blob: 3037ce6b5fc3c8cbf90f64f55064914fa812d626 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "base/stl_util.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/field_types.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/common/password_form.h"
#include "components/password_manager/core/browser/password_manager_driver.h"
#include "components/password_manager/core/browser/password_store.h"
#include "components/password_manager/core/browser/password_store_consumer.h"
namespace content {
class WebContents;
} // namespace content
namespace password_manager {
class PasswordManager;
class PasswordManagerClient;
// Per-password-form-{on-page, dialog} class responsible for interactions
// between a given form, the per-tab PasswordManager, and the PasswordStore.
class PasswordFormManager : public PasswordStoreConsumer {
// |password_manager| owns this object
// |form_on_page| is the form that may be submitted and could need login data.
// |ssl_valid| represents the security of the page containing observed_form,
// used to filter login results from database.
PasswordFormManager(PasswordManager* password_manager,
PasswordManagerClient* client,
PasswordManagerDriver* driver,
const autofill::PasswordForm& observed_form,
bool ssl_valid);
~PasswordFormManager() override;
// Flags describing the result of comparing two forms as performed by
// DoesMatch. Individual flags are only relevant for HTML forms, but
// RESULT_COMPLETE_MATCH will also be returned to indicate non-HTML forms
// completely matching.
enum MatchResultFlags {
RESULT_MANDATORY_ATTRIBUTES_MATCH = 1 << 0, // Bare minimum to be a match.
RESULT_ACTION_MATCH = 1 << 1, // Action URLs match too.
// Use MatchResultMask to contain combinations of MatchResultFlags values.
// It's a signed int rather than unsigned to avoid signed/unsigned mismatch
// caused by the enum values implicitly converting to signed int.
typedef int MatchResultMask;
enum OtherPossibleUsernamesAction {
// Compares basic data of |observed_form_| with |form| and returns how much
// they match. The return value is a MatchResultMask bitmask.
MatchResultMask DoesManage(const autofill::PasswordForm& form) const;
// Retrieves potential matching logins from the database.
// |prompt_policy| indicates whether it's permissible to prompt the user to
// authorize access to locked passwords. This argument is only used on
// platforms that support prompting the user for access (such as Mac OS).
void FetchMatchingLoginsFromPasswordStore(
PasswordStore::AuthorizationPromptPolicy prompt_policy);
// Simple state-check to verify whether this object as received a callback
// from the PasswordStore and completed its matching phase. Note that the
// callback in question occurs on the same (and only) main thread from which
// instances of this class are ever used, but it is required since it is
// conceivable that a user (or ui test) could attempt to submit a login
// prompt before the callback has occured, which would InvokeLater a call to
// PasswordManager::ProvisionallySave, which would interact with this object
// before the db has had time to answer with matching password entries.
// This is intended to be a one-time check; if the return value is false the
// expectation is caller will give up. This clearly won't work if you put it
// in a loop and wait for matching to complete; you're (supposed to be) on
// the same thread!
bool HasCompletedMatching();
// Determines if the user opted to 'never remember' passwords for this form.
bool IsBlacklisted();
// Used by PasswordManager to determine whether or not to display
// a SavePasswordBar when given the green light to save the PasswordForm
// managed by this.
bool IsNewLogin();
// Returns true if the current pending credentials were found using
// origin matching of the public suffix, instead of the signon realm of the
// form.
bool IsPendingCredentialsPublicSuffixMatch();
// Checks if the form is a valid password form. Forms which lack password
// field are not considered valid.
bool HasValidPasswordForm();
// These functions are used to determine if this form has had it's password
// auto generated by the browser.
bool HasGeneratedPassword();
void SetHasGeneratedPassword();
// Determines if we need to autofill given the results of the query.
// Takes ownership of the elements in |result|.
void OnRequestDone(const std::vector<autofill::PasswordForm*>& result);
void OnGetPasswordStoreResults(
const std::vector<autofill::PasswordForm*>& results) override;
// A user opted to 'never remember' passwords for this form.
// Blacklist it so that from now on when it is seen we ignore it.
// TODO: Make this private once we switch to the new UI.
void PermanentlyBlacklist();
// If the user has submitted observed_form_, provisionally hold on to
// the submitted credentials until we are told by PasswordManager whether
// or not the login was successful. |action| describes how we deal with
// possible usernames. If |action| is ALLOW_OTHER_POSSIBLE_USERNAMES we will
// treat a possible usernames match as a sign that our original heuristics
// were wrong and that the user selected the correct username from the
// Autofill UI.
void ProvisionallySave(const autofill::PasswordForm& credentials,
OtherPossibleUsernamesAction action);
// Handles save-as-new or update of the form managed by this manager.
// Note the basic data of updated_credentials must match that of
// observed_form_ (e.g DoesManage(pending_credentials_) == true).
// TODO: Make this private once we switch to the new UI.
void Save();
// Call these if/when we know the form submission worked or failed.
// These routines are used to update internal statistics ("ActionsTaken").
void SubmitPassed();
void SubmitFailed();
// Returns the username associated with the credentials.
const base::string16& associated_username() const {
return pending_credentials_.username_value;
// Returns the pending credentials.
const autofill::PasswordForm& pending_credentials() const {
return pending_credentials_;
// Returns the best matches.
const autofill::PasswordFormMap& best_matches() const {
return best_matches_;
const autofill::PasswordForm* preferred_match() const {
return preferred_match_;
// Returns the realm URL for the form managed my this manager.
const std::string& realm() const {
return pending_credentials_.signon_realm;
const autofill::PasswordForm& observed_form() const { return observed_form_; }
friend class PasswordFormManagerTest;
// ManagerAction - What does the manager do with this form? Either it
// fills it, or it doesn't. If it doesn't fill it, that's either
// because it has no match, or it is blacklisted, or it is disabled
// via the AUTOCOMPLETE=off attribute. Note that if we don't have
// an exact match, we still provide candidates that the user may
// end up choosing.
enum ManagerAction {
kManagerActionNone = 0,
// UserAction - What does the user do with this form? If he or she
// does nothing (either by accepting what the password manager did, or
// by simply (not typing anything at all), you get None. If there were
// multiple choices and the user selects one other than the default,
// you get Choose, if user selects an entry from matching against the Public
// Suffix List you get ChoosePslMatch, if the user types in a new value
// for just the password you get OverridePassword, and if the user types in a
// new value for the username and password you get
// OverrideUsernameAndPassword.
enum UserAction {
kUserActionNone = 0,
// Result - What happens to the form?
enum SubmitResult {
kSubmitResultNotSubmitted = 0,
// The maximum number of combinations of the three preceding enums.
// This is used when recording the actions taken by the form in UMA.
static const int kMaxNumActionsTaken = kManagerActionMax * kUserActionMax *
// Helper for OnGetPasswordStoreResults to determine whether or not
// the given result form is worth scoring.
bool ShouldIgnoreResult(const autofill::PasswordForm& form) const;
// Helper for Save in the case that best_matches.size() == 0, meaning
// we have no prior record of this form/username/password and the user
// has opted to 'Save Password'. If |reset_preferred_login| is set,
// the previously preferred login from |best_matches_| will be reset.
void SaveAsNewLogin(bool reset_preferred_login);
// Helper for OnGetPasswordStoreResults to score an individual result
// against the observed_form_.
int ScoreResult(const autofill::PasswordForm& form) const;
// Helper for Save in the case that best_matches.size() > 0, meaning
// we have at least one match for this form/username/password. This
// Updates the form managed by this object, as well as any matching forms
// that now need to have preferred bit changed, since updated_credentials
// is now implicitly 'preferred'.
void UpdateLogin();
// Check to see if |pending| corresponds to an account creation form. If we
// think that it does, we label it as such and upload this state to the
// Autofill server, so that we will trigger password generation in the future.
void CheckForAccountCreationForm(const autofill::PasswordForm& pending,
const autofill::PasswordForm& observed);
// Update all login matches to reflect new preferred state - preferred flag
// will be reset on all matched logins that different than the current
// |pending_credentials_|.
void UpdatePreferredLoginState(PasswordStore* password_store);
// Returns true if |username| is one of the other possible usernames for a
// password form in |best_matches_| and sets |pending_credentials_| to the
// match which had this username.
bool UpdatePendingCredentialsIfOtherPossibleUsername(
const base::string16& username);
// Update state to reflect that |credential| was used. This is broken out from
// UpdateLogin() so that PSL matches can also be properly updated.
void UpdateMetadataForUsage(const autofill::PasswordForm& credential);
// Converts the "ActionsTaken" fields into an int so they can be logged to
// UMA.
int GetActionsTaken();
// Remove possible_usernames that may contains sensitive information and
// duplicates.
void SanitizePossibleUsernames(autofill::PasswordForm* form);
// Helper function to delegate uploading to the AutofillManager.
virtual void UploadPasswordForm(
const autofill::FormData& form_data,
const autofill::ServerFieldType& password_type);
// Set of PasswordForms from the DB that best match the form
// being managed by this. Use a map instead of vector, because we most
// frequently require lookups by username value in IsNewLogin.
autofill::PasswordFormMap best_matches_;
// Cleans up when best_matches_ goes out of scope.
STLValueDeleter<autofill::PasswordFormMap> best_matches_deleter_;
// The PasswordForm from the page or dialog managed by |this|.
const autofill::PasswordForm observed_form_;
// The origin url path of observed_form_ tokenized, for convenience when
// scoring.
std::vector<std::string> form_path_tokens_;
// Stores updated credentials when the form was submitted but success is
// still unknown.
autofill::PasswordForm pending_credentials_;
// Whether pending_credentials_ stores a new login or is an update
// to an existing one.
bool is_new_login_;
// Whether this form has an auto generated password.
bool has_generated_password_;
// Set if the user has selected one of the other possible usernames in
// |pending_credentials_|.
base::string16 selected_username_;
// PasswordManager owning this.
const PasswordManager* const password_manager_;
// Convenience pointer to entry in best_matches_ that is marked
// as preferred. This is only allowed to be null if there are no best matches
// at all, since there will always be one preferred login when there are
// multiple matches (when first saved, a login is marked preferred).
const autofill::PasswordForm* preferred_match_;
typedef enum {
PRE_MATCHING_PHASE, // Have not yet invoked a GetLogins query to find
// matching login information from password store.
MATCHING_PHASE, // We've made a GetLogins request, but
// haven't received or finished processing result.
POST_MATCHING_PHASE // We've queried the DB and processed matching
// login results.
} PasswordFormManagerState;
// State of matching process, used to verify that we don't call methods
// assuming we've already processed the request for matching logins,
// when we actually haven't.
PasswordFormManagerState state_;
// The client which implements embedder-specific PasswordManager operations.
PasswordManagerClient* client_;
// The driver which implements platform-specific PasswordManager operations.
PasswordManagerDriver* driver_;
// These three fields record the "ActionsTaken" by the browser and
// the user with this form, and the result. They are combined and
// recorded in UMA when the manager is destroyed.
ManagerAction manager_action_;
UserAction user_action_;
SubmitResult submit_result_;
} // namespace password_manager