blob: 7514c342eb7f0afa8f2f785f648c79f984fc215a [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
'''A container for timeline-based events and traces and can handle importing
raw event data from different sources. This model closely resembles that in the
trace_viewer project:
from operator import attrgetter
import weakref
import telemetry.core.timeline.process as tracing_process
from telemetry.core import web_contents
from telemetry.core import browser
# Register importers for data
from telemetry.core.timeline import inspector_importer
from telemetry.core.timeline import bounds
from telemetry.core.timeline import trace_event_importer
class MarkerMismatchError(Exception):
def __init__(self):
super(MarkerMismatchError, self).__init__(
'Number or order of timeline markers does not match provided labels')
class MarkerOverlapError(Exception):
def __init__(self):
super(MarkerOverlapError, self).__init__(
'Overlapping timeline markers found')
class TimelineModel(object):
def __init__(self, event_data=None, shift_world_to_zero=True):
self._bounds = bounds.Bounds()
self._thread_time_bounds = bounds.Bounds()
self._processes = {}
self._frozen = False
self.import_errors = []
self.metadata = []
# Use a WeakKeyDictionary, because an ordinary dictionary could keep
# references to Tab objects around until it gets garbage collected.
# This would prevent telemetry from navigating to another page.
self._core_object_to_timeline_container_map = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary()
if event_data is not None:
self.ImportTraces([event_data], shift_world_to_zero=shift_world_to_zero)
def bounds(self):
return self._bounds
def thread_time_bounds(self):
return self._thread_time_bounds
def processes(self):
return self._processes
def ImportTraces(self, traces, shift_world_to_zero=True):
if self._frozen:
raise Exception("Cannot add events once recording is done")
importers = []
for event_data in traces:
importers.sort(cmp=lambda x, y: x.import_priority - y.import_priority)
for importer in importers:
# TODO: catch exceptions here and add it to error list
if not self.bounds.is_empty:
for process in self._processes.itervalues():
for importer in importers:
for process in self.processes.itervalues():
if shift_world_to_zero:
# Because of FinalizeImport, it would probably be a good idea
# to prevent the timeline from from being modified.
self._frozen = True
def ShiftWorldToZero(self):
if self._bounds.is_empty:
shift_amount = self._bounds.min
thread_shift_amount = self._thread_time_bounds.min
for event in self.IterAllEvents():
event.start -= shift_amount
if event.thread_start != None:
event.thread_start -= thread_shift_amount
def UpdateBounds(self):
for event in self.IterAllEvents():
if event.thread_start != None:
if event.thread_end != None:
def GetAllContainers(self):
containers = []
def Iter(container):
for container in container.IterChildContainers():
for process in self._processes.itervalues():
return containers
def IterAllEvents(self):
for container in self.GetAllContainers():
for event in container.IterEventsInThisContainer():
yield event
def GetAllProcesses(self):
return self._processes.values()
def GetAllThreads(self):
threads = []
for process in self._processes.values():
return threads
def GetAllEvents(self):
return list(self.IterAllEvents())
def GetAllEventsOfName(self, name):
return [e for e in self.IterAllEvents() if == name]
def GetOrCreateProcess(self, pid):
if pid not in self._processes:
assert not self._frozen
self._processes[pid] = tracing_process.Process(self, pid)
return self._processes[pid]
def FindTimelineMarkers(self, timeline_marker_names):
"""Find the timeline events with the given names.
If the number and order of events found does not match the names,
raise an error.
# Make sure names are in a list and remove all None names
if not isinstance(timeline_marker_names, list):
timeline_marker_names = [timeline_marker_names]
names = [x for x in timeline_marker_names if x is not None]
# Gather all events that match the names and sort them.
events = []
name_set = set()
for name in names:
for name in name_set:
events.extend([s for s in self.GetAllEventsOfName(name)
if s.parent_slice == None])
# Check if the number and order of events matches the provided names,
# and that the events don't overlap.
if len(events) != len(names):
raise MarkerMismatchError()
for (i, event) in enumerate(events):
if != names[i]:
raise MarkerMismatchError()
for i in xrange(0, len(events)):
for j in xrange(i+1, len(events)):
if (events[j].start < events[i].start + events[i].duration):
raise MarkerOverlapError()
return events
def GetRendererProcessFromTab(self, tab):
return self._core_object_to_timeline_container_map[tab]
def AddCoreObjectToContainerMapping(self, core_object, container):
""" Add a mapping from a core object to a timeline container.
Used for example to map a Tab to its renderer process in the timeline model.
assert(isinstance(core_object, web_contents.WebContents) or
isinstance(core_object, browser.Browser))
self._core_object_to_timeline_container_map[core_object] = container
def _CreateImporter(self, event_data):
for importer_class in _IMPORTERS:
if importer_class.CanImport(event_data):
return importer_class(self, event_data)
raise ValueError("Could not find an importer for the provided event data")