavaScript(
expr, context_id=context_id, timeout=timeout)
def EvaluateJavaScriptInContext(self, expr, context_id,
"""Similar to ExecuteJavaScript, except context_id can refer to an iframe.
The main page has context_id=1, the first iframe context_id=2, etc.
return self._inspector_backend.EvaluateJavaScript(
expr, context_id=context_id, timeout=timeout)
def EnableAllContexts(self):
"""Enable all contexts in a page. Returns the number of available contexts.
return self._inspector_backend.EnableAllContexts()
def message_output_stream(self):
return self._inspector_backend.message_output_stream
def message_output_stream(self, stream):
self._inspector_backend.message_output_stream = stream
def timeline_model(self):
return self._inspector_backend.timeline_model
def StartTimelineRecording(self, options=None):
def is_timeline_recording_running(self):
return self._inspector_backend.is_timeline_recording_running
def StopTimelineRecording(self):
def TakeJSHeapSnapshot(self, timeout=120):
return self._inspector_backend.TakeJSHeapSnapshot(timeout)