blob: 2df5fee5ff4563fb359943f9a7b719060188b2b0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/dbus/cros_dbus_service.h"
#include "dbus/exported_object.h"
namespace chromeos {
// This class provides an API for external apps to notify
// chrome that it should release control of the display server.
// The main client is the console application. This can
// also be used by crouton to take over the display.
class ConsoleServiceProvider
: public CrosDBusService::ServiceProviderInterface {
~ConsoleServiceProvider() override;
// CrosDBusService::ServiceProviderInterface overrides:
void Start(scoped_refptr<dbus::ExportedObject> exported_object) override;
// This method will get called when a external process no longer needs
// control of the display and Chrome can take ownership.
void TakeDisplayOwnership(
dbus::MethodCall* method_call,
dbus::ExportedObject::ResponseSender response_sender);
// This method will get called when a external process needs control of
// the display and needs Chrome to release ownership.
void ReleaseDisplayOwnership(
dbus::MethodCall* method_call,
dbus::ExportedObject::ResponseSender response_sender);
// This method is called when a dbus method is exported. If the export of the
// method is successful, |success| will be true. It will be false
// otherwise.
void OnExported(const std::string& interface_name,
const std::string& method_name,
bool success);
base::WeakPtrFactory<ConsoleServiceProvider> weak_ptr_factory_;
} // namespace chromeos