blob: b9f7fa8777e02f181d70d6441be6c52755a40589 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <set>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/threading/non_thread_safe.h"
#include "components/policy/core/common/policy_namespace.h"
#include "components/policy/core/common/schema.h"
#include "components/policy/core/common/schema_map.h"
#include "components/policy/policy_export.h"
namespace policy {
class SchemaMap;
// Holds the main reference to the current SchemaMap, and allows a list of
// observers to get notified whenever it is updated.
// This object is not thread safe and must be used from the owner's thread,
// usually UI.
class POLICY_EXPORT SchemaRegistry : public base::NonThreadSafe {
class POLICY_EXPORT Observer {
// Invoked whenever schemas are registered or unregistered.
// |has_new_schemas| is true if a new component has been registered since
// the last update; this allows observers to ignore updates when
// components are unregistered but still get a handle to the current map
// (e.g. for periodic reloads).
virtual void OnSchemaRegistryUpdated(bool has_new_schemas) = 0;
// Invoked when all policy domains become ready.
virtual void OnSchemaRegistryReady() = 0;
virtual ~Observer();
virtual ~SchemaRegistry();
const scoped_refptr<SchemaMap>& schema_map() const { return schema_map_; }
// Register a single component.
void RegisterComponent(const PolicyNamespace& ns,
const Schema& schema);
// Register a list of components for a given domain.
virtual void RegisterComponents(PolicyDomain domain,
const ComponentMap& components);
virtual void UnregisterComponent(const PolicyNamespace& ns);
// Returns true if all domains have registered the initial components.
bool IsReady() const;
// This indicates that the initial components for |domain| have all been
// registered. It must be invoked at least once for each policy domain;
// subsequent calls for the same domain are ignored.
void SetReady(PolicyDomain domain);
void AddObserver(Observer* observer);
void RemoveObserver(Observer* observer);
bool HasObservers() const;
void Notify(bool has_new_schemas);
scoped_refptr<SchemaMap> schema_map_;
ObserverList<Observer, true> observers_;
bool domains_ready_[POLICY_DOMAIN_SIZE];
// A registry that combines the maps of other registries.
class POLICY_EXPORT CombinedSchemaRegistry : public SchemaRegistry,
public SchemaRegistry::Observer {
virtual ~CombinedSchemaRegistry();
void Track(SchemaRegistry* registry);
void Untrack(SchemaRegistry* registry);
virtual void RegisterComponents(PolicyDomain domain,
const ComponentMap& components) OVERRIDE;
virtual void UnregisterComponent(const PolicyNamespace& ns) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnSchemaRegistryUpdated(bool has_new_schemas) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnSchemaRegistryReady() OVERRIDE;
void Combine(bool has_new_schemas);
std::set<SchemaRegistry*> registries_;
scoped_refptr<SchemaMap> own_schema_map_;
} // namespace policy