blob: 46b75bd6866030d1e9edf3b4756be284e10b1adf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
class GURL;
namespace content {
class EmbeddedWorkerInstance;
class EmbeddedWorkerRegistry;
class ServiceWorkerProviderHost;
class ServiceWorkerRegistration;
// This class corresponds to a specific version of a ServiceWorker
// script for a given pattern. When a script is upgraded, there may be
// more than one ServiceWorkerVersion "running" at a time, but only
// one of them is active. This class connects the actual script with a
// running worker.
// Instances of this class are in one of two install states:
// - Pending: The script is in the process of being installed. There
// may be another active script running.
// - Active: The script is the only worker handling requests for the
// registration's pattern.
// In addition, a version has a running state (this is a rough
// sketch). Since a service worker can be stopped and started at any
// time, it will transition among these states multiple times during
// its lifetime.
// - Stopped: The script is not running
// - Starting: A request to fire an event against the version has been
// queued, but the worker is not yet
// loaded/initialized/etc.
// - Started: The worker is ready to receive events
// - Stopping: The worker is returning to the stopped state.
// The worker can "run" in both the Pending and the Active
// install states above. During the Pending state, the worker is only
// started in order to fire the 'install' and 'activate'
// events. During the Active state, it can receive other events such
// as 'fetch'.
// And finally, is_shutdown_ is detects the live-ness of the object
// itself. If the object is shut down, then it is in the process of
// being deleted from memory. This happens when a version is replaced
// as well as at browser shutdown.
class CONTENT_EXPORT ServiceWorkerVersion
: NON_EXPORTED_BASE(public base::RefCounted<ServiceWorkerVersion>) {
ServiceWorkerRegistration* registration,
EmbeddedWorkerRegistry* worker_registry,
int64 version_id);
int64 version_id() const { return version_id_; }
void Shutdown();
bool is_shutdown() const { return is_shutdown_; }
// Starts and stops an embedded worker for this version.
void StartWorker();
void StopWorker();
// Called when this version is associated to a provider host.
// Non-null |provider_host| must be given.
void OnAssociateProvider(ServiceWorkerProviderHost* provider_host);
void OnUnassociateProvider(ServiceWorkerProviderHost* provider_host);
friend class base::RefCounted<ServiceWorkerVersion>;
const int64 version_id_;
bool is_shutdown_;
scoped_refptr<ServiceWorkerRegistration> registration_;
scoped_ptr<EmbeddedWorkerInstance> embedded_worker_;
} // namespace content