blob: 7b96516b617ce5a6319d4162a36105f525e36777 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "tools/gn/variables.h"
namespace variables {
// Built-in variables ----------------------------------------------------------
extern const char kCurrentToolchain[] = "current_toolchain";
extern const char kCurrentToolchain_HelpShort[] =
"current_toolchain: [string] Label of the current toolchain.";
extern const char kCurrentToolchain_Help[] =
"current_toolchain: Label of the current toolchain.\n"
" A fully-qualified label representing the current toolchain. You can\n"
" use this to make toolchain-related decisions in the build. See also\n"
" \"default_toolchain\".\n"
" if (current_toolchain == \"//build:64_bit_toolchain\") {\n"
" executable(\"output_thats_64_bit_only\") {\n"
" ...\n";
extern const char kDefaultToolchain[] = "default_toolchain";
extern const char kDefaultToolchain_HelpShort[] =
"default_toolchain: [string] Label of the default toolchain.";
extern const char kDefaultToolchain_Help[] =
"default_toolchain: [string] Label of the default toolchain.\n"
" A fully-qualified label representing the default toolchain, which may\n"
" not necessarily be the current one (see \"current_toolchain\").\n";
extern const char kPythonPath[] = "python_path";
extern const char kPythonPath_HelpShort[] =
"python_path: [string] Absolute path of Python.";
extern const char kPythonPath_Help[] =
"python_path: Absolute path of Python.\n"
" Normally used in toolchain definitions if running some command\n"
" requires Python. You will normally not need this when invoking scripts\n"
" since GN automatically finds it for you.\n";
extern const char kRelativeRootGenDir[] = "relative_root_gen_dir";
extern const char kRelativeRootGenDir_HelpShort[] =
"relative_root_gen_dir: [string] Relative root dir for generated files.";
extern const char kRelativeRootGenDir_Help[] =
"relative_root_gen_dir: Relative root for generated files.\n"
" Relative path from the directory of the current build file to the\n"
" root of the generated file directory hierarchy for the current\n"
" toolchain.\n"
" Generally scripts should use \"relative_target_output_dir\" instead.\n"
" If your current build file is in \"//tools\", you might write\n"
" args = [ \"$relative_root_gen_dir/output.txt\" ]\n";
extern const char kRelativeRootOutputDir[] = "relative_root_output_dir";
extern const char kRelativeRootOutputDir_HelpShort[] =
"relative_root_output_dir: [string] Relative dir for output files.";
extern const char kRelativeRootOutputDir_Help[] =
"relative_root_output_dir: Relative dir for output files.\n"
" Relative path from the directory of the current build file to the\n"
" current toolchain's root build output directory.\n"
" Generally scripts should use \"relative_target_output_dir\" instead.\n";
extern const char kRelativeTargetGenDir[] = "relative_target_gen_dir";
extern const char kRelativeTargetGenDir_HelpShort[] =
"relative_target_gen_dir: [string] Relative dir for generated files.";
extern const char kRelativeTargetGenDir_Help[] =
"relative_target_gen_dir: Relative dir for generated files.\n"
" Relative path from the directory of the current build file to the\n"
" current target's generated file directory.\n"
" Normally used when invoking scripts (the current directory of which is\n"
" that of the invoking buildfile) that need to write files.\n"
" Scripts generating final rather than intermetiate files should use the\n"
" \"relative_target_output_dir\" instead.\n"
" If your current build file is in \"//tools\", you might write\n"
" args = [ \"$relative_root_gen_dir/output.txt\" ]\n";
extern const char kRelativeTargetOutputDir[] = "relative_target_output_dir";
extern const char kRelativeTargetOutputDir_HelpShort[] =
"relative_target_output_dir: [string] Relative dir for build results.";
extern const char kRelativeTargetOutputDir_Help[] =
"relative_target_output_dir: Relative dir for build results."
" Relative path from the directory of the current build file to the\n"
" current target's generated file directory.\n"
" Normally used when invoking scripts (the current directory of which is\n"
" that of the invoking buildfile) that need to write files.\n"
" Scripts generating intermediate files rather than final output files\n"
" should use the \"relative_target_output_dir\" instead.\n"
" If your current build file is in \"//tools\", you might write\n"
" args = [ \"$relative_target_output_dir/final.lib\" ]\n";
// Target variables ------------------------------------------------------------
const char kAllDependentConfigs[] = "all_dependent_configs";
const char kAllDependentConfigs_HelpShort[] =
"all_dependent_configs: [label list] Configs to be forced on dependents.";
const char kAllDependentConfigs_Help[] =
"all_dependent_configs: Configs to be forced on dependents.\n"
" A list of config labels.\n"
" All targets depending on this one, and recursively, all targets\n"
" depending on those, will have the configs listed in this variable\n"
" added to them.\n"
" This addition happens in a second phase once a target and all of its\n"
" dependencies have been resolved. Therefore, a target will not see\n"
" these force-added configs in their \"configs\" variable while the\n"
" script is running, and then can not be removed. As a result, this\n"
" capability should generally only be used to add defines and include\n"
" directories necessary to compile a target's headers.\n"
" See also \"direct_dependent_configs\".\n";
const char kCflags[] = "cflags";
const char kCflags_HelpShort[] =
"cflags: [string list] Flags passed to all C compiler variants.";
// Avoid writing long help for each variant.
const char kCommonCflagsHelp[] =
"cflags*: Flags passed to the C compiler.\n"
" A list of strings.\n"
" \"cflags\" are passed to all invocations of the C, C++, Objective C,\n"
" and Objective C++ compilers.\n"
" To target one of these variants individually, use \"cflags_c\",\n"
" \"cflags_cc\", \"cflags_objc\", and \"cflags_objcc\", respectively.\n"
" These variant-specific versions will be appended to the \"cflags\".\n";
const char* kCflags_Help = kCommonCflagsHelp;
const char kCflagsC[] = "cflags_c";
const char kCflagsC_HelpShort[] =
"cflags_c: [string list] Flags passed to the C compiler.";
const char* kCflagsC_Help = kCommonCflagsHelp;
const char kCflagsCC[] = "cflags_cc";
const char kCflagsCC_HelpShort[] =
"cflags_cc: [string list] Flags passed to the C++ compiler.";
const char* kCflagsCC_Help = kCommonCflagsHelp;
const char kCflagsObjC[] = "cflags_objc";
const char kCflagsObjC_HelpShort[] =
"cflags_objc: [string list] Flags passed to the Objective C compiler.";
const char* kCflagsObjC_Help = kCommonCflagsHelp;
const char kCflagsObjCC[] = "cflags_objcc";
const char kCflagsObjCC_HelpShort[] =
"cflags_objcc: [string list] Flags passed to the Objective C++ compiler.";
const char* kCflagsObjCC_Help = kCommonCflagsHelp;
const char kConfigs[] = "configs";
const char kConfigs_HelpShort[] =
"configs: [label list] Configs applying to this target.";
const char kConfigs_Help[] =
"configs: Configs applying to this target.\n"
" A list of config labels.\n"
" The includes, defines, etc. in each config are appended in the order\n"
" they appear to the compile command for each file in the target. They\n"
" will appear after the includes, defines, etc. that the target sets\n"
" directly.\n"
" The build configuration script will generally set up the default\n"
" configs applying to a given target type (see \"set_defaults\").\n"
" When a target is being defined, it can add to or remove from this\n"
" list.\n"
" static_library(\"foo\") {\n"
" configs -= \"//build:no_rtti\" # Don't use the default RTTI config.\n"
" configs += \":mysettings\" # Add some of our own settings.\n"
" }\n";
const char kDatadeps[] = "datadeps";
const char kDatadeps_HelpShort[] =
"datadeps: [label list] Non-linked dependencies.";
const char kDatadeps_Help[] =
"datadeps: Non-linked dependencies.\n"
" A list of target labels.\n"
" Specifies dependencies of a target that are not actually linked into\n"
" the current target. Such dependencies will built and will be available\n"
" at runtime.\n"
" This is normally used for things like plugins or helper programs that\n"
" a target needs at runtime.\n"
" See also \"deps\".\n";
const char kDefines[] = "defines";
const char kDefines_HelpShort[] =
"defines: [string list] C preprocessor defines.";
const char kDefines_Help[] =
"defines: C preprocessor defines.\n"
" A list of strings\n"
" These strings will be passed to the C/C++ compiler as #defines. The\n"
" strings may or may not include an \"=\" to assign a value.\n"
" defines = [ \"AWESOME_FEATURE\", \"LOG_LEVEL=3\" ]\n";
const char kDeps[] = "deps";
const char kDeps_HelpShort[] =
"deps: [label list] Linked dependencies.";
const char kDeps_Help[] =
"deps: Linked dependencies.\n"
" A list of target labels.\n"
" Specifies dependencies of a target. Shared and dynamic libraries will\n"
" be linked into the current target. Other target types that can't be\n"
" linked (like custom scripts and groups) listed in \"deps\" will be\n"
" treated as \"datadeps\". Likewise, if the current target isn't\n"
" linkable, then all deps will be treated as \"datadeps\".\n"
" See also \"datadeps\".\n";
const char kDirectDependentConfigs[] = "direct_dependent_configs";
const char kDirectDependentConfigs_HelpShort[] =
"direct_dependent_configs: [label list] Configs to be forced on "
const char kDirectDependentConfigs_Help[] =
"direct_dependent_configs: Configs to be forced on dependents.\n"
" A list of config labels.\n"
" Targets directly referencing this one will have the configs listed in\n"
" this variable added to them.\n"
" This addition happens in a second phase once a target and all of its\n"
" dependencies have been resolved. Therefore, a target will not see\n"
" these force-added configs in their \"configs\" variable while the\n"
" script is running, and then can not be removed. As a result, this\n"
" capability should generally only be used to add defines and include\n"
" directories necessary to compile a target's headers.\n"
" See also \"all_dependent_configs\".\n";
const char kLdflags[] = "ldflags";
const char kLdflags_HelpShort[] =
"ldflags: [string list] Flags passed to the linker.";
const char kLdflags_Help[] =
"ldflags: Flags passed to the linker.\n"
" A list of strings.\n"
" These flags are passed on the command-line to the linker.\n";
const char kSources[] = "sources";
const char kSources_HelpShort[] =
"sources: [file list] Source files for a target.";
const char kSources_Help[] =
"sources: Source files for a target\n"
" A list of files relative to the current buildfile.\n";
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
: help_short(NULL),
help(NULL) {
VariableInfo::VariableInfo(const char* in_help_short, const char* in_help)
: help_short(in_help_short),
help(in_help) {
#define INSERT_VARIABLE(var) \
info_map[k##var] = VariableInfo(k##var##_HelpShort, k##var##_Help);
const VariableInfoMap& GetBuiltinVariables() {
static VariableInfoMap info_map;
if (info_map.empty()) {
return info_map;
const VariableInfoMap& GetTargetVariables() {
static VariableInfoMap info_map;
if (info_map.empty()) {
return info_map;
} // namespace variables