blob: 35d5ccfffd6b84a564a08cc8a463fd0fe32bbe32 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
class AsyncUninstaller;
class Browser;
class ExtensionAction;
namespace extensions {
class Extension;
namespace extension_action_context_menu {
// Enum of menu item choices to their respective indices. Exposed for use in
// tests.
// NOTE: This must be kept in sync with the implementation of the menu.
typedef enum {
kExtensionContextName = 0,
kExtensionContextOptions = 2,
kExtensionContextUninstall = 3,
kExtensionContextHide = 4,
kExtensionContextManage = 6,
kExtensionContextInspect = 7
} ExtensionType;
class DevmodeObserver;
} // namespace extension_action_context_menu
// A context menu used by any extension UI components that require it.
@interface ExtensionActionContextMenu : NSMenu {
// The extension that this menu belongs to. Weak.
const extensions::Extension* extension_;
// The extension action this menu belongs to. Weak.
ExtensionAction* action_;
// The browser that contains this extension. Weak.
Browser* browser_;
// The observer used to listen for pref changed notifications.
scoped_ptr<extension_action_context_menu::DevmodeObserver> observer_;
// Used to load the extension icon asynchronously on the I/O thread then show
// the uninstall confirmation dialog.
scoped_ptr<AsyncUninstaller> uninstaller_;
// Initializes and returns a context menu for the given extension and browser.
- (id)initWithExtension:(const extensions::Extension*)extension
typedef ExtensionActionContextMenu ExtensionActionContextMenuMac;