blob: 10bb415725cfe829fbaf5c7e2e6b14e0a6ff52f8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "content/renderer/accessibility/renderer_accessibility_focus_only.h"
#include "content/common/accessibility_node_data.h"
#include "content/renderer/render_view_impl.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebDocument.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebElement.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebFrame.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebNode.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebView.h"
using WebKit::WebDocument;
using WebKit::WebElement;
using WebKit::WebFrame;
using WebKit::WebNode;
using WebKit::WebView;
namespace {
// The root node will always have id 1. Let each child node have a new
// id starting with 2.
const int kInitialId = 2;
namespace content {
RenderViewImpl* render_view)
: RendererAccessibility(render_view),
next_id_(kInitialId) {
RendererAccessibilityFocusOnly::~RendererAccessibilityFocusOnly() {
void RendererAccessibilityFocusOnly::HandleWebAccessibilityNotification(
const WebKit::WebAccessibilityObject& obj,
WebKit::WebAccessibilityNotification notification) {
// Do nothing.
void RendererAccessibilityFocusOnly::FocusedNodeChanged(const WebNode& node) {
// Send the new accessible tree and post a native focus event.
HandleFocusedNodeChanged(node, true);
void RendererAccessibilityFocusOnly::DidFinishLoad(WebKit::WebFrame* frame) {
WebView* view = render_view()->GetWebView();
if (view->focusedFrame() != frame)
WebDocument document = frame->document();
// Send an accessible tree to the browser, but do not post a native
// focus event. This is important so that if focus is initially in an
// editable text field, Windows will know to pop up the keyboard if the
// user touches it and focus doesn't change.
HandleFocusedNodeChanged(document.focusedNode(), false);
void RendererAccessibilityFocusOnly::HandleFocusedNodeChanged(
const WebNode& node,
bool send_focus_event) {
const WebDocument& document = GetMainDocument();
if (document.isNull())
bool node_has_focus;
bool node_is_editable_text;
// Check HasIMETextFocus first, because it will correctly handle
// focus in a text box inside a ppapi plug-in. Otherwise fall back on
// checking the focused node in WebKit.
if (render_view_->HasIMETextFocus()) {
node_has_focus = true;
node_is_editable_text = true;
} else {
node_has_focus = !node.isNull();
node_is_editable_text =
node_has_focus && render_view_->IsEditableNode(node);
std::vector<AccessibilityHostMsg_NotificationParams> notifications;
AccessibilityHostMsg_NotificationParams& notification = notifications[0];
// If we want to update the browser's accessibility tree but not send a
// native focus changed notification, we can send a LayoutComplete
// notification, which doesn't post a native event on Windows.
notification.notification_type =
send_focus_event ?
AccessibilityNotificationFocusChanged :
// Set the id that the notification applies to: the root node if nothing
// has focus, otherwise the focused node. = node_has_focus ? next_id_ : 1;
AccessibilityNodeData& root = notification.nodes[0];
AccessibilityNodeData& child = notification.nodes[1];
// Always include the root of the tree, the document. It always has id 1. = 1;
root.role = AccessibilityNodeData::ROLE_ROOT_WEB_AREA;
root.state =
(1 << AccessibilityNodeData::STATE_READONLY) |
(1 << AccessibilityNodeData::STATE_FOCUSABLE);
if (!node_has_focus)
root.state |= (1 << AccessibilityNodeData::STATE_FOCUSED);
root.location = gfx::Rect(render_view_->size());
root.child_ids.push_back(next_id_); = next_id_;
child.role = AccessibilityNodeData::ROLE_GROUP;
if (!node.isNull() && node.isElementNode()) {
child.location = gfx::Rect(
} else if (render_view_->HasIMETextFocus()) {
child.location = root.location;
} else {
child.location = gfx::Rect();
if (node_has_focus) {
child.state =
(1 << AccessibilityNodeData::STATE_FOCUSABLE) |
(1 << AccessibilityNodeData::STATE_FOCUSED);
if (!node_is_editable_text)
child.state |= (1 << AccessibilityNodeData::STATE_READONLY);
#ifndef NDEBUG
if (logging_) {
LOG(INFO) << "Accessibility update: \n"
<< "routing id=" << routing_id()
<< " notification="
<< AccessibilityNotificationToString(notification.notification_type)
<< "\n" << notification.nodes[0].DebugString(true);
Send(new AccessibilityHostMsg_Notifications(routing_id(), notifications));
// Increment the id, wrap back when we get past a million.
if (next_id_ > 1000000)
next_id_ = kInitialId;
} // namespace content