blob: 71367469ce7989491557ecc02b5ecc3530a05207 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import logging
import os
import re
import socket
import struct
import subprocess
import sys
from telemetry.core import util
from telemetry.core.backends import adb_commands
def _CheckOutput(*popenargs, **kwargs):
"""Backport of subprocess.check_output to python 2.6"""
process = subprocess.Popen(stdout=subprocess.PIPE, *popenargs, **kwargs)
output, _ = process.communicate()
retcode = process.poll()
if retcode:
cmd = kwargs.get('args')
if cmd is None:
cmd = popenargs[0]
error = subprocess.CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd)
error.output = output
raise error
return output
class RndisForwarderWithRoot(object):
"""Forwards traffic using RNDIS. Assuming the device has root access.
_RNDIS_DEVICE = '/sys/class/android_usb/android0'
_NETWORK_INTERFACES = '/etc/network/interfaces'
_TELEMETRY_MARKER = '# Added by Telemetry #'
def __init__(self, adb):
adb: an instance of AdbCommands
is_root_enabled = adb.Adb().EnableAdbRoot()
assert is_root_enabled, 'RNDIS forwarding requires a rooted device'
self._adb = adb.Adb()
self._host_port = 80
self._host_ip = None
self._device_ip = None
self._host_iface = None
self._device_iface = None
self._original_dns = None, None, None
assert self._IsRndisSupported(), 'Device does not have rndis!'
def SetPorts(self, *port_pairs):
port_pairs: Used for compatibility with Forwarder. RNDIS does not
support mapping so local_port must match remote_port in all pairs.
assert all(pair.remote_port == pair.local_port for pair in port_pairs), \
'Local and remote ports must be the same on all pairs with RNDIS.'
self._host_port = port_pairs[0].local_port
def OverrideDns(self):
"""Overrides DNS on device to point at the host."""
self._original_dns = self._GetCurrentDns()
if not self._original_dns[0]:
# No default route. Install one via the host. This is needed because
# getaddrinfo in bionic uses routes to determine AI_ADDRCONFIG.
self._adb.RunShellCommand('route add default gw %s dev %s' %
(self._host_ip, self._device_iface))
self._OverrideDns(self._device_iface, self._host_ip, self._host_ip)
def _IsRndisSupported(self):
"""Checks that the device has RNDIS support in the kernel."""
return self._adb.FileExistsOnDevice(
'%s/f_rndis/device' % self._RNDIS_DEVICE)
def _WaitForDevice(self):
def _FindDeviceRndisInterface(self):
"""Returns the name of the RNDIS network interface if present."""
config = self._adb.RunShellCommand('netcfg')
interfaces = [line.split()[0] for line in config]
candidates = [iface for iface in interfaces if re.match('rndis|usb', iface)]
if candidates:
assert len(candidates) == 1, 'Found more than one rndis device!'
return candidates[0]
def _EnumerateHostInterfaces(self):
if sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
return _CheckOutput(['ip', 'addr']).splitlines()
elif sys.platform == 'darwin':
return _CheckOutput(['ifconfig']).splitlines()
raise Exception('Platform %s not supported!' % sys.platform)
def _FindHostRndisInterface(self):
"""Returns the name of the host-side network interface."""
interface_list = self._EnumerateHostInterfaces()
ether_address = self._adb.GetFileContents(
'%s/f_rndis/ethaddr' % self._RNDIS_DEVICE)[0]
interface_name = None
for line in interface_list:
if not line.startswith(' '):
interface_name = line.split()[1].strip(':')
elif ether_address in line:
return interface_name
def _WriteProtectedFile(self, path, contents):
['sudo', 'bash', '-c', 'echo -e "%s" > %s' % (contents, path)])
def _DisableRndis(self):
self._adb.system_properties['sys.usb.config'] = 'adb'
def _EnableRndis(self):
"""Enables the RNDIS network interface."""
script_prefix = '/data/local/tmp/rndis'
# This could be accomplished via "svc usb setFunction rndis" but only on
# devices which have the "USB tethering" feature.
# Also, on some devices, it's necessary to go through "none" function.
script = """
trap '' HUP
trap '' TERM
trap '' PIPE
function manual_config() {
echo %(functions)s > %(dev)s/functions
echo 224 > %(dev)s/bDeviceClass
echo 1 > %(dev)s/enable
start adbd
setprop sys.usb.state %(functions)s
# This function kills adb transport, so it has to be run "detached".
function doit() {
setprop sys.usb.config none
while [ `getprop sys.usb.state` != "none" ]; do
sleep 1
# For some combinations of devices and host kernels, adb won't work unless the
# interface is up, but if we bring it up immediately, it will break adb.
#sleep 1
#ifconfig rndis0 netmask up
echo DONE >> %(prefix)s.log
doit &
""" % {'dev': self._RNDIS_DEVICE, 'functions': 'rndis,adb',
'prefix': script_prefix }
self._adb.SetFileContents('' % script_prefix, script)
# TODO(szym): run via su -c if necessary.
self._adb.RunShellCommand('rm %s.log' % script_prefix)
self._adb.RunShellCommand('.' % script_prefix)
result = self._adb.GetFileContents('%s.log' % script_prefix)
assert any('DONE' in line for line in result), 'RNDIS script did not run!'
def _CheckEnableRndis(self, force):
"""Enables the RNDIS network interface, retrying if necessary.
force: Disable RNDIS first, even if it appears already enabled.
device_iface: RNDIS interface name on the device
host_iface: corresponding interface name on the host
for _ in range(3):
if not force:
device_iface = self._FindDeviceRndisInterface()
if device_iface:
host_iface = self._FindHostRndisInterface()
if host_iface:
return device_iface, host_iface
force = False
raise Exception('Could not enable RNDIS, giving up.')
def _GetHostAddresses(self, iface):
"""Returns the IP addresses on host's interfaces, breaking out |iface|."""
interface_list = self._EnumerateHostInterfaces()
addresses = []
iface_address = None
found_iface = False
for line in interface_list:
if not line.startswith(' '):
found_iface = iface in line
match ='(?<=inet )\S+', line)
if match:
address =
if found_iface:
assert not iface_address, (
'Found %s twice when parsing host interfaces.' % iface)
iface_address = address
return addresses, iface_address
def _GetDeviceAddresses(self, excluded_iface):
"""Returns the IP addresses on all connected devices.
Excludes interface |excluded_iface| on the selected device.
my_device = self._adb.GetDevice()
addresses = []
for device in adb_commands.GetAttachedDevices():
adb = adb_commands.AdbCommands(device).Adb()
if device == my_device:
excluded = excluded_iface
excluded = 'no interfaces excluded on other devices'
addresses += [line.split()[2] for line in adb.RunShellCommand('netcfg')
if excluded not in line]
return addresses
def _ConfigureNetwork(self, device_iface, host_iface):
"""Configures the |device_iface| to be on the same network as |host_iface|.
def _Ip2Long(addr):
return struct.unpack('!L', socket.inet_aton(addr))[0]
def _Long2Ip(value):
return socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack('!L', value))
def _Length2Mask(length):
return 0xFFFFFFFF & ~((1 << (32 - length)) - 1)
def _IpPrefix2AddressMask(addr):
addr, masklen = addr.split('/')
return _Ip2Long(addr), _Length2Mask(int(masklen))
def _IsNetworkUnique(network, addresses):
return all((addr & mask != network & mask) for addr, mask in addresses)
def _NextUnusedAddress(network, netmask, used_addresses):
# Excludes '0' and broadcast.
for suffix in range(1, 0xFFFFFFFF & ~netmask):
candidate = network | suffix
if candidate not in used_addresses:
return candidate
interfaces = open(self._NETWORK_INTERFACES, 'r').read()
if 'auto ' + host_iface not in interfaces:
config = ('%(orig)s\n\n'
'auto %(iface)s\n'
'iface %(iface)s inet static\n'
' address\n' # Arbitrary IP.
' netmask' % {'orig': interfaces,
'marker': self._TELEMETRY_MARKER,
'iface': host_iface})
self._WriteProtectedFile(self._NETWORK_INTERFACES, config)
subprocess.check_call(['sudo', '/etc/init.d/networking', 'restart'])
def HasHostAddress():
_, host_address = self._GetHostAddresses(host_iface)
return bool(host_address)'Waiting for RNDIS connectivity...')
util.WaitFor(HasHostAddress, 10)
addresses, host_address = self._GetHostAddresses(host_iface)
assert host_address, 'Interface %s could not be configured.' % host_iface
addresses = [_IpPrefix2AddressMask(addr) for addr in addresses]
host_ip, netmask = _IpPrefix2AddressMask(host_address)
network = host_ip & netmask
if not _IsNetworkUnique(network, addresses):
'The IP address configuration %s of %s is not unique!\n'
'Check your /etc/network/interfaces. If this overlap is intended,\n'
'you might need to use: ip rule add from <device_ip> lookup <table>\n'
'or add the interface to a bridge in order to route to this network.'
% (host_address, host_iface)
# Find unused IP address.
used_addresses = [addr for addr, _ in addresses]
used_addresses += [_IpPrefix2AddressMask(addr)[0]
for addr in self._GetDeviceAddresses(device_iface)]
used_addresses += [host_ip]
device_ip = _NextUnusedAddress(network, netmask, used_addresses)
assert device_ip, ('The network %s on %s is full.' %
(host_address, host_iface))
host_ip = _Long2Ip(host_ip)
device_ip = _Long2Ip(device_ip)
netmask = _Long2Ip(netmask)
# TODO(szym) run via su -c if necessary.
self._adb.RunShellCommand('ifconfig %s %s netmask %s up' %
(device_iface, device_ip, netmask))
# Enabling the interface sometimes breaks adb.
self._host_iface = host_iface
self._host_ip = host_ip
self._device_iface = device_iface
self._device_ip = device_ip
def _TestConnectivity(self):
with open(os.devnull, 'wb') as devnull:
return['ping', '-q', '-c1', '-W1',
'-I', self._host_iface, self._device_ip],
stdout=devnull) == 0
def _CheckConfigureNetwork(self):
"""Enables RNDIS and configures it, retrying until we have connectivity."""
force = False
for _ in range(3):
device_iface, host_iface = self._CheckEnableRndis(force)
self._ConfigureNetwork(device_iface, host_iface)
if self._TestConnectivity():
force = True
raise Exception('No connectivity, giving up.')
def _GetCurrentDns(self):
"""Returns current gateway, dns1, and dns2."""
routes = self._adb.RunShellCommand('cat /proc/net/route')[1:]
routes = [route.split() for route in routes]
default_routes = [route[0] for route in routes if route[1] == '00000000']
return (
default_routes[0] if default_routes else None,
def _OverrideDns(self, iface, dns1, dns2):
"""Overrides device's DNS configuration.
iface: name of the network interface to make default
dns1, dns2: nameserver IP addresses
if not iface:
return # If there is no route, then nobody cares about DNS.
# DNS proxy in older versions of Android is configured via properties.
# TODO(szym): run via su -c if necessary.
self._adb.system_properties['net.dns1'] = dns1
self._adb.system_properties['net.dns2'] = dns2
dnschange = self._adb.system_properties['net.dnschange']
if dnschange:
self._adb.system_properties['net.dnschange'] = int(dnschange) + 1
# Since commit 8b47b3601f82f299bb8c135af0639b72b67230e6 to frameworks/base
# the net.dns1 properties have been replaced with explicit commands for netd
self._adb.RunShellCommand('ndc netd resolver setifdns %s %s %s' %
(iface, dns1, dns2))
# TODO(szym): if we know the package UID, we could setifaceforuidrange
self._adb.RunShellCommand('ndc netd resolver setdefaultif %s' % iface)
def host_ip(self):
return self._host_ip
def url(self):
# localhost and domains which resolve on the host's private network will not
# be resolved by the DNS proxy to the HTTP proxy.
return 'http://%s:%d' % (self._host_ip, self._host_port)
def Close(self):