blob: 8876bd8411ff9104d6437c6ef2438860fbab4eb3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.chromoting;
import android.content.Context;
import android.view.GestureDetector;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.ScaleGestureDetector;
import android.widget.Scroller;
* This class implements the cursor-tracking behavior and gestures.
public class TrackingInputHandler implements TouchInputHandler {
* Minimum change to the scaling factor to be recognized as a zoom gesture. Setting lower
* values here will result in more frequent canvas redraws during zooming.
private static final double MIN_ZOOM_DELTA = 0.05;
* Maximum allowed zoom level - see {@link #repositionImageWithZoom()}.
private static final float MAX_ZOOM_FACTOR = 100.0f;
private DesktopViewInterface mViewer;
private RenderData mRenderData;
private GestureDetector mScroller;
private ScaleGestureDetector mZoomer;
private TapGestureDetector mTapDetector;
/** Used to calculate the physics for flinging the cursor. */
private Scroller mFlingScroller;
/** Used to disambiguate a 2-finger gesture as a swipe or a pinch. */
private SwipePinchDetector mSwipePinchDetector;
* The current cursor position is stored here as floats, so that the desktop image can be
* positioned with sub-pixel accuracy, to give a smoother panning animation at high zoom levels.
private PointF mCursorPosition;
* Used for tracking swipe gestures. Only the Y-direction is needed for responding to swipe-up
* or swipe-down.
private float mTotalMotionY = 0;
* Distance in pixels beyond which a motion gesture is considered to be a swipe. This is
* initialized using the Context passed into the ctor.
private float mSwipeThreshold;
/** Mouse-button currently held down, or BUTTON_UNDEFINED otherwise. */
private int mHeldButton = BUTTON_UNDEFINED;
* Set to true to prevent any further movement of the cursor, for example, when showing the
* keyboard to prevent the cursor wandering from the area where keystrokes should be sent.
private boolean mSuppressCursorMovement = false;
* Set to true to suppress the fling animation at the end of a gesture, for example, when
* dragging whilst a button is held down.
private boolean mSuppressFling = false;
* Set to true when 3-finger swipe gesture is complete, so that further movement doesn't
* trigger more swipe actions.
private boolean mSwipeCompleted = false;
public TrackingInputHandler(DesktopViewInterface viewer, Context context,
RenderData renderData) {
mViewer = viewer;
mRenderData = renderData;
GestureListener listener = new GestureListener();
mScroller = new GestureDetector(context, listener, null, false);
// If long-press is enabled, the gesture-detector will not emit any further onScroll
// notifications after the onLongPress notification. Since onScroll is being used for
// moving the cursor, it means that the cursor would become stuck if the finger were held
// down too long.
mZoomer = new ScaleGestureDetector(context, listener);
mTapDetector = new TapGestureDetector(context, listener);
mFlingScroller = new Scroller(context);
mSwipePinchDetector = new SwipePinchDetector(context);
mCursorPosition = new PointF();
// The threshold needs to be bigger than the ScaledTouchSlop used by the gesture-detectors,
// so that a gesture cannot be both a tap and a swipe. It also needs to be small enough so
// that intentional swipes are usually detected.
float density = context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density;
mSwipeThreshold = 40 * density;
* Moves the mouse-cursor, injects a mouse-move event and repositions the image.
private void moveCursor(float newX, float newY) {
synchronized (mRenderData) {
// Constrain cursor to the image area.
if (newX < 0) newX = 0;
if (newY < 0) newY = 0;
if (newX > mRenderData.imageWidth) newX = mRenderData.imageWidth;
if (newY > mRenderData.imageHeight) newY = mRenderData.imageHeight;
mCursorPosition.set(newX, newY);
mViewer.injectMouseEvent((int)newX, (int)newY, BUTTON_UNDEFINED, false);
* Repositions the image by translating it (without affecting the zoom level) to place the
* cursor close to the center of the screen.
private void repositionImage() {
synchronized (mRenderData) {
// Get the current cursor position in screen coordinates.
float[] cursorScreen = {mCursorPosition.x, mCursorPosition.y};
// Translate so the cursor is displayed in the middle of the screen.
(float)mRenderData.screenWidth / 2 - cursorScreen[0],
(float)mRenderData.screenHeight / 2 - cursorScreen[1]);
// Now the cursor is displayed in the middle of the screen, see if the image can be
// panned so that more of it is visible. The primary goal is to show as much of the
// image as possible. The secondary goal is to keep the cursor in the middle.
// Get the coordinates of the desktop rectangle (top-left/bottom-right corners) in
// screen coordinates. Order is: left, top, right, bottom.
float[] rectScreen = {0, 0, mRenderData.imageWidth, mRenderData.imageHeight};
float leftDelta = rectScreen[0];
float rightDelta = rectScreen[2] - mRenderData.screenWidth;
float topDelta = rectScreen[1];
float bottomDelta = rectScreen[3] - mRenderData.screenHeight;
float xAdjust = 0;
float yAdjust = 0;
if (rectScreen[2] - rectScreen[0] < mRenderData.screenWidth) {
// Image is narrower than the screen, so center it.
xAdjust = -(rightDelta + leftDelta) / 2;
} else if (leftDelta > 0 && rightDelta > 0) {
// Panning the image left will show more of it.
xAdjust = -Math.min(leftDelta, rightDelta);
} else if (leftDelta < 0 && rightDelta < 0) {
// Pan the image right.
xAdjust = Math.min(-leftDelta, -rightDelta);
// Apply similar logic for yAdjust.
if (rectScreen[3] - rectScreen[1] < mRenderData.screenHeight) {
yAdjust = -(bottomDelta + topDelta) / 2;
} else if (topDelta > 0 && bottomDelta > 0) {
yAdjust = -Math.min(topDelta, bottomDelta);
} else if (topDelta < 0 && bottomDelta < 0) {
yAdjust = Math.min(-topDelta, -bottomDelta);
mRenderData.transform.postTranslate(xAdjust, yAdjust);
* Repositions the image by translating and zooming it, to keep the zoom level within sensible
* limits. The minimum zoom level is chosen to avoid black space around all 4 sides. The
* maximum zoom level is set arbitrarily, so that the user can zoom out again in a reasonable
* time, and to prevent arithmetic overflow problems from displaying the image.
private void repositionImageWithZoom() {
synchronized (mRenderData) {
// Avoid division by zero in case this gets called before the image size is initialized.
if (mRenderData.imageWidth == 0 || mRenderData.imageHeight == 0) {
// Zoom out if the zoom level is too high.
float currentZoomLevel = mRenderData.transform.mapRadius(1.0f);
if (currentZoomLevel > MAX_ZOOM_FACTOR) {
mRenderData.transform.setScale(MAX_ZOOM_FACTOR, MAX_ZOOM_FACTOR);
// Get image size scaled to screen coordinates.
float[] imageSize = {(float)mRenderData.imageWidth, (float)mRenderData.imageHeight};
if (imageSize[0] < mRenderData.screenWidth && imageSize[1] < mRenderData.screenHeight) {
// Displayed image is too small in both directions, so apply the minimum zoom
// level needed to fit either the width or height.
float scale = Math.min((float)mRenderData.screenWidth / mRenderData.imageWidth,
(float)mRenderData.screenHeight / mRenderData.imageHeight);
mRenderData.transform.setScale(scale, scale);
/** Injects a button event using the current cursor location. */
private void injectButtonEvent(int button, boolean pressed) {
mViewer.injectMouseEvent((int)mCursorPosition.x, (int)mCursorPosition.y, button, pressed);
/** Processes a (multi-finger) swipe gesture. */
private boolean onSwipe() {
if (mTotalMotionY > mSwipeThreshold) {
// Swipe down occurred.
} else if (mTotalMotionY < -mSwipeThreshold) {
// Swipe up occurred.
} else {
return false;
mSuppressCursorMovement = true;
mSuppressFling = true;
mSwipeCompleted = true;
return true;
/** Injects a button-up event if the button is currently held down (during a drag event). */
private void releaseAnyHeldButton() {
if (mHeldButton != BUTTON_UNDEFINED) {
injectButtonEvent(mHeldButton, false);
public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
// Avoid short-circuit logic evaluation - ensure all gesture detectors see all events so
// that they generate correct notifications.
boolean handled = mScroller.onTouchEvent(event);
handled |= mZoomer.onTouchEvent(event);
handled |= mTapDetector.onTouchEvent(event);
switch (event.getActionMasked()) {
case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
mSuppressCursorMovement = false;
mSuppressFling = false;
mSwipeCompleted = false;
mTotalMotionY = 0;
case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
return handled;
public void onScreenConfigurationChanged() {
public void onClientSizeChanged(int width, int height) {
public void onHostSizeChanged(int width, int height) {
moveCursor((float)width / 2, (float)height / 2);
public void processAnimation() {
int previousX = mFlingScroller.getCurrX();
int previousY = mFlingScroller.getCurrY();
if (!mFlingScroller.computeScrollOffset()) {
int deltaX = mFlingScroller.getCurrX() - previousX;
int deltaY = mFlingScroller.getCurrY() - previousY;
float delta[] = {(float)deltaX, (float)deltaY};
synchronized (mRenderData) {
Matrix canvasToImage = new Matrix();
moveCursor(mCursorPosition.x + delta[0], mCursorPosition.y + delta[1]);
/** Responds to touch events filtered by the gesture detectors. */
private class GestureListener extends GestureDetector.SimpleOnGestureListener
implements ScaleGestureDetector.OnScaleGestureListener,
TapGestureDetector.OnTapListener {
* Called when the user drags one or more fingers across the touchscreen.
public boolean onScroll(MotionEvent e1, MotionEvent e2, float distanceX, float distanceY) {
int pointerCount = e2.getPointerCount();
if (pointerCount == 3 && !mSwipeCompleted) {
// Note that distance values are reversed. For example, dragging a finger in the
// direction of increasing Y coordinate (downwards) results in distanceY being
// negative.
mTotalMotionY -= distanceY;
return onSwipe();
if (pointerCount == 2 && mSwipePinchDetector.isSwiping()) {
mViewer.injectMouseWheelDeltaEvent(-(int)distanceX, -(int)distanceY);
// Prevent the cursor being moved or flung by the gesture.
mSuppressCursorMovement = true;
return true;
if (pointerCount != 1 || mSuppressCursorMovement) {
return false;
float[] delta = {distanceX, distanceY};
synchronized (mRenderData) {
Matrix canvasToImage = new Matrix();
moveCursor(mCursorPosition.x - delta[0], mCursorPosition.y - delta[1]);
return true;
* Called when a fling gesture is recognized.
public boolean onFling(MotionEvent e1, MotionEvent e2, float velocityX, float velocityY) {
// If cursor movement is suppressed, fling also needs to be suppressed, as the
// gesture-detector will still generate onFling() notifications based on movement of
// the fingers, which would result in unwanted cursor movement.
if (mSuppressCursorMovement || mSuppressFling) {
return false;
// The fling physics calculation is based on screen coordinates, so that it will
// behave consistently at different zoom levels (and will work nicely at high zoom
// levels, since |mFlingScroller| outputs integer coordinates). However, the desktop
// will usually be panned as the cursor is moved across the desktop, which means the
// transformation mapping from screen to desktop coordinates will change. To deal with
// this, the cursor movement is computed from relative coordinate changes from
// |mFlingScroller|. This means the fling can be started at (0, 0) with no bounding
// constraints - the cursor is already constrained by the desktop size.
mFlingScroller.fling(0, 0, (int)velocityX, (int)velocityY, Integer.MIN_VALUE,
Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
// Initialize the scroller's current offset coordinates, since they are used for
// calculating the delta values.
return true;
/** Called when the user is in the process of pinch-zooming. */
public boolean onScale(ScaleGestureDetector detector) {
if (!mSwipePinchDetector.isPinching()) {
return false;
if (Math.abs(detector.getScaleFactor() - 1) < MIN_ZOOM_DELTA) {
return false;
float scaleFactor = detector.getScaleFactor();
synchronized (mRenderData) {
scaleFactor, scaleFactor, detector.getFocusX(), detector.getFocusY());
return true;
/** Called whenever a gesture starts. Always accepts the gesture so it isn't ignored. */
public boolean onDown(MotionEvent e) {
return true;
* Called when the user starts to zoom. Always accepts the zoom so that
* onScale() can decide whether to respond to it.
public boolean onScaleBegin(ScaleGestureDetector detector) {
return true;
/** Called when the user is done zooming. Defers to onScale()'s judgement. */
public void onScaleEnd(ScaleGestureDetector detector) {
/** Maps the number of fingers in a tap or long-press gesture to a mouse-button. */
private int mouseButtonFromPointerCount(int pointerCount) {
switch (pointerCount) {
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
/** Called when the user taps the screen with one or more fingers. */
public boolean onTap(int pointerCount) {
int button = mouseButtonFromPointerCount(pointerCount);
if (button == BUTTON_UNDEFINED) {
return false;
} else {
injectButtonEvent(button, true);
injectButtonEvent(button, false);
return true;
/** Called when a long-press is triggered for one or more fingers. */
public void onLongPress(int pointerCount) {
mHeldButton = mouseButtonFromPointerCount(pointerCount);
if (mHeldButton != BUTTON_UNDEFINED) {
injectButtonEvent(mHeldButton, true);
mSuppressFling = true;