blob: b6825b07ab5f787e9b3a3e6549a70b1380c1e172 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/mac/scoped_nsobject.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "content/browser/accessibility/browser_accessibility_delegate_mac.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/render_widget_host_view_base.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/software_frame_manager.h"
#include "content/common/edit_command.h"
#import "content/public/browser/render_widget_host_view_mac_base.h"
#include "ipc/ipc_sender.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebCompositionUnderline.h"
#include "ui/base/cocoa/base_view.h"
#include "webkit/common/cursors/webcursor.h"
namespace content {
class CompositingIOSurfaceMac;
class CompositingIOSurfaceContext;
class RenderWidgetHostViewMac;
class RenderWidgetHostViewMacEditCommandHelper;
@class CompositingIOSurfaceLayer;
@class FullscreenWindowManager;
@protocol RenderWidgetHostViewMacDelegate;
@class ToolTip;
@protocol RenderWidgetHostViewMacOwner
- (content::RenderWidgetHostViewMac*)renderWidgetHostViewMac;
// This is the view that lives in the Cocoa view hierarchy. In Windows-land,
// RenderWidgetHostViewWin is both the view and the delegate. We split the roles
// but that means that the view needs to own the delegate and will dispose of it
// when it's removed from the view system.
@interface RenderWidgetHostViewCocoa
: BaseView <RenderWidgetHostViewMacBase,
BrowserAccessibilityDelegateCocoa> {
scoped_ptr<content::RenderWidgetHostViewMac> renderWidgetHostView_;
NSObject<RenderWidgetHostViewMacDelegate>* delegate_; // weak
BOOL canBeKeyView_;
BOOL takesFocusOnlyOnMouseDown_;
BOOL closeOnDeactivate_;
// These are part of the magic tooltip code from WebKit's WebHTMLView:
id trackingRectOwner_; // (not retained)
void* trackingRectUserData_;
NSTrackingRectTag lastToolTipTag_;
base::scoped_nsobject<NSString> toolTip_;
// Is YES if there was a mouse-down as yet unbalanced with a mouse-up.
BOOL hasOpenMouseDown_;
NSWindow* lastWindow_; // weak
// The cursor for the page. This is passed up from the renderer.
base::scoped_nsobject<NSCursor> currentCursor_;
// Variables used by our implementaion of the NSTextInput protocol.
// An input method of Mac calls the methods of this protocol not only to
// notify an application of its status, but also to retrieve the status of
// the application. That is, an application cannot control an input method
// directly.
// This object keeps the status of a composition of the renderer and returns
// it when an input method asks for it.
// We need to implement Objective-C methods for the NSTextInput protocol. On
// the other hand, we need to implement a C++ method for an IPC-message
// handler which receives input-method events from the renderer.
// Represents the input-method attributes supported by this object.
base::scoped_nsobject<NSArray> validAttributesForMarkedText_;
// Indicates if we are currently handling a key down event.
BOOL handlingKeyDown_;
// Indicates if there is any marked text.
BOOL hasMarkedText_;
// Indicates if unmarkText is called or not when handling a keyboard
// event.
BOOL unmarkTextCalled_;
// The range of current marked text inside the whole content of the DOM node
// being edited.
// TODO(suzhe): This is currently a fake value, as we do not support accessing
// the whole content yet.
NSRange markedRange_;
// The selected range, cached from a message sent by the renderer.
NSRange selectedRange_;
// Text to be inserted which was generated by handling a key down event.
base::string16 textToBeInserted_;
// Marked text which was generated by handling a key down event.
base::string16 markedText_;
// Underline information of the |markedText_|.
std::vector<blink::WebCompositionUnderline> underlines_;
// Indicates if doCommandBySelector method receives any edit command when
// handling a key down event.
BOOL hasEditCommands_;
// Contains edit commands received by the -doCommandBySelector: method when
// handling a key down event, not including inserting commands, eg. insertTab,
// etc.
content::EditCommands editCommands_;
// The plugin that currently has focus (-1 if no plugin has focus).
int focusedPluginIdentifier_;
// Whether or not plugin IME is currently enabled active.
BOOL pluginImeActive_;
// Whether the previous mouse event was ignored due to hitTest check.
BOOL mouseEventWasIgnored_;
// Event monitor for scroll wheel end event.
id endWheelMonitor_;
// OpenGL Support:
// recursive globalFrameDidChange protection:
BOOL handlingGlobalFrameDidChange_;
// The scale factor of the display this view is in.
float deviceScaleFactor_;
// If true then escape key down events are suppressed until the first escape
// key up event. (The up event is suppressed as well). This is used by the
// flash fullscreen code to avoid sending a key up event without a matching
// key down event.
BOOL suppressNextEscapeKeyUp_;
@property(nonatomic, readonly) NSRange selectedRange;
@property(nonatomic, readonly) BOOL suppressNextEscapeKeyUp;
- (void)setCanBeKeyView:(BOOL)can;
- (void)setTakesFocusOnlyOnMouseDown:(BOOL)b;
- (void)setCloseOnDeactivate:(BOOL)b;
- (void)setToolTipAtMousePoint:(NSString *)string;
// True for always-on-top special windows (e.g. Balloons and Panels).
- (BOOL)acceptsMouseEventsWhenInactive;
// Cancel ongoing composition (abandon the marked text).
- (void)cancelComposition;
// Confirm ongoing composition.
- (void)confirmComposition;
// Enables or disables plugin IME.
- (void)setPluginImeActive:(BOOL)active;
// Updates the current plugin focus state.
- (void)pluginFocusChanged:(BOOL)focused forPlugin:(int)pluginId;
// Evaluates the event in the context of plugin IME, if plugin IME is enabled.
// Returns YES if the event was handled.
- (BOOL)postProcessEventForPluginIme:(NSEvent*)event;
- (void)updateCursor:(NSCursor*)cursor;
- (NSRect)firstViewRectForCharacterRange:(NSRange)theRange
namespace content {
class RenderWidgetHostImpl;
// RenderWidgetHostViewMac
// An object representing the "View" of a rendered web page. This object is
// responsible for displaying the content of the web page, and integrating with
// the Cocoa view system. It is the implementation of the RenderWidgetHostView
// that the cross-platform RenderWidgetHost object uses
// to display the data.
// Comment excerpted from render_widget_host.h:
// "The lifetime of the RenderWidgetHost* is tied to the render process.
// If the render process dies, the RenderWidgetHost* goes away and all
// references to it must become NULL."
// RenderWidgetHostView class hierarchy described in render_widget_host_view.h.
class RenderWidgetHostViewMac : public RenderWidgetHostViewBase,
public IPC::Sender,
public SoftwareFrameManagerClient {
virtual ~RenderWidgetHostViewMac();
RenderWidgetHostViewCocoa* cocoa_view() const { return cocoa_view_; }
CONTENT_EXPORT void SetDelegate(
NSObject<RenderWidgetHostViewMacDelegate>* delegate);
void SetAllowOverlappingViews(bool overlapping);
// RenderWidgetHostView implementation.
virtual bool OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& msg) OVERRIDE;
virtual void InitAsChild(gfx::NativeView parent_view) OVERRIDE;
virtual RenderWidgetHost* GetRenderWidgetHost() const OVERRIDE;
virtual void SetSize(const gfx::Size& size) OVERRIDE;
virtual void SetBounds(const gfx::Rect& rect) OVERRIDE;
virtual gfx::NativeView GetNativeView() const OVERRIDE;
virtual gfx::NativeViewId GetNativeViewId() const OVERRIDE;
virtual gfx::NativeViewAccessible GetNativeViewAccessible() OVERRIDE;
virtual bool HasFocus() const OVERRIDE;
virtual bool IsSurfaceAvailableForCopy() const OVERRIDE;
virtual void Show() OVERRIDE;
virtual void Hide() OVERRIDE;
virtual bool IsShowing() OVERRIDE;
virtual gfx::Rect GetViewBounds() const OVERRIDE;
virtual void SetShowingContextMenu(bool showing) OVERRIDE;
virtual void SetActive(bool active) OVERRIDE;
virtual void SetTakesFocusOnlyOnMouseDown(bool flag) OVERRIDE;
virtual void SetWindowVisibility(bool visible) OVERRIDE;
virtual void WindowFrameChanged() OVERRIDE;
virtual void ShowDefinitionForSelection() OVERRIDE;
virtual bool SupportsSpeech() const OVERRIDE;
virtual void SpeakSelection() OVERRIDE;
virtual bool IsSpeaking() const OVERRIDE;
virtual void StopSpeaking() OVERRIDE;
virtual void SetBackground(const SkBitmap& background) OVERRIDE;
// Implementation of RenderWidgetHostViewPort.
virtual void InitAsPopup(RenderWidgetHostView* parent_host_view,
const gfx::Rect& pos) OVERRIDE;
virtual void InitAsFullscreen(
RenderWidgetHostView* reference_host_view) OVERRIDE;
virtual void WasShown() OVERRIDE;
virtual void WasHidden() OVERRIDE;
virtual void MovePluginWindows(
const gfx::Vector2d& scroll_offset,
const std::vector<WebPluginGeometry>& moves) OVERRIDE;
virtual void Focus() OVERRIDE;
virtual void Blur() OVERRIDE;
virtual void UpdateCursor(const WebCursor& cursor) OVERRIDE;
virtual void SetIsLoading(bool is_loading) OVERRIDE;
virtual void TextInputTypeChanged(ui::TextInputType type,
ui::TextInputMode input_mode,
bool can_compose_inline) OVERRIDE;
virtual void ImeCancelComposition() OVERRIDE;
virtual void ImeCompositionRangeChanged(
const gfx::Range& range,
const std::vector<gfx::Rect>& character_bounds) OVERRIDE;
virtual void DidUpdateBackingStore(
const gfx::Rect& scroll_rect,
const gfx::Vector2d& scroll_delta,
const std::vector<gfx::Rect>& copy_rects,
const ui::LatencyInfo& latency_info) OVERRIDE;
virtual void RenderProcessGone(base::TerminationStatus status,
int error_code) OVERRIDE;
virtual void Destroy() OVERRIDE;
virtual void SetTooltipText(const base::string16& tooltip_text) OVERRIDE;
virtual void SelectionChanged(const base::string16& text,
size_t offset,
const gfx::Range& range) OVERRIDE;
virtual void SelectionBoundsChanged(
const ViewHostMsg_SelectionBounds_Params& params) OVERRIDE;
virtual void ScrollOffsetChanged() OVERRIDE;
virtual BackingStore* AllocBackingStore(const gfx::Size& size) OVERRIDE;
virtual void CopyFromCompositingSurface(
const gfx::Rect& src_subrect,
const gfx::Size& dst_size,
const base::Callback<void(bool, const SkBitmap&)>& callback) OVERRIDE;
virtual void CopyFromCompositingSurfaceToVideoFrame(
const gfx::Rect& src_subrect,
const scoped_refptr<media::VideoFrame>& target,
const base::Callback<void(bool)>& callback) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool CanCopyToVideoFrame() const OVERRIDE;
virtual bool CanSubscribeFrame() const OVERRIDE;
virtual void BeginFrameSubscription(
scoped_ptr<RenderWidgetHostViewFrameSubscriber> subscriber) OVERRIDE;
virtual void EndFrameSubscription() OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnSwapCompositorFrame(
uint32 output_surface_id, scoped_ptr<cc::CompositorFrame> frame) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnAcceleratedCompositingStateChange() OVERRIDE;
virtual void AcceleratedSurfaceInitialized(int host_id,
int route_id) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnAccessibilityEvents(
const std::vector<AccessibilityHostMsg_EventParams>& params
virtual bool PostProcessEventForPluginIme(
const NativeWebKeyboardEvent& event) OVERRIDE;
virtual void AcceleratedSurfaceBuffersSwapped(
const GpuHostMsg_AcceleratedSurfaceBuffersSwapped_Params& params,
int gpu_host_id) OVERRIDE;
virtual void AcceleratedSurfacePostSubBuffer(
const GpuHostMsg_AcceleratedSurfacePostSubBuffer_Params& params,
int gpu_host_id) OVERRIDE;
virtual void AcceleratedSurfaceSuspend() OVERRIDE;
virtual void AcceleratedSurfaceRelease() OVERRIDE;
virtual bool HasAcceleratedSurface(const gfx::Size& desired_size) OVERRIDE;
virtual void AboutToWaitForBackingStoreMsg() OVERRIDE;
virtual void GetScreenInfo(blink::WebScreenInfo* results) OVERRIDE;
virtual gfx::Rect GetBoundsInRootWindow() OVERRIDE;
virtual gfx::GLSurfaceHandle GetCompositingSurface() OVERRIDE;
virtual void SetHasHorizontalScrollbar(
bool has_horizontal_scrollbar) OVERRIDE;
virtual void SetScrollOffsetPinning(
bool is_pinned_to_left, bool is_pinned_to_right) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool LockMouse() OVERRIDE;
virtual void UnlockMouse() OVERRIDE;
virtual void UnhandledWheelEvent(
const blink::WebMouseWheelEvent& event) OVERRIDE;
// IPC::Sender implementation.
virtual bool Send(IPC::Message* message) OVERRIDE;
// SoftwareFrameManagerClient implementation:
virtual void SoftwareFrameWasFreed(
uint32 output_surface_id, unsigned frame_id) OVERRIDE;
virtual void ReleaseReferencesToSoftwareFrame() OVERRIDE;
// Forwards the mouse event to the renderer.
void ForwardMouseEvent(const blink::WebMouseEvent& event);
void KillSelf();
void SetTextInputActive(bool active);
// Change this view to use CoreAnimation to draw.
void EnableCoreAnimation();
// Sends completed plugin IME notification and text back to the renderer.
void PluginImeCompositionCompleted(const base::string16& text, int plugin_id);
const std::string& selected_text() const { return selected_text_; }
// Update the IOSurface to be drawn and call setNeedsDisplay on
// |cocoa_view_|.
void CompositorSwapBuffers(uint64 surface_handle,
const gfx::Size& size,
float scale_factor,
const ui::LatencyInfo& latency_info);
// Draw the IOSurface by making its context current to this view.
bool DrawIOSurfaceWithoutCoreAnimation();
// Called when a GPU error is detected. Deletes all compositing state.
void GotAcceleratedCompositingError();
// Sets the overlay view, which should be drawn in the same IOSurface
// atop of this view, if both views are drawing accelerated content.
// Overlay is stored as a weak ptr.
void SetOverlayView(RenderWidgetHostViewMac* overlay,
const gfx::Point& offset);
// Removes the previously set overlay view.
void RemoveOverlayView();
// Returns true and stores first rectangle for character range if the
// requested |range| is already cached, otherwise returns false.
// Exposed for testing.
CONTENT_EXPORT bool GetCachedFirstRectForCharacterRange(
NSRange range, NSRect* rect, NSRange* actual_range);
// Returns true if there is line break in |range| and stores line breaking
// point to |line_breaking_point|. The |line_break_point| is valid only if
// this function returns true.
bool GetLineBreakIndex(const std::vector<gfx::Rect>& bounds,
const gfx::Range& range,
size_t* line_break_point);
// Returns composition character boundary rectangle. The |range| is
// composition based range. Also stores |actual_range| which is corresponding
// to actually used range for returned rectangle.
gfx::Rect GetFirstRectForCompositionRange(const gfx::Range& range,
gfx::Range* actual_range);
// Converts from given whole character range to composition oriented range. If
// the conversion failed, return gfx::Range::InvalidRange.
gfx::Range ConvertCharacterRangeToCompositionRange(
const gfx::Range& request_range);
// These member variables should be private, but the associated ObjC class
// needs access to them and can't be made a friend.
// The associated Model. Can be NULL if Destroy() is called when
// someone (other than superview) has retained |cocoa_view_|.
RenderWidgetHostImpl* render_widget_host_;
// This is true when we are currently painting and thus should handle extra
// paint requests by expanding the invalid rect rather than actually painting.
bool about_to_validate_and_paint_;
// This is true when we have already scheduled a call to
// |-callSetNeedsDisplayInRect:| but it has not been fulfilled yet. Used to
// prevent us from scheduling multiple calls.
bool call_set_needs_display_in_rect_pending_;
// Whether last rendered frame was accelerated.
bool last_frame_was_accelerated_;
// The invalid rect that needs to be painted by callSetNeedsDisplayInRect.
// This value is only meaningful when
// |call_set_needs_display_in_rect_pending_| is true.
NSRect invalid_rect_;
// The time at which this view started displaying white pixels as a result of
// not having anything to paint (empty backing store from renderer). This
// value returns true for is_null() if we are not recording whiteout times.
base::TimeTicks whiteout_start_time_;
// The time it took after this view was selected for it to be fully painted.
base::TimeTicks web_contents_switch_paint_time_;
// Current text input type.
ui::TextInputType text_input_type_;
bool can_compose_inline_;
base::scoped_nsobject<CALayer> software_layer_;
// Accelerated compositing structures. These may be dynamically created and
// destroyed together in Create/DestroyCompositedIOSurfaceAndLayer.
base::scoped_nsobject<CompositingIOSurfaceLayer> compositing_iosurface_layer_;
scoped_ptr<CompositingIOSurfaceMac> compositing_iosurface_;
scoped_refptr<CompositingIOSurfaceContext> compositing_iosurface_context_;
// This holds the current software compositing framebuffer, if any.
scoped_ptr<SoftwareFrameManager> software_frame_manager_;
// This is set when a new software frame is received and un-set when the
// frame's ack is sent back to the renderer.
bool software_frame_needs_to_send_ack_;
// Whether to allow overlapping views.
bool allow_overlapping_views_;
// Whether to use the CoreAnimation path to draw content.
bool use_core_animation_;
ui::LatencyInfo software_latency_info_;
NSWindow* pepper_fullscreen_window() const {
return pepper_fullscreen_window_;
CONTENT_EXPORT void release_pepper_fullscreen_window_for_testing();
RenderWidgetHostViewMac* fullscreen_parent_host_view() const {
return fullscreen_parent_host_view_;
RenderWidgetHostViewFrameSubscriber* frame_subscriber() const {
return frame_subscriber_.get();
int window_number() const;
float scale_factor() const;
void FrameSwapped();
friend class RenderWidgetHostView;
friend class RenderWidgetHostViewMacTest;
void GetVSyncParameters(
base::TimeTicks* timebase, base::TimeDelta* interval);
// The view will associate itself with the given widget. The native view must
// be hooked up immediately to the view hierarchy, or else when it is
// deleted it will delete this out from under the caller.
explicit RenderWidgetHostViewMac(RenderWidgetHost* widget);
// Returns whether this render view is a popup (autocomplete window).
bool IsPopup() const;
// Shuts down the render_widget_host_. This is a separate function so we can
// invoke it from the message loop.
void ShutdownHost();
bool CreateCompositedIOSurface();
bool CreateCompositedIOSurfaceLayer();
enum DestroyContextBehavior {
void DestroyCompositedIOSurfaceAndLayer(DestroyContextBehavior
// Unbind the GL context (if any) that is bound to |cocoa_view_|.
void ClearBoundContextDrawable();
// Called when a GPU SwapBuffers is received.
void GotAcceleratedFrame();
// Called when a software DIB is received.
void GotSoftwareFrame();
// Ack pending SwapBuffers requests, if any, to unblock the GPU process. Has
// no effect if there are no pending requests.
void AckPendingSwapBuffers();
// Ack pending SwapBuffers requests, but no more frequently than the vsync
// rate if the renderer is not throttling the swap rate.
void ThrottledAckPendingSwapBuffers();
void OnPluginFocusChanged(bool focused, int plugin_id);
void OnStartPluginIme();
CONTENT_EXPORT void OnAcceleratedSurfaceSetIOSurface(
gfx::PluginWindowHandle window,
int32 width,
int32 height,
uint64 mach_port);
void OnAcceleratedSurfaceSetTransportDIB(gfx::PluginWindowHandle window,
int32 width,
int32 height,
TransportDIB::Handle transport_dib);
void OnAcceleratedSurfaceBuffersSwapped(gfx::PluginWindowHandle window,
uint64 surface_handle);
// Convert |rect| from the views coordinate (upper-left origin) into
// the OpenGL coordinate (lower-left origin) and scale for HiDPI displays.
gfx::Rect GetScaledOpenGLPixelRect(const gfx::Rect& rect);
// The associated view. This is weak and is inserted into the view hierarchy
// to own this RenderWidgetHostViewMac object. Set to nil at the start of the
// destructor.
RenderWidgetHostViewCocoa* cocoa_view_;
// Indicates if the page is loading.
bool is_loading_;
// The text to be shown in the tooltip, supplied by the renderer.
base::string16 tooltip_text_;
// Factory used to safely scope delayed calls to ShutdownHost().
base::WeakPtrFactory<RenderWidgetHostViewMac> weak_factory_;
// selected text on the renderer.
std::string selected_text_;
// The window used for popup widgets.
base::scoped_nsobject<NSWindow> popup_window_;
// The fullscreen window used for pepper flash.
base::scoped_nsobject<NSWindow> pepper_fullscreen_window_;
base::scoped_nsobject<FullscreenWindowManager> fullscreen_window_manager_;
// Our parent host view, if this is fullscreen. NULL otherwise.
RenderWidgetHostViewMac* fullscreen_parent_host_view_;
// List of pending swaps for deferred acking:
// pairs of (route_id, gpu_host_id).
std::list<std::pair<int32, int32> > pending_swap_buffers_acks_;
// Factory used to cancel outstanding throttled AckPendingSwapBuffers calls.
// The overlay view which is rendered above this one in the same
// accelerated IOSurface.
// Overlay view has |underlay_view_| set to this view.
base::WeakPtr<RenderWidgetHostViewMac> overlay_view_;
// Offset at which overlay view should be rendered.
gfx::Point overlay_view_offset_;
// The underlay view which this view is rendered above in the same
// accelerated IOSurface.
// Underlay view has |overlay_view_| set to this view.
base::WeakPtr<RenderWidgetHostViewMac> underlay_view_;
// Set to true when |underlay_view_| has drawn this view. After that point,
// this view should not draw again until |underlay_view_| is changed.
bool underlay_view_has_drawn_;
// Factory used to safely reference overlay view set in SetOverlayView.
// The earliest time at which the next swap ack may be sent. Only relevant
// when swaps are not being throttled by the renderer (when threaded
// compositing is off).
base::Time next_swap_ack_time_;
// The current composition character range and its bounds.
gfx::Range composition_range_;
std::vector<gfx::Rect> composition_bounds_;
// The current caret bounds.
gfx::Rect caret_rect_;
// Subscriber that listens to frame presentation events.
scoped_ptr<RenderWidgetHostViewFrameSubscriber> frame_subscriber_;
} // namespace content