blob: 3c36b2f6e521da8e9c599484f2699a223893fc3e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <vector>
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "content/browser/accessibility/browser_accessibility.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
namespace content {
class RenderViewHost;
// A utility class for formatting platform-specific accessibility information,
// for use in testing, debugging, and developer tools.
// This is extended by a subclass for each platform where accessibility is
// implemented.
class CONTENT_EXPORT AccessibilityTreeFormatter {
explicit AccessibilityTreeFormatter(BrowserAccessibility* root);
virtual ~AccessibilityTreeFormatter();
static AccessibilityTreeFormatter* Create(RenderViewHost* rvh);
// Populates the given DictionaryValue with the accessibility tree.
// The dictionary contains a key/value pair for each attribute of the node,
// plus a "children" attribute containing a list of all child nodes.
// {
// "AXName": "node", /* actual attributes will vary by platform */
// "position": { /* some attributes may be dictionaries */
// "x": 0,
// "y": 0
// },
// /* ... more attributes of |node| */
// "children": [ { /* list of children created recursively */
// "AXName": "child node 1",
// /* ... more attributes */
// "children": [ ]
// }, {
// "AXName": "child name 2",
// /* ... more attributes */
// "children": [ ]
// } ]
// }
scoped_ptr<base::DictionaryValue> BuildAccessibilityTree();
// Dumps a BrowserAccessibility tree into a string.
void FormatAccessibilityTree(string16* contents);
// A single filter specification. See GetAllowString() and GetDenyString()
// for more information.
struct Filter {
enum Type {
string16 match_str;
Type type;
Filter(string16 match_str, Type type)
: match_str(match_str), type(type) {}
// Set regular expression filters that apply to each component of every
// line before it's output.
void SetFilters(const std::vector<Filter>& filters);
// Suffix of the expectation file corresponding to html file.
// Example:
// HTML test: test-file.html
// Expected: test-file-expected-mac.txt.
// Auto-generated: test-file-actual-mac.txt
static const base::FilePath::StringType GetActualFileSuffix();
static const base::FilePath::StringType GetExpectedFileSuffix();
// A platform-specific string that indicates a given line in a file
// is an allow-empty, allow or deny filter. Example:
// Mac values:
// GetAllowEmptyString() -> "@MAC-ALLOW-EMPTY:"
// GetAllowString() -> "@MAC-ALLOW:"
// GetDenyString() -> "@MAC-DENY:"
// Example html:
// <!--
// @MAC-ALLOW-EMPTY:description*
// @MAC-ALLOW:roleDescription*
// @MAC-DENY:subrole*
// -->
// <p>Text</p>
static const std::string GetAllowEmptyString();
static const std::string GetAllowString();
static const std::string GetDenyString();
void RecursiveFormatAccessibilityTree(const BrowserAccessibility& node,
string16* contents,
int indent);
void RecursiveBuildAccessibilityTree(const BrowserAccessibility& node,
base::DictionaryValue* tree_node);
void RecursiveFormatAccessibilityTree(const base::DictionaryValue& tree_node,
string16* contents,
int depth = 0);
// Overridden by each platform to add the required attributes for each node
// into the given dict.
void AddProperties(const BrowserAccessibility& node,
base::DictionaryValue* dict);
// Returns true by default; can be overridden by the platform to
// prune some children from the tree when they wouldn't be exposed
// natively on that platform.
virtual bool IncludeChildren(const BrowserAccessibility& node);
string16 FormatCoordinates(const char* name,
const char* x_name,
const char* y_name,
const base::DictionaryValue& value);
// Returns a platform specific representation of a BrowserAccessibility.
// Should be zero or more complete lines, each with |prefix| prepended
// (to indent each line).
string16 ToString(const base::DictionaryValue& node, const string16& indent);
void Initialize();
bool MatchesFilters(const string16& text, bool default_result) const;
// Writes the given attribute string out to |line| if it matches the filters.
void WriteAttribute(bool include_by_default,
const string16& attr,
string16* line);
void WriteAttribute(bool include_by_default,
const std::string& attr,
string16* line);
BrowserAccessibility* root_;
// Filters used when formatting the accessibility tree as text.
std::vector<Filter> filters_;
} // namespace content