blob: 9a00d82d92d2d435293da331f85c751501582259 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Brings in Chrome Android's android_commands module, which itself is a
thin(ish) wrapper around adb."""
import logging
import os
import shutil
import stat
import sys
from telemetry.core import util
from telemetry.core.platform.profiler import android_prebuilt_profiler_helper
# This is currently a thin wrapper around Chrome Android's
# build scripts, located in chrome/build/android. This file exists mainly to
# deal with locating the module.
util.AddDirToPythonPath(util.GetChromiumSrcDir(), 'build', 'android')
from pylib import android_commands # pylint: disable=F0401
from pylib import constants # pylint: disable=F0401
from pylib import forwarder # pylint: disable=F0401
from pylib import ports # pylint: disable=F0401
from pylib.utils import apk_helper # pylint: disable=F0401
from pylib.utils import test_environment # pylint: disable=F0401
except Exception:
android_commands = None
def IsAndroidSupported():
return android_commands != None
def GetAttachedDevices():
"""Returns a list of attached, online android devices.
If a preferred device has been set with ANDROID_SERIAL, it will be first in
the returned list."""
return android_commands.GetAttachedDevices()
def CleanupLeftoverProcesses():
def AllocateTestServerPort():
return ports.AllocateTestServerPort()
def ResetTestServerPortAllocation():
return ports.ResetTestServerPortAllocation()
class AdbCommands(object):
"""A thin wrapper around ADB"""
def __init__(self, device):
self._adb = android_commands.AndroidCommands(device, api_strict_mode=True)
self._device = device
def device(self):
return self._device
def system_properties(self):
return self._adb.system_properties
def Adb(self):
return self._adb
def Forward(self, local, remote):
ret = self._adb.Adb().SendCommand('forward %s %s' % (local, remote))
assert ret == ''
def RunShellCommand(self, command, timeout_time=20, log_result=False):
"""Send a command to the adb shell and return the result.
command: String containing the shell command to send. Must not include
the single quotes as we use them to escape the whole command.
timeout_time: Number of seconds to wait for command to respond before
retrying, used by AdbInterface.SendShellCommand.
log_result: Boolean to indicate whether we should log the result of the
shell command.
list containing the lines of output received from running the command
return self._adb.RunShellCommand(command, timeout_time, log_result)
def RunShellCommandWithSU(self, command, timeout_time=20, log_result=False):
return self._adb.RunShellCommandWithSU(command, timeout_time, log_result)
def CloseApplication(self, package):
"""Attempt to close down the application, using increasing violence.
package: Name of the process to kill off, e.g.
def KillAll(self, process):
"""Android version of killall, connected via adb.
process: name of the process to kill off
the number of processess killed
return self._adb.KillAll(process)
def ExtractPid(self, process_name):
"""Extracts Process Ids for a given process name from Android Shell.
process_name: name of the process on the device.
List of all the process ids (as strings) that match the given name.
If the name of a process exactly matches the given name, the pid of
that process will be inserted to the front of the pid list.
return self._adb.ExtractPid(process_name)
def Install(self, apk_path):
"""Installs specified package if necessary.
apk_path: Path to .apk file to install.
if (os.path.exists(os.path.join(
constants.GetOutDirectory('Release'), 'md5sum_bin_host'))):
elif (os.path.exists(os.path.join(
constants.GetOutDirectory('Debug'), 'md5sum_bin_host'))):
apk_package_name = apk_helper.GetPackageName(apk_path)
return self._adb.ManagedInstall(apk_path, package_name=apk_package_name)
def StartActivity(self, package, activity, wait_for_completion=False,
category=None, data=None,
extras=None, trace_file_name=None,
"""Starts |package|'s activity on the device.
package: Name of package to start (e.g. '').
activity: Name of activity (e.g. '.Main' or
wait_for_completion: wait for the activity to finish launching (-W flag).
action: string (e.g. 'android.intent.action.MAIN'). Default is VIEW.
category: string (e.g. 'android.intent.category.HOME')
data: Data string to pass to activity (e.g. '').
extras: Dict of extras to pass to activity. Values are significant.
trace_file_name: If used, turns on and saves the trace to this file name.
return self._adb.StartActivity(package, activity, wait_for_completion,
category, data,
extras, trace_file_name,
def Push(self, local, remote):
return self._adb.Adb().Push(local, remote)
def Pull(self, remote, local):
return self._adb.Adb().Pull(remote, local)
def FileExistsOnDevice(self, file_name):
return self._adb.FileExistsOnDevice(file_name)
def IsRootEnabled(self):
return self._adb.IsRootEnabled()
def GoHome(self):
return self._adb.GoHome()
def RestartAdbdOnDevice(self):
return self._adb.RestartAdbdOnDevice()
def IsUserBuild(self):
return self._adb.GetBuildType() == 'user'
def GetBuildTypeOfPath(path):
if not path:
return None
for build_dir, build_type in util.GetBuildDirectories():
if os.path.join(build_dir, build_type) in path:
return build_type
return None
def SetupPrebuiltTools(adb):
# TODO(bulach): build the host tools for mac, and the targets for x86/mips.
# Prebuilt tools from r226197.
has_prebuilt = sys.platform.startswith('linux')
if has_prebuilt:
abi = adb.system_properties['ro.product.cpu.abi']
has_prebuilt = abi.startswith('armeabi')
if not has_prebuilt:
'Prebuilt android tools only available for Linux host and ARM device.')
return False
prebuilt_tools = [
build_type = None
for t in prebuilt_tools:
src = os.path.basename(t)
bin_path = util.FindSupportBinary(t)
if not build_type:
build_type = GetBuildTypeOfPath(bin_path) or 'Release'
dest = os.path.join(constants.GetOutDirectory(), t)
if not bin_path:
logging.warning('Setting up prebuilt %s', dest)
if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(dest)):
prebuilt_path = android_prebuilt_profiler_helper.GetHostPath(src)
if not os.path.exists(prebuilt_path):
raise NotImplementedError("""
%s must be checked into cloud storage.
""" % t)
shutil.copyfile(prebuilt_path, dest)
os.chmod(dest, stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IXUSR)
return True
class Forwarder(object):
def __init__(self, adb, *port_pairs):
self._adb = adb.Adb()
self._host_port = port_pairs[0].local_port
new_port_pairs = [(port_pair.local_port, port_pair.remote_port)
for port_pair in port_pairs]
self._port_pairs = new_port_pairs
forwarder.Forwarder.Map(new_port_pairs, self._adb)
def url(self):
return '' % self._host_port
def Close(self):
for (device_port, _) in self._port_pairs:
forwarder.Forwarder.UnmapDevicePort(device_port, self._adb)