blob: 38a2c03f590faa18dd9c2ca65cf559da6feff23b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/atomic_ref_count.h"
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/cancelable_callback.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "media/audio/audio_io.h"
#include "media/audio/audio_manager.h"
#include "media/audio/audio_power_monitor.h"
#include "media/audio/audio_source_diverter.h"
#include "media/audio/simple_sources.h"
#include "media/base/media_export.h"
// An AudioOutputController controls an AudioOutputStream and provides data
// to this output stream. It has an important function that it executes
// audio operations like play, pause, stop, etc. on a separate thread,
// namely the audio manager thread.
// All the public methods of AudioOutputController are non-blocking.
// The actual operations are performed on the audio manager thread.
// Here is a state transition diagram for the AudioOutputController:
// *[ Empty ] --> [ Created ] --> [ Playing ] -------.
// | | | ^ |
// | | | | |
// | | | | v
// | | | `----- [ Paused ]
// | | | |
// | v v |
// `-----------> [ Closed ] <-----------'
// * Initial state
// At any time after reaching the Created state but before Closed, the
// AudioOutputController may be notified of a device change via
// OnDeviceChange(). As the OnDeviceChange() is processed, state transitions
// will occur, ultimately ending up in an equivalent pre-call state. E.g., if
// the state was Paused, the new state will be Created, since these states are
// all functionally equivalent and require a Play() call to continue to the next
// state.
// The AudioOutputStream can request data from the AudioOutputController via the
// AudioSourceCallback interface. AudioOutputController uses the SyncReader
// passed to it via construction to synchronously fulfill this read request.
namespace media {
class MEDIA_EXPORT AudioOutputController
: public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<AudioOutputController>,
public AudioOutputStream::AudioSourceCallback,
public AudioSourceDiverter,
NON_EXPORTED_BASE(public AudioManager::AudioDeviceListener) {
// An event handler that receives events from the AudioOutputController. The
// following methods are called on the audio manager thread.
class MEDIA_EXPORT EventHandler {
virtual void OnCreated() = 0;
virtual void OnPlaying() = 0;
virtual void OnPowerMeasured(float power_dbfs, bool clipped) = 0;
virtual void OnPaused() = 0;
virtual void OnError() = 0;
virtual void OnDeviceChange(int new_buffer_size, int new_sample_rate) = 0;
virtual ~EventHandler() {}
// A synchronous reader interface used by AudioOutputController for
// synchronous reading.
// TODO(crogers): find a better name for this class and the Read() method
// now that it can handle synchronized I/O.
class SyncReader {
virtual ~SyncReader() {}
// Notify the synchronous reader the number of bytes in the
// AudioOutputController not yet played. This is used by SyncReader to
// prepare more data and perform synchronization.
virtual void UpdatePendingBytes(uint32 bytes) = 0;
// Attempt to completely fill |dest|, return the actual number of frames
// that could be read. |source| may optionally be provided for input data.
// If |block| is specified, the Read() will block until data is available
// or a timeout is reached.
virtual int Read(bool block, const AudioBus* source, AudioBus* dest) = 0;
// Close this synchronous reader.
virtual void Close() = 0;
// Factory method for creating an AudioOutputController.
// This also creates and opens an AudioOutputStream on the audio manager
// thread, and if this is successful, the |event_handler| will receive an
// OnCreated() call from the same audio manager thread. |audio_manager| must
// outlive AudioOutputController.
static scoped_refptr<AudioOutputController> Create(
AudioManager* audio_manager, EventHandler* event_handler,
const AudioParameters& params, const std::string& input_device_id,
SyncReader* sync_reader);
// Methods to control playback of the stream.
// Starts the playback of this audio output stream.
void Play();
// Pause this audio output stream.
void Pause();
// Closes the audio output stream. The state is changed and the resources
// are freed on the audio manager thread. closed_task is executed after that.
// Callbacks (EventHandler and SyncReader) must exist until closed_task is
// called.
// It is safe to call this method more than once. Calls after the first one
// will have no effect.
void Close(const base::Closure& closed_task);
// Sets the volume of the audio output stream.
void SetVolume(double volume);
// AudioSourceCallback implementation.
virtual int OnMoreData(AudioBus* dest,
AudioBuffersState buffers_state) OVERRIDE;
virtual int OnMoreIOData(AudioBus* source,
AudioBus* dest,
AudioBuffersState buffers_state) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnError(AudioOutputStream* stream) OVERRIDE;
// AudioDeviceListener implementation. When called AudioOutputController will
// shutdown the existing |stream_|, transition to the kRecreating state,
// create a new stream, and then transition back to an equivalent state prior
// to being called.
virtual void OnDeviceChange() OVERRIDE;
// AudioSourceDiverter implementation.
virtual const AudioParameters& GetAudioParameters() OVERRIDE;
virtual void StartDiverting(AudioOutputStream* to_stream) OVERRIDE;
virtual void StopDiverting() OVERRIDE;
// Internal state of the source.
enum State {
friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<AudioOutputController>;
virtual ~AudioOutputController();
// We are polling sync reader if data became available.
static const int kPollNumAttempts;
static const int kPollPauseInMilliseconds;
AudioOutputController(AudioManager* audio_manager, EventHandler* handler,
const AudioParameters& params,
const std::string& input_device_id,
SyncReader* sync_reader);
// The following methods are executed on the audio manager thread.
void DoCreate(bool is_for_device_change);
void DoPlay();
void DoPause();
void DoClose();
void DoSetVolume(double volume);
void DoReportError();
void DoStartDiverting(AudioOutputStream* to_stream);
void DoStopDiverting();
// Calls EventHandler::OnPowerMeasured() with the current power level and then
// schedules itself to be called again later.
void ReportPowerMeasurementPeriodically();
// Helper method that stops the physical stream.
void StopStream();
// Helper method that stops, closes, and NULLs |*stream_|.
void DoStopCloseAndClearStream();
// Sanity-check that entry/exit to OnMoreIOData() by the hardware audio thread
// happens only between AudioOutputStream::Start() and Stop().
void AllowEntryToOnMoreIOData();
void DisallowEntryToOnMoreIOData();
AudioManager* const audio_manager_;
const AudioParameters params_;
EventHandler* const handler_;
// Used by the unified IO to open the correct input device.
std::string input_device_id_;
AudioOutputStream* stream_;
// When non-NULL, audio is being diverted to this stream.
AudioOutputStream* diverting_to_stream_;
// The current volume of the audio stream.
double volume_;
// |state_| is written on the audio manager thread and is read on the
// hardware audio thread. These operations need to be locked. But lock
// is not required for reading on the audio manager thread.
State state_;
// Binary semaphore, used to ensure that only one thread enters the
// OnMoreIOData() method, and only when it is valid to do so. This is for
// sanity-checking the behavior of platform implementations of
// AudioOutputStream. In other words, multiple contention is not expected,
// nor in the design here.
base::AtomicRefCount num_allowed_io_;
// SyncReader is used only in low latency mode for synchronous reading.
SyncReader* const sync_reader_;
// The message loop of audio manager thread that this object runs on.
const scoped_refptr<base::MessageLoopProxy> message_loop_;
// When starting stream we wait for data to become available.
// Number of times left.
int number_polling_attempts_left_;
// Scans audio samples from OnMoreIOData() as input to compute power levels.
AudioPowerMonitor power_monitor_;
// Periodic callback to report power levels during playback.
base::CancelableClosure power_poll_callback_;
} // namespace media