blob: a0f82299564a55b3fdb717e2bf233744918767e6 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import logging
import subprocess
import tempfile
from telemetry.core import bitmap
from telemetry.core import exceptions
from telemetry.core import platform
from telemetry.core import util
from telemetry.core.platform import proc_supporting_platform_backend
# Get build/android scripts into our path.
util.AddDirToPythonPath(util.GetChromiumSrcDir(), 'build', 'android')
from pylib import screenshot # pylint: disable=F0401
from pylib.perf import cache_control # pylint: disable=F0401
from pylib.perf import perf_control # pylint: disable=F0401
from pylib.perf import thermal_throttle # pylint: disable=F0401
from pylib.perf import surface_stats_collector # pylint: disable=F0401
except Exception:
surface_stats_collector = None
class AndroidPlatformBackend(
def __init__(self, adb, no_performance_mode):
super(AndroidPlatformBackend, self).__init__()
self._adb = adb
self._surface_stats_collector = None
self._perf_tests_setup = perf_control.PerfControl(self._adb)
self._thermal_throttle = thermal_throttle.ThermalThrottle(self._adb)
self._no_performance_mode = no_performance_mode
self._raw_display_frame_rate_measurements = []
self._host_platform_backend = platform.CreatePlatformBackendForCurrentOS()
self._can_access_protected_file_contents = \
self._video_recorder = None
self._video_output = None
if self._no_performance_mode:
logging.warning('CPU governor will not be set!')
def IsRawDisplayFrameRateSupported(self):
return True
def StartRawDisplayFrameRateMeasurement(self):
assert not self._surface_stats_collector
# Clear any leftover data from previous timed out tests
self._raw_display_frame_rate_measurements = []
self._surface_stats_collector = \
def StopRawDisplayFrameRateMeasurement(self):
for r in self._surface_stats_collector.GetResults():
platform.Platform.RawDisplayFrameRateMeasurement(, r.value, r.unit))
self._surface_stats_collector = None
def GetRawDisplayFrameRateMeasurements(self):
ret = self._raw_display_frame_rate_measurements
self._raw_display_frame_rate_measurements = []
return ret
def SetFullPerformanceModeEnabled(self, enabled):
if self._no_performance_mode:
if enabled:
def CanMonitorThermalThrottling(self):
return True
def IsThermallyThrottled(self):
return self._thermal_throttle.IsThrottled()
def HasBeenThermallyThrottled(self):
return self._thermal_throttle.HasBeenThrottled()
def GetSystemCommitCharge(self):
for line in self._adb.RunShellCommand('dumpsys meminfo', log_result=False):
if line.startswith('Total PSS: '):
return int(line.split()[2]) * 1024
return 0
def GetCpuStats(self, pid):
if not self._can_access_protected_file_contents:
logging.warning('CPU stats cannot be retrieved on non-rooted device.')
return {}
return super(AndroidPlatformBackend, self).GetCpuStats(pid)
def GetCpuTimestamp(self):
if not self._can_access_protected_file_contents:
logging.warning('CPU timestamp cannot be retrieved on non-rooted device.')
return {}
return super(AndroidPlatformBackend, self).GetCpuTimestamp()
def GetMemoryStats(self, pid):
memory_usage = self._adb.GetMemoryUsageForPid(pid)[0]
return {'ProportionalSetSize': memory_usage['Pss'] * 1024,
'SharedDirty': memory_usage['Shared_Dirty'] * 1024,
'PrivateDirty': memory_usage['Private_Dirty'] * 1024,
'VMPeak': memory_usage['VmHWM'] * 1024}
def GetIOStats(self, pid):
return {}
def GetChildPids(self, pid):
child_pids = []
ps = self._GetPsOutput(['pid', 'name'])
for curr_pid, curr_name in ps:
if int(curr_pid) == pid:
name = curr_name
for curr_pid, curr_name in ps:
if curr_name.startswith(name) and curr_name != name:
return child_pids
def GetCommandLine(self, pid):
ps = self._GetPsOutput(['pid', 'name'])
for curr_pid, curr_name in ps:
if int(curr_pid) == pid:
return curr_name
raise exceptions.ProcessGoneException()
def GetOSName(self):
return 'android'
def GetOSVersionName(self):
return self._adb.GetBuildId()[0]
def CanFlushIndividualFilesFromSystemCache(self):
return False
def FlushEntireSystemCache(self):
cache = cache_control.CacheControl(self._adb)
def FlushSystemCacheForDirectory(self, directory, ignoring=None):
raise NotImplementedError()
def LaunchApplication(self, application, parameters=None):
if application in _HOST_APPLICATIONS:
self._host_platform_backend.LaunchApplication(application, parameters)
if not parameters:
parameters = ''
self._adb.RunShellCommand('am start ' + parameters + ' ' + application)
def IsApplicationRunning(self, application):
if application in _HOST_APPLICATIONS:
return self._host_platform_backend.IsApplicationRunning(application)
return len(self._adb.ExtractPid(application)) > 0
def CanLaunchApplication(self, application):
if application in _HOST_APPLICATIONS:
return self._host_platform_backend.CanLaunchApplication(application)
return True
def InstallApplication(self, application):
if application in _HOST_APPLICATIONS:
raise NotImplementedError(
'Please teach Telemetry how to install ' + application)
def CanCaptureVideo(self):
return self.GetOSVersionName() >= 'K'
def StartVideoCapture(self, min_bitrate_mbps):
assert not self._video_recorder, 'Already started video capture'
min_bitrate_mbps = max(min_bitrate_mbps, 0.1)
if min_bitrate_mbps > 100:
raise ValueError('Android video capture cannot capture at %dmbps. '
'Max capture rate is 100mbps.' % min_bitrate_mbps)
self._video_output = tempfile.mkstemp()[1]
self._video_recorder = screenshot.VideoRecorder(
self._adb, self._video_output, megabits_per_second=min_bitrate_mbps)
util.WaitFor(self._video_recorder.IsStarted, 5)
def StopVideoCapture(self):
assert self._video_recorder, 'Must start video capture first'
self._video_output = self._video_recorder.Pull()
self._video_recorder = None
for frame in self._FramesFromMp4(self._video_output):
yield frame
def _FramesFromMp4(self, mp4_file):
if not self.CanLaunchApplication('avconv'):
def GetDimensions(video):
proc = subprocess.Popen(['avconv', '-i', video], stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
for line in proc.stderr.readlines():
if 'Video:' in line:
dimensions = line.split(',')[2]
dimensions = map(int, dimensions.split()[0].split('x'))
assert dimensions, 'Failed to determine video dimensions'
return dimensions
def GetFrameTimestampMs(stderr):
"""Returns the frame timestamp in integer milliseconds from the dump log.
The expected line format is:
' dts=1.715 pts=1.715\n'
We have to be careful to only read a single timestamp per call to avoid
deadlock because avconv interleaves its writes to stdout and stderr.
while True:
line = ''
next_char = ''
while next_char != '\n':
next_char =
line += next_char
if 'pts=' in line:
return int(1000 * float(line.split('=')[-1]))
dimensions = GetDimensions(mp4_file)
frame_length = dimensions[0] * dimensions[1] * 3
frame_data = bytearray(frame_length)
# Use rawvideo so that we don't need any external library to parse frames.
proc = subprocess.Popen(['avconv', '-i', mp4_file, '-vcodec',
'rawvideo', '-pix_fmt', 'rgb24', '-dump',
'-loglevel', 'debug', '-f', 'rawvideo', '-'],
stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
while True:
num_read = proc.stdout.readinto(frame_data)
if not num_read:
raise StopIteration
assert num_read == len(frame_data), 'Unexpected frame size: %d' % num_read
yield (GetFrameTimestampMs(proc.stderr),
bitmap.Bitmap(3, dimensions[0], dimensions[1], frame_data))
def _GetFileContents(self, fname):
if not self._can_access_protected_file_contents:
logging.warning('%s cannot be retrieved on non-rooted device.' % fname)
return ''
return '\n'.join(
self._adb.GetProtectedFileContents(fname, log_result=False))
def _GetPsOutput(self, columns, pid=None):
assert columns == ['pid', 'name'] or columns == ['pid'], \
'Only know how to return pid and name. Requested: ' + columns
command = 'ps'
if pid:
command += ' -p %d' % pid
ps = self._adb.RunShellCommand(command, log_result=False)[1:]
output = []
for line in ps:
data = line.split()
curr_pid = data[1]
curr_name = data[-1]
if columns == ['pid', 'name']:
output.append([curr_pid, curr_name])
return output