blob: f19cbb40f50d8eac042440d25b00456ea01ffd54 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/autocomplete_controller_delegate.h"
#include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/autocomplete_match.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_ui_message_handler.h"
class AutocompleteController;
class Profile;
namespace base {
class ListValue;
// UI Handler for chrome://omnibox/
// It listens for calls from javascript to StartOmniboxQuery() and
// passes those calls to its private AutocompleteController. It also
// listens for updates from the AutocompleteController to OnResultChanged()
// and passes those results on calling back into the Javascript to
// update the page.
class OmniboxUIHandler : public AutocompleteControllerDelegate,
public content::WebUIMessageHandler {
explicit OmniboxUIHandler(Profile* profile);
virtual ~OmniboxUIHandler();
// AutocompleteControllerDelegate implementation.
// Gets called when the result set of the AutocompleteController changes.
// We transform the AutocompleteResult into a Javascript object and
// call the Javascript function gotNewAutocompleteResult with it.
// |default_match_changed| is given to us by the AutocompleteController
// but we don't need it. It's ignored.
virtual void OnResultChanged(bool default_match_changed) OVERRIDE;
// WebUIMessageHandler implementation.
// Register our handler to get callbacks from javascript for
// startOmniboxQuery().
virtual void RegisterMessages() OVERRIDE;
// Gets called from the javascript when a user enters text into the
// chrome://omnibox/ text box and clicks submit or hits enter.
// |input| is expected to be a four-element list:
// - first element: input string.
// - second element: the cursor position.
// - third element: boolean indicating whether we should set
// prevent_inline_autocomplete or not.
// - fourth element: boolean indicating whether we should set prefer_keyword
void StartOmniboxQuery(const base::ListValue* input);
// Helper function for OnResultChanged().
// Takes an iterator over AutocompleteMatches and packages them into
// the DictionaryValue output, all stored under the given prefix.
void AddResultToDictionary(const std::string& prefix,
ACMatches::const_iterator result_it,
ACMatches::const_iterator end,
base::DictionaryValue* output);
// Looks up whether the hostname is a typed host (i.e., has received
// typed visits). Return true if the lookup succeeded; if so, the
// value of |is_typed_host| is set appropriately.
bool LookupIsTypedHost(const base::string16& host, bool* is_typed_host) const;
// Re-initializes the AutocompleteController in preparation for the
// next query.
void ResetController();
// The omnibox AutocompleteController that collects/sorts/dup-
// eliminates the results as they come in.
scoped_ptr<AutocompleteController> controller_;
// Time the user's input was sent to the omnibox to start searching.
// Needed because we also pass timing information in the object we
// hand back to the javascript.
base::Time time_omnibox_started_;
// The Profile* handed to us in our constructor.
Profile* profile_;