blob: 0b5640d07112c8ce882dc5cac5c564bf9c6029e1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "net/base/io_buffer.h"
namespace base {
class SequencedTaskRunner;
namespace content {
// A byte stream is a pipe to transfer bytes between a source and a
// sink, which may be on different threads. It is intended to be the
// only connection between source and sink; they need have no
// direct awareness of each other aside from the byte stream. The source and
// the sink have different interfaces to a byte stream, |ByteStreamWriter|
// and |ByteStreamReader|. A pair of connected interfaces is generated by
// calling |CreateByteStream|.
// The source adds bytes to the bytestream via |ByteStreamWriter::Write|
// and the sink retrieves bytes already written via |ByteStreamReader::Read|.
// When the source has no more data to add, it will call
// |ByteStreamWriter::Close| to indicate that. Operation status at the source
// is indicated to the sink via an int passed to the Close() method and returned
// from the GetStatus() method. Source and sink must agree on the interpretation
// of this int.
// Normally the source is not managed after the relationship is setup;
// it is expected to provide data and then close itself. If an error
// occurs on the sink, it is not signalled to the source via this
// mechanism; instead, the source will write data until it exausts the
// available space. If the source needs to be aware of errors occuring
// on the sink, this must be signalled in some other fashion (usually
// through whatever controller setup the relationship).
// Callback lifetime management: No lifetime management is done in this
// class to prevent registered callbacks from being called after any
// objects to which they may refer have been destroyed. It is the
// responsibility of the callers to avoid use-after-free references.
// This may be done by any of several mechanisms, including weak
// pointers, scoped_refptr references, or calling the registration
// function with a null callback from a destructor. To enable the null
// callback strategy, callbacks will not be stored between retrieval and
// evaluation, so setting a null callback will guarantee that the
// previous callback will not be executed after setting.
// Class methods are virtual to allow mocking for tests; these classes
// aren't intended to be base classes for other classes.
// Sample usage (note that this does not show callback usage):
// void OriginatingClass::Initialize() {
// // Create a stream for sending bytes from IO->FILE threads.
// scoped_ptr<ByteStreamWriter> writer;
// scoped_ptr<ByteStreamReader> reader;
// CreateByteStream(
// BrowserThread::GetMessageLoopProxyForThread(BrowserThread::IO),
// BrowserThread::GetMessageLoopProxyForThread(BrowserThread::FILE),
// kStreamBufferSize /* e.g. 10240. */,
// &writer,
// &reader); // Presumed passed to FILE thread for reading.
// // Setup callback for writing.
// writer->RegisterCallback(base::Bind(&SpaceAvailable, this));
// // Do initial round of writing.
// SpaceAvailable();
// }
// // May only be run on first argument task runner, in this case the IO
// // thread.
// void OriginatingClass::SpaceAvailable() {
// while (<data available>) {
// scoped_ptr<net::IOBuffer> buffer;
// size_t buffer_length;
// // Create IOBuffer, fill in with data, and set buffer_length.
// if (!writer->Write(buffer, buffer_length)) {
// // No more space; return and we'll be called again
// // when there is space.
// return;
// }
// }
// writer->Close(<operation status>);
// writer.reset(NULL);
// }
// // On File thread; containing class setup not shown.
// void ReceivingClass::Initialize() {
// // Initialization
// reader->RegisterCallback(base::Bind(&DataAvailable, obj));
// }
// // Called whenever there's something to read.
// void ReceivingClass::DataAvailable() {
// scoped_refptr<net::IOBuffer> data;
// size_t length = 0;
// while (ByteStreamReader::STREAM_HAS_DATA ==
// (state = reader->Read(&data, &length))) {
// // Process |data|.
// }
// if (ByteStreamReader::STREAM_COMPLETE == state) {
// int status = reader->GetStatus();
// // Process error or successful completion in |status|.
// }
// // if |state| is STREAM_EMPTY, we're done for now; we'll be called
// // again when there's more data.
// }
class CONTENT_EXPORT ByteStreamWriter {
// Inverse of the fraction of the stream buffer that must be full before
// a notification is sent to paired Reader that there's more data.
static const int kFractionBufferBeforeSending;
virtual ~ByteStreamWriter() = 0;
// Always adds the data passed into the ByteStream. Returns true
// if more data may be added without exceeding the class limit
// on data. Takes ownership of |buffer|.
virtual bool Write(scoped_refptr<net::IOBuffer> buffer,
size_t byte_count) = 0;
// Flushes contents buffered in this writer to the corresponding reader
// regardless if buffer filling rate is greater than
// kFractionBufferBeforeSending or not. Does nothing if there's no contents
// buffered.
virtual void Flush() = 0;
// Signal that all data that is going to be sent, has been sent,
// and provide a status.
virtual void Close(int status) = 0;
// Register a callback to be called when the stream transitions from
// full to having space available. The callback will always be
// called on the task runner associated with the ByteStreamWriter.
// This callback will only be called if a call to Write has previously
// returned false (i.e. the ByteStream has been filled).
// Multiple calls to this function are supported, though note that it
// is the callers responsibility to handle races with space becoming
// available (i.e. in the case of that race either of the before
// or after callbacks may be called).
// The callback will not be called after ByteStreamWriter destruction.
virtual void RegisterCallback(const base::Closure& source_callback) = 0;
class CONTENT_EXPORT ByteStreamReader {
// Inverse of the fraction of the stream buffer that must be empty before
// a notification is send to paired Writer that there's more room.
static const int kFractionReadBeforeWindowUpdate;
virtual ~ByteStreamReader() = 0;
// Returns STREAM_EMPTY if there is no data on the ByteStream and
// Close() has not been called, and STREAM_COMPLETE if there
// is no data on the ByteStream and Close() has been called.
// If there is data on the ByteStream, returns STREAM_HAS_DATA
// and fills in |*data| with a pointer to the data, and |*length|
// with its length.
virtual StreamState Read(scoped_refptr<net::IOBuffer>* data,
size_t* length) = 0;
// Only valid to call if Read() has returned STREAM_COMPLETE.
virtual int GetStatus() const = 0;
// Register a callback to be called when data is added or the source
// completes. The callback will be always be called on the owning
// task runner. Multiple calls to this function are supported,
// though note that it is the callers responsibility to handle races
// with data becoming available (i.e. in the case of that race
// either of the before or after callbacks may be called).
// The callback will not be called after ByteStreamReader destruction.
virtual void RegisterCallback(const base::Closure& sink_callback) = 0;
CONTENT_EXPORT void CreateByteStream(
scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> input_task_runner,
scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> output_task_runner,
size_t buffer_size,
scoped_ptr<ByteStreamWriter>* input,
scoped_ptr<ByteStreamReader>* output);
} // namespace content