blob: b7f4485a2a7e924a92ffc7c0b8777a854acb6f55 [file] [log] [blame]
"description": "Pages hand-picked for project Silk.",
"archive_data_file": "data/key_silk_cases.json",
"credentials_path": "data/credentials.json",
"user_agent_type": "mobile",
"smoothness": { "action": "scroll" },
"pages": [
"url": "",
"why": "best case infinite scroll from sencha",
"navigate_steps" : [
{ "action": "navigate" },
{ "action": "wait", "seconds": 2 }
"smoothness": {
"action": "scroll",
"scrollable_element_function": "function(callback) { callback(document.getElementById('scrollable')); }"
"url": "",
"why": "lots of layers all animating",
"navigate_steps" : [
{ "action": "navigate" },
{ "action": "wait", "seconds": 2 }
"smoothness": { "action": "wait", "seconds": 10 }
"url": "",
"why": "",
"navigate_steps" : [
{ "action": "navigate" },
{ "action": "wait", "seconds": 2 }
"smoothness": {
"action": "scroll",
"scrollable_element_function": "function(callback) { callback(document.getElementById('list')); }"
"url": "",
"why": "",
"navigate_steps" : [
{ "action": "navigate" },
{ "action": "wait", "seconds": 2 }
"smoothness": {
"action": "scroll",
"scrollable_element_function": "function(callback) { callback(document.getElementById('list')); }"
"url": "",
"why": "",
"navigate_steps" : [
{ "action": "navigate" },
{ "action": "wait", "seconds": 2 }
"smoothness": {
"action": "scroll",
"scrollable_element_function": "function(callback) { callback(document.getElementById('container')); }"
"url": "",
"why": "reduced version of ui toolkit static scroll case",
"navigate_steps" : [
{ "action": "navigate" },
{ "action": "wait", "seconds": 2 }
"smoothness": {
"action": "scroll",
"scrollable_element_function": "function(callback) { callback(document.getElementsByClassName('container')[0]); }"
"url": "",
"why": "long jank at the start of every scroll gesture (due to layout?)",
"navigate_steps" : [
{ "action": "navigate" },
{ "action": "wait", "seconds": 2 }
"smoothness": { "action": "scroll" }
"url": "",
"why": "only the green div should repaint",
"navigate_steps" : [
{ "action": "navigate" },
{ "action": "wait", "seconds": 2 }
"smoothness": { "action": "wait", "seconds": 5 }
"url": "",
"why": "only the red div should repaint",
"navigate_steps" : [
{ "action": "navigate" },
{ "action": "wait", "seconds": 2 }
"smoothness": { "action": "wait", "seconds": 5 }
"url": "",
"why": "margin top animation",
"navigate_steps" : [
{ "action": "navigate" },
{ "action": "wait", "seconds": 2 }
"smoothness": { "action": "wait", "seconds": 5 }