blob: d5d82c59149ee307e5e3b64a236d737061530bd2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/history/expire_history_backend.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <limits>
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/file_util.h"
#include "base/files/file_enumerator.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chrome_notification_types.h"
#include "chrome/browser/history/history_database.h"
#include "chrome/browser/history/history_notifications.h"
#include "chrome/browser/history/thumbnail_database.h"
#include "components/history/core/browser/history_client.h"
namespace history {
// Helpers --------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace {
// The number of days by which the expiration threshold is advanced for items
// that we want to expire early, such as those of AUTO_SUBFRAME transition type.
// Early expiration stuff is kept around only for edge cases, as subframes
// don't appear in history and the vast majority of them are ads anyway. The
// main use case for these is if you're on a site with links to different
// frames, you'll be able to see those links as visited, and we'll also be
// able to get redirect information for those URLs.
// But since these uses are most valuable when you're actually on the site,
// and because these can take up the bulk of your history, we get a lot of
// space savings by deleting them quickly.
const int kEarlyExpirationAdvanceDays = 3;
// Reads all types of visits starting from beginning of time to the given end
// time. This is the most general reader.
class AllVisitsReader : public ExpiringVisitsReader {
virtual bool Read(base::Time end_time,
HistoryDatabase* db,
VisitVector* visits,
int max_visits) const OVERRIDE {
DCHECK(db) << "must have a database to operate upon";
DCHECK(visits) << "visit vector has to exist in order to populate it";
db->GetAllVisitsInRange(base::Time(), end_time, max_visits, visits);
// When we got the maximum number of visits we asked for, we say there could
// be additional things to expire now.
return static_cast<int>(visits->size()) == max_visits;
// Reads only AUTO_SUBFRAME visits, within a computed range. The range is
// computed as follows:
// * |begin_time| is read from the meta table. This value is updated whenever
// there are no more additional visits to expire by this reader.
// * |end_time| is advanced forward by a constant (kEarlyExpirationAdvanceDay),
// but not past the current time.
class AutoSubframeVisitsReader : public ExpiringVisitsReader {
virtual bool Read(base::Time end_time,
HistoryDatabase* db,
VisitVector* visits,
int max_visits) const OVERRIDE {
DCHECK(db) << "must have a database to operate upon";
DCHECK(visits) << "visit vector has to exist in order to populate it";
base::Time begin_time = db->GetEarlyExpirationThreshold();
// Advance |end_time| to expire early.
base::Time early_end_time = end_time +
// We don't want to set the early expiration threshold to a time in the
// future.
base::Time now = base::Time::Now();
if (early_end_time > now)
early_end_time = now;
db->GetVisitsInRangeForTransition(begin_time, early_end_time,
bool more = static_cast<int>(visits->size()) == max_visits;
if (!more)
return more;
// The number of visits we will expire very time we check for old items. This
// Prevents us from doing too much work any given time.
const int kNumExpirePerIteration = 32;
// The number of seconds between checking for items that should be expired when
// we think there might be more items to expire. This timeout is used when the
// last expiration found at least kNumExpirePerIteration and we want to check
// again "soon."
const int kExpirationDelaySec = 30;
// The number of minutes between checking, as with kExpirationDelaySec, but
// when we didn't find enough things to expire last time. If there was no
// history to expire last iteration, it's likely there is nothing next
// iteration, so we want to wait longer before checking to avoid wasting CPU.
const int kExpirationEmptyDelayMin = 5;
} // namespace
// ExpireHistoryBackend::DeleteEffects ----------------------------------------
ExpireHistoryBackend::DeleteEffects::DeleteEffects() {
ExpireHistoryBackend::DeleteEffects::~DeleteEffects() {
// ExpireHistoryBackend -------------------------------------------------------
BroadcastNotificationDelegate* delegate,
HistoryClient* history_client)
: delegate_(delegate),
history_client_(history_client) {
ExpireHistoryBackend::~ExpireHistoryBackend() {
void ExpireHistoryBackend::SetDatabases(HistoryDatabase* main_db,
ThumbnailDatabase* thumb_db) {
main_db_ = main_db;
thumb_db_ = thumb_db;
void ExpireHistoryBackend::DeleteURL(const GURL& url) {
DeleteURLs(std::vector<GURL>(1, url));
void ExpireHistoryBackend::DeleteURLs(const std::vector<GURL>& urls) {
if (!main_db_)
DeleteEffects effects;
HistoryClient* history_client = GetHistoryClient();
for (std::vector<GURL>::const_iterator url = urls.begin(); url != urls.end();
++url) {
URLRow url_row;
if (!main_db_->GetRowForURL(*url, &url_row))
continue; // Nothing to delete.
// Collect all the visits and delete them. Note that we don't give up if
// there are no visits, since the URL could still have an entry that we
// should delete.
VisitVector visits;
main_db_->GetVisitsForURL(, &visits);
DeleteVisitRelatedInfo(visits, &effects);
// We skip ExpireURLsForVisits (since we are deleting from the
// URL, and not starting with visits in a given time range). We
// therefore need to call the deletion and favicon update
// functions manually.
history_client && history_client->IsBookmarked(*url),
BroadcastNotifications(&effects, DELETION_USER_INITIATED);
void ExpireHistoryBackend::ExpireHistoryBetween(
const std::set<GURL>& restrict_urls,
base::Time begin_time,
base::Time end_time) {
if (!main_db_)
// Find the affected visits and delete them.
VisitVector visits;
main_db_->GetAllVisitsInRange(begin_time, end_time, 0, &visits);
if (!restrict_urls.empty()) {
std::set<URLID> url_ids;
for (std::set<GURL>::const_iterator url = restrict_urls.begin();
url != restrict_urls.end(); ++url)
url_ids.insert(main_db_->GetRowForURL(*url, NULL));
VisitVector all_visits;
for (VisitVector::iterator visit = all_visits.begin();
visit != all_visits.end(); ++visit) {
if (url_ids.find(visit->url_id) != url_ids.end())
void ExpireHistoryBackend::ExpireHistoryForTimes(
const std::vector<base::Time>& times) {
// |times| must be in reverse chronological order and have no
// duplicates, i.e. each member must be earlier than the one before
// it.
times.begin(), times.end(), std::less_equal<base::Time>()) ==
if (!main_db_)
// Find the affected visits and delete them.
VisitVector visits;
main_db_->GetVisitsForTimes(times, &visits);
void ExpireHistoryBackend::ExpireVisits(const VisitVector& visits) {
if (visits.empty())
DeleteEffects effects;
DeleteVisitRelatedInfo(visits, &effects);
// Delete or update the URLs affected. We want to update the visit counts
// since this is called by the user who wants to delete their recent history,
// and we don't want to leave any evidence.
ExpireURLsForVisits(visits, &effects);
BroadcastNotifications(&effects, DELETION_USER_INITIATED);
// Pick up any bits possibly left over.
void ExpireHistoryBackend::ExpireHistoryBefore(base::Time end_time) {
if (!main_db_)
// Expire as much history as possible before the given date.
ExpireSomeOldHistory(end_time, GetAllVisitsReader(),
void ExpireHistoryBackend::InitWorkQueue() {
DCHECK(work_queue_.empty()) << "queue has to be empty prior to init";
for (size_t i = 0; i < readers_.size(); i++)
const ExpiringVisitsReader* ExpireHistoryBackend::GetAllVisitsReader() {
if (!all_visits_reader_)
all_visits_reader_.reset(new AllVisitsReader());
return all_visits_reader_.get();
const ExpiringVisitsReader*
ExpireHistoryBackend::GetAutoSubframeVisitsReader() {
if (!auto_subframe_visits_reader_)
auto_subframe_visits_reader_.reset(new AutoSubframeVisitsReader());
return auto_subframe_visits_reader_.get();
void ExpireHistoryBackend::StartExpiringOldStuff(
base::TimeDelta expiration_threshold) {
expiration_threshold_ = expiration_threshold;
// Remove all readers, just in case this was method was called before.
// For now, we explicitly add all known readers. If we come up with more
// reader types (in case we want to expire different types of visits in
// different ways), we can make it be populated by creator/owner of
// ExpireHistoryBackend.
// Initialize the queue with all tasks for the first set of iterations.
void ExpireHistoryBackend::DeleteFaviconsIfPossible(DeleteEffects* effects) {
if (!thumb_db_)
for (std::set<favicon_base::FaviconID>::const_iterator i =
i != effects->affected_favicons.end(); ++i) {
if (!thumb_db_->HasMappingFor(*i)) {
GURL icon_url;
favicon_base::IconType icon_type;
if (thumb_db_->GetFaviconHeader(*i,
&icon_type) &&
thumb_db_->DeleteFavicon(*i)) {
void ExpireHistoryBackend::BroadcastNotifications(DeleteEffects* effects,
DeletionType type) {
if (!effects->modified_urls.empty()) {
scoped_ptr<URLsModifiedDetails> details(new URLsModifiedDetails);
details->changed_urls = effects->modified_urls;
if (!effects->deleted_urls.empty()) {
scoped_ptr<URLsDeletedDetails> details(new URLsDeletedDetails);
details->all_history = false;
details->expired = (type == DELETION_EXPIRED);
details->rows = effects->deleted_urls;
details->favicon_urls = effects->deleted_favicons;
delegate_->NotifySyncURLsDeleted(details->all_history, details->expired,
void ExpireHistoryBackend::DeleteVisitRelatedInfo(const VisitVector& visits,
DeleteEffects* effects) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < visits.size(); i++) {
// Delete the visit itself.
// Add the URL row to the affected URL list.
if (!effects->affected_urls.count(visits[i].url_id)) {
URLRow row;
if (main_db_->GetURLRow(visits[i].url_id, &row))
effects->affected_urls[visits[i].url_id] = row;
void ExpireHistoryBackend::DeleteOneURL(const URLRow& url_row,
bool is_bookmarked,
DeleteEffects* effects) {
if (!is_bookmarked) {
// Delete stuff that references this URL.
if (thumb_db_) {
// Collect shared information.
std::vector<IconMapping> icon_mappings;
if (thumb_db_->GetIconMappingsForPageURL(url_row.url(), &icon_mappings)) {
for (std::vector<IconMapping>::iterator m = icon_mappings.begin();
m != icon_mappings.end(); ++m) {
// Delete the mapping entries for the url.
// Last, delete the URL entry.
namespace {
struct ChangedURL {
ChangedURL() : visit_count(0), typed_count(0) {}
int visit_count;
int typed_count;
} // namespace
void ExpireHistoryBackend::ExpireURLsForVisits(const VisitVector& visits,
DeleteEffects* effects) {
// First find all unique URLs and the number of visits we're deleting for
// each one.
std::map<URLID, ChangedURL> changed_urls;
for (size_t i = 0; i < visits.size(); i++) {
ChangedURL& cur = changed_urls[visits[i].url_id];
// NOTE: This code must stay in sync with HistoryBackend::AddPageVisit().
// TODO(pkasting): http://b/1148304 We shouldn't be marking so many URLs as
// typed, which would help eliminate the need for this code (we still would
// need to handle RELOAD transitions specially, though).
content::PageTransition transition =
if (transition != content::PAGE_TRANSITION_RELOAD)
if ((transition == content::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED &&
!content::PageTransitionIsRedirect(visits[i].transition)) ||
// Check each unique URL with deleted visits.
HistoryClient* history_client = GetHistoryClient();
for (std::map<URLID, ChangedURL>::const_iterator i = changed_urls.begin();
i != changed_urls.end(); ++i) {
// The unique URL rows should already be filled in.
URLRow& url_row = effects->affected_urls[i->first];
if (!
continue; // URL row doesn't exist in the database.
// Check if there are any other visits for this URL and update the time
// (the time change may not actually be synced to disk below when we're
// archiving).
VisitRow last_visit;
if (main_db_->GetMostRecentVisitForURL(, &last_visit))
// Don't delete URLs with visits still in the DB, or bookmarked.
bool is_bookmarked =
(history_client && history_client->IsBookmarked(url_row.url()));
if (!is_bookmarked && url_row.last_visit().is_null()) {
// Not bookmarked and no more visits. Nuke the url.
DeleteOneURL(url_row, is_bookmarked, effects);
} else {
// NOTE: The calls to std::max() below are a backstop, but they should
// never actually be needed unless the database is corrupt (I think).
std::max(0, url_row.visit_count() - i->second.visit_count));
std::max(0, url_row.typed_count() - i->second.typed_count));
// Update the db with the new details.
main_db_->UpdateURLRow(, url_row);
void ExpireHistoryBackend::ScheduleExpire() {
base::TimeDelta delay;
if (work_queue_.empty()) {
// If work queue is empty, reset the work queue to contain all tasks and
// schedule next iteration after a longer delay.
delay = base::TimeDelta::FromMinutes(kExpirationEmptyDelayMin);
} else {
delay = base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(kExpirationDelaySec);
void ExpireHistoryBackend::DoExpireIteration() {
DCHECK(!work_queue_.empty()) << "queue has to be non-empty";
const ExpiringVisitsReader* reader = work_queue_.front();
bool more_to_expire = ExpireSomeOldHistory(
GetCurrentExpirationTime(), reader, kNumExpirePerIteration);
// If there are more items to expire, add the reader back to the queue, thus
// creating a new task for future iterations.
if (more_to_expire)
bool ExpireHistoryBackend::ExpireSomeOldHistory(
base::Time end_time,
const ExpiringVisitsReader* reader,
int max_visits) {
if (!main_db_)
return false;
// Add an extra time unit to given end time, because
// GetAllVisitsInRange, et al. queries' end value is non-inclusive.
base::Time effective_end_time =
base::Time::FromInternalValue(end_time.ToInternalValue() + 1);
VisitVector deleted_visits;
bool more_to_expire = reader->Read(effective_end_time, main_db_,
&deleted_visits, max_visits);
DeleteEffects deleted_effects;
DeleteVisitRelatedInfo(deleted_visits, &deleted_effects);
ExpireURLsForVisits(deleted_visits, &deleted_effects);
BroadcastNotifications(&deleted_effects, DELETION_EXPIRED);
return more_to_expire;
void ExpireHistoryBackend::ParanoidExpireHistory() {
// TODO(brettw): Bug 1067331: write this to clean up any errors.
HistoryClient* ExpireHistoryBackend::GetHistoryClient() {
// We use the history client to determine if a URL is bookmarked. The data is
// loaded on a separate thread and may not be done by the time we get here.
// We therefore block until the bookmarks have finished loading.
if (history_client_)
return history_client_;
} // namespace history