blob: 1fc56d74188e73f0fec1cb6f73228ffea9cee849 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <list>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace net {
class URLFetcher;
class URLRequestContextGetter;
namespace precache {
// Public interface to code that fetches resources that the user is likely to
// want to fetch in the future, putting them in the network stack disk cache.
// Precaching is intended to be done when Chrome is not actively in use, likely
// hours ahead of the time when the resources are actually needed.
// This class takes as input a prioritized list of page URLs that the user
// commonly visits, referred to as starting URLs. This class interacts with a
// server, sending it the list of starting URLs sequentially. For each starting
// URL, the server returns a manifest of resource URLs that are good candidates
// for precaching. Every resource returned is fetched, and responses are cached
// as they are received. Destroying the PrecacheFetcher while it is precaching
// will cancel any fetch in progress and cancel precaching.
// The URLs of the server-side component must be specified in order for the
// PrecacheFetcher to work. This includes the URL that the precache
// configuration settings are fetched from and the prefix of URLs where precache
// manifests are fetched from. These can be set by using command line switches
// or by providing default values.
// Sample interaction:
// class MyPrecacheFetcherDelegate : public PrecacheFetcher::PrecacheDelegate {
// public:
// void PrecacheResourcesForTopURLs(
// net::URLRequestContextGetter* request_context,
// const std::list<GURL>& top_urls) {
// fetcher_.reset(new PrecacheFetcher(request_context, top_urls, this));
// fetcher_->Start();
// }
// virtual void OnDone() {
// // Do something when precaching is done.
// }
// private:
// scoped_ptr<PrecacheFetcher> fetcher_;
// };
class PrecacheFetcher {
class PrecacheDelegate {
// Called when the fetching of resources has finished, whether the resources
// were fetched or not. If the PrecacheFetcher is destroyed before OnDone is
// called, then precaching will be canceled and OnDone will not be called.
virtual void OnDone() = 0;
// Constructs a new PrecacheFetcher. The |starting_urls| parameter is a
// prioritized list of page URLs that the user commonly visits. These URLs are
// used by a server side component to construct a list of resource URLs that
// the user is likely to fetch.
PrecacheFetcher(const std::list<GURL>& starting_urls,
net::URLRequestContextGetter* request_context,
PrecacheDelegate* precache_delegate);
virtual ~PrecacheFetcher();
// Starts fetching resources to precache. URLs are fetched sequentially. Can
// be called from any thread. Start should only be called once on a
// PrecacheFetcher instance.
void Start();
class Fetcher;
// Fetches the next resource or manifest URL, if any remain. Fetching is done
// sequentially and depth-first: all resources are fetched for a manifest
// before the next manifest is fetched. This is done to limit the length of
// the |resource_urls_to_fetch_| list, reducing the memory usage.
void StartNextFetch();
// Called when the precache configuration settings have been fetched.
// Determines the list of manifest URLs to fetch according to the list of
// |starting_urls_| and information from the precache configuration settings.
// If the fetch of the configuration settings fails, then precaching ends.
void OnConfigFetchComplete(const net::URLFetcher& source);
// Called when a precache manifest has been fetched. Builds the list of
// resource URLs to fetch according to the URLs in the manifest. If the fetch
// of a manifest fails, then it skips to the next manifest.
void OnManifestFetchComplete(const net::URLFetcher& source);
// Called when a resource has been fetched.
void OnResourceFetchComplete(const net::URLFetcher& source);
// The prioritized list of starting URLs that the server will pick resource
// URLs to be precached for.
const std::list<GURL> starting_urls_;
// The request context used when fetching URLs.
scoped_refptr<net::URLRequestContextGetter> request_context_;
// Non-owning pointer. Should not be NULL.
PrecacheDelegate* precache_delegate_;
scoped_ptr<Fetcher> fetcher_;
std::list<GURL> manifest_urls_to_fetch_;
std::list<GURL> resource_urls_to_fetch_;
} // namespace precache