blob: ce135d928ff5fb0227f4f97ff3be22b4536e6792 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#if defined(OS_WIN)
#include <windows.h>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/memory/linked_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/shared_memory.h"
#include "base/sequenced_task_runner_helpers.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "content/common/pepper_renderer_instance_data.h"
#include "content/public/browser/browser_message_filter.h"
#include "content/public/common/three_d_api_types.h"
#include "media/audio/audio_parameters.h"
#include "media/base/channel_layout.h"
#include "net/cookies/canonical_cookie.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebPopupType.h"
#include "ui/gfx/native_widget_types.h"
#include "ui/surface/transport_dib.h"
#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
#include "base/mac/scoped_cftyperef.h"
#include "content/common/mac/font_loader.h"
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
#include "base/threading/worker_pool.h"
struct FontDescriptor;
struct ViewHostMsg_CreateWindow_Params;
namespace blink {
struct WebScreenInfo;
namespace base {
class ProcessMetrics;
class SharedMemory;
class TaskRunner;
namespace gfx {
class Rect;
struct GpuMemoryBufferHandle;
namespace media {
class AudioManager;
struct MediaLogEvent;
namespace net {
class URLRequestContext;
class URLRequestContextGetter;
namespace content {
class BrowserContext;
class DOMStorageContextWrapper;
class MediaInternals;
class PluginServiceImpl;
class RenderWidgetHelper;
class ResourceContext;
class ResourceDispatcherHostImpl;
struct Referrer;
struct WebPluginInfo;
// This class filters out incoming IPC messages for the renderer process on the
// IPC thread.
class RenderMessageFilter : public BrowserMessageFilter {
// Create the filter.
RenderMessageFilter(int render_process_id,
bool is_guest,
PluginServiceImpl * plugin_service,
BrowserContext* browser_context,
net::URLRequestContextGetter* request_context,
RenderWidgetHelper* render_widget_helper,
media::AudioManager* audio_manager,
MediaInternals* media_internals,
DOMStorageContextWrapper* dom_storage_context);
// IPC::ChannelProxy::MessageFilter methods:
virtual void OnChannelClosing() OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnChannelConnected(int32 peer_pid) OVERRIDE;
// BrowserMessageFilter methods:
virtual bool OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& message,
bool* message_was_ok) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnDestruct() const OVERRIDE;
virtual base::TaskRunner* OverrideTaskRunnerForMessage(
const IPC::Message& message) OVERRIDE;
bool OffTheRecord() const;
int render_process_id() const { return render_process_id_; }
// Returns the correct net::URLRequestContext depending on what type of url is
// given.
// Only call on the IO thread.
net::URLRequestContext* GetRequestContextForURL(const GURL& url);
friend class BrowserThread;
friend class base::DeleteHelper<RenderMessageFilter>;
class OpenChannelToNpapiPluginCallback;
virtual ~RenderMessageFilter();
void OnGetProcessMemorySizes(size_t* private_bytes, size_t* shared_bytes);
void OnCreateWindow(const ViewHostMsg_CreateWindow_Params& params,
int* route_id,
int* main_frame_route_id,
int* surface_id,
int64* cloned_session_storage_namespace_id);
void OnCreateWidget(int opener_id,
blink::WebPopupType popup_type,
int* route_id,
int* surface_id);
void OnCreateFullscreenWidget(int opener_id,
int* route_id,
int* surface_id);
void OnSetCookie(const IPC::Message& message,
const GURL& url,
const GURL& first_party_for_cookies,
const std::string& cookie);
void OnGetCookies(const GURL& url,
const GURL& first_party_for_cookies,
IPC::Message* reply_msg);
void OnGetRawCookies(const GURL& url,
const GURL& first_party_for_cookies,
IPC::Message* reply_msg);
void OnDeleteCookie(const GURL& url,
const std::string& cookieName);
void OnCookiesEnabled(const GURL& url,
const GURL& first_party_for_cookies,
bool* cookies_enabled);
#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
// Messages for OOP font loading.
void OnLoadFont(const FontDescriptor& font, IPC::Message* reply_msg);
void SendLoadFontReply(IPC::Message* reply, FontLoader::Result* result);
#if defined(OS_WIN)
void OnPreCacheFontCharacters(const LOGFONT& log_font,
const base::string16& characters);
void OnGetPlugins(bool refresh, IPC::Message* reply_msg);
void GetPluginsCallback(IPC::Message* reply_msg,
const std::vector<WebPluginInfo>& plugins);
void OnGetPluginInfo(int render_frame_id,
const GURL& url,
const GURL& policy_url,
const std::string& mime_type,
bool* found,
WebPluginInfo* info,
std::string* actual_mime_type);
void OnOpenChannelToPlugin(int render_frame_id,
const GURL& url,
const GURL& policy_url,
const std::string& mime_type,
IPC::Message* reply_msg);
void OnOpenChannelToPepperPlugin(const base::FilePath& path,
IPC::Message* reply_msg);
void OnDidCreateOutOfProcessPepperInstance(
int plugin_child_id,
int32 pp_instance,
PepperRendererInstanceData instance_data,
bool is_external);
void OnDidDeleteOutOfProcessPepperInstance(int plugin_child_id,
int32 pp_instance,
bool is_external);
void OnOpenChannelToPpapiBroker(int routing_id,
const base::FilePath& path);
void OnGenerateRoutingID(int* route_id);
void OnDownloadUrl(const IPC::Message& message,
const GURL& url,
const Referrer& referrer,
const base::string16& suggested_name);
void OnCheckNotificationPermission(const GURL& source_origin,
int* permission_level);
void OnGetCPUUsage(int* cpu_usage);
void OnGetAudioHardwareConfig(media::AudioParameters* input_params,
media::AudioParameters* output_params);
// Used to look up the monitor color profile.
void OnGetMonitorColorProfile(std::vector<char>* profile);
// Used to ask the browser to allocate a block of shared memory for the
// renderer to send back data in, since shared memory can't be created
// in the renderer on POSIX due to the sandbox.
void OnAllocateSharedMemory(uint32 buffer_size,
base::SharedMemoryHandle* handle);
void OnResolveProxy(const GURL& url, IPC::Message* reply_msg);
// Browser side transport DIB allocation
void OnAllocTransportDIB(uint32 size,
bool cache_in_browser,
TransportDIB::Handle* result);
void OnFreeTransportDIB(TransportDIB::Id dib_id);
void OnCacheableMetadataAvailable(const GURL& url,
double expected_response_time,
const std::vector<char>& data);
void OnKeygen(uint32 key_size_index, const std::string& challenge_string,
const GURL& url, IPC::Message* reply_msg);
void OnKeygenOnWorkerThread(
int key_size_in_bits,
const std::string& challenge_string,
const GURL& url,
IPC::Message* reply_msg);
void OnMediaLogEvents(const std::vector<media::MediaLogEvent>&);
// Check the policy for getting cookies. Gets the cookies if allowed.
void CheckPolicyForCookies(const GURL& url,
const GURL& first_party_for_cookies,
IPC::Message* reply_msg,
const net::CookieList& cookie_list);
// Writes the cookies to reply messages, and sends the message.
// Callback functions for getting cookies from cookie store.
void SendGetCookiesResponse(IPC::Message* reply_msg,
const std::string& cookies);
void SendGetRawCookiesResponse(IPC::Message* reply_msg,
const net::CookieList& cookie_list);
bool CheckBenchmarkingEnabled() const;
bool CheckPreparsedJsCachingEnabled() const;
void OnCompletedOpenChannelToNpapiPlugin(
OpenChannelToNpapiPluginCallback* client);
void OnUpdateIsDelayed(const IPC::Message& msg);
void OnAre3DAPIsBlocked(int render_view_id,
const GURL& top_origin_url,
ThreeDAPIType requester,
bool* blocked);
void OnDidLose3DContext(const GURL& top_origin_url,
ThreeDAPIType context_type,
int arb_robustness_status_code);
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
void OnWebAudioMediaCodec(base::SharedMemoryHandle encoded_data_handle,
base::FileDescriptor pcm_output,
uint32_t data_size);
void OnAllocateGpuMemoryBuffer(uint32 width,
uint32 height,
uint32 internalformat,
gfx::GpuMemoryBufferHandle* handle);
// Cached resource request dispatcher host and plugin service, guaranteed to
// be non-null if Init succeeds. We do not own the objects, they are managed
// by the BrowserProcess, which has a wider scope than we do.
ResourceDispatcherHostImpl* resource_dispatcher_host_;
PluginServiceImpl* plugin_service_;
base::FilePath profile_data_directory_;
// Contextual information to be used for requests created here.
scoped_refptr<net::URLRequestContextGetter> request_context_;
// The ResourceContext which is to be used on the IO thread.
ResourceContext* resource_context_;
scoped_refptr<RenderWidgetHelper> render_widget_helper_;
// Whether this process is used for incognito contents.
// This doesn't belong here;
bool incognito_;
// Initialized to 0, accessed on FILE thread only.
base::TimeTicks last_plugin_refresh_time_;
scoped_refptr<DOMStorageContextWrapper> dom_storage_context_;
int render_process_id_;
bool is_guest_;
std::set<OpenChannelToNpapiPluginCallback*> plugin_host_clients_;
// Records the last time we sampled CPU usage of the renderer process.
base::TimeTicks cpu_usage_sample_time_;
// Records the last sampled CPU usage in percents.
int cpu_usage_;
// Used for sampling CPU usage of the renderer process.
scoped_ptr<base::ProcessMetrics> process_metrics_;
media::AudioManager* audio_manager_;
MediaInternals* media_internals_;
#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
base::ScopedCFTypeRef<CFTypeRef> last_io_surface_;
} // namespace content