blob: 6781fd3b11ecdf1f22da463e8366ca9471cd38b4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/base_bubble_controller.h"
#include "content/public/common/media_stream_request.h"
class ContentSettingBubbleModel;
class ContentSettingMediaMenuModel;
@class InfoBubbleView;
namespace content_setting_bubble {
// For every "show popup" button, remember the index of the popup tab contents
// it should open when clicked.
typedef std::map<NSButton*, int> PopupLinks;
// For every media menu button, remember the components assosiated with the
// menu button.
struct MediaMenuParts {
MediaMenuParts(content::MediaStreamType type, NSTextField* label);
content::MediaStreamType type;
NSTextField* label; // Weak.
scoped_ptr<ContentSettingMediaMenuModel> model;
typedef std::map<NSPopUpButton*, MediaMenuParts*> MediaMenuPartsMap;
} // namespace content_setting_bubble
// Manages a "content blocked" bubble.
@interface ContentSettingBubbleController : BaseBubbleController {
IBOutlet NSTextField* titleLabel_;
IBOutlet NSMatrix* allowBlockRadioGroup_;
IBOutlet NSButton* manageButton_;
IBOutlet NSButton* doneButton_;
IBOutlet NSButton* loadButton_;
// The container for the bubble contents of the geolocation bubble.
IBOutlet NSView* contentsContainer_;
IBOutlet NSTextField* blockedResourcesField_;
scoped_ptr<ContentSettingBubbleModel> contentSettingBubbleModel_;
content_setting_bubble::PopupLinks popupLinks_;
content_setting_bubble::MediaMenuPartsMap mediaMenus_;
// Creates and shows a content blocked bubble. Takes ownership of
// |contentSettingBubbleModel| but not of the other objects.
+ (ContentSettingBubbleController*)
// Callback for the "don't block / continue blocking" radio group.
- (IBAction)allowBlockToggled:(id)sender;
// Callback for "close" button.
- (IBAction)closeBubble:(id)sender;
// Callback for "manage" button.
- (IBAction)manageBlocking:(id)sender;
// Callback for "info" link.
- (IBAction)showMoreInfo:(id)sender;
// Callback for "load" (plug-ins, mixed script) button.
- (IBAction)load:(id)sender;
// Callback for "Learn More" link.
- (IBAction)learnMoreLinkClicked:(id)sender;
// Callback for "media menu" button.
- (IBAction)mediaMenuChanged:(id)sender;
@interface ContentSettingBubbleController (TestingAPI)
// Returns the weak reference to the |mediaMenus_|.
- (content_setting_bubble::MediaMenuPartsMap*)mediaMenus;