blob: f8fb8000a0e8be50a92f5337ab4720d5c57c2cc0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cmath>
#import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/location_bar/keyword_hint_decoration.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/strings/sys_string_conversions.h"
#include "grit/generated_resources.h"
#include "grit/theme_resources.h"
#include "skia/ext/skia_utils_mac.h"
#include "ui/base/l10n/l10n_util.h"
#include "ui/base/resource/resource_bundle.h"
namespace {
// How far to inset the hint image from sides. Lines baseline of text
// in image with baseline of prefix and suffix.
const CGFloat kHintImageYInset = 4.0;
// Extra padding right and left of the image.
const CGFloat kHintImagePadding = 1.0;
// Maxmimum of the available space to allow the hint to take over.
// Should leave enough so that the user has space to edit things.
const CGFloat kHintAvailableRatio = 2.0 / 3.0;
// Helper to convert |s| to an |NSString|, trimming whitespace at
// ends.
NSString* TrimAndConvert(const base::string16& s) {
base::string16 output;
TrimWhitespace(s, TRIM_ALL, &output);
return base::SysUTF16ToNSString(output);
} // namespace
KeywordHintDecoration::KeywordHintDecoration() {
NSColor* text_color = [NSColor lightGrayColor];
attributes_.reset([@{ NSFontAttributeName : GetFont(),
NSForegroundColorAttributeName : text_color
} retain]);
KeywordHintDecoration::~KeywordHintDecoration() {
NSImage* KeywordHintDecoration::GetHintImage() {
if (!hint_image_) {
return hint_image_;
void KeywordHintDecoration::SetKeyword(const base::string16& short_name,
bool is_extension_keyword) {
// KEYWORD_HINT is a message like "Press [tab] to search <site>".
// [tab] is a parameter to be replaced by an image. "<site>" is
// derived from |short_name|.
std::vector<size_t> content_param_offsets;
int message_id = is_extension_keyword ?
const base::string16 keyword_hint(
base::string16(), short_name,
// Should always be 2 offsets, see the comment in
DCHECK_EQ(content_param_offsets.size(), 2U);
// Where to put the [tab] image.
const size_t split = content_param_offsets.front();
// Trim the spaces from the edges (there is space in the image) and
// convert to |NSString|.
hint_prefix_.reset([TrimAndConvert(keyword_hint.substr(0, split)) retain]);
hint_suffix_.reset([TrimAndConvert(keyword_hint.substr(split)) retain]);
CGFloat KeywordHintDecoration::GetWidthForSpace(CGFloat width) {
NSImage* image = GetHintImage();
const CGFloat image_width = image ? [image size].width : 0.0;
// AFAICT, on Windows the choices are "everything" if it fits, then
// "image only" if it fits.
// Entirely too small to fit, omit.
if (width < image_width)
return kOmittedWidth;
// Show the full hint if it won't take up too much space. The image
// needs to be placed at a pixel boundary, round the text widths so
// that any partially-drawn pixels don't look too close (or too
// far).
CGFloat full_width =
std::floor(GetLabelSize(hint_prefix_, attributes_).width + 0.5) +
kHintImagePadding + image_width + kHintImagePadding +
std::floor(GetLabelSize(hint_suffix_, attributes_).width + 0.5);
if (full_width <= width * kHintAvailableRatio)
return full_width;
return image_width;
void KeywordHintDecoration::DrawInFrame(NSRect frame, NSView* control_view) {
NSImage* image = GetHintImage();
const CGFloat image_width = image ? [image size].width : 0.0;
const bool draw_full = NSWidth(frame) > image_width;
if (draw_full) {
NSRect prefix_rect = frame;
const CGFloat prefix_width = GetLabelSize(hint_prefix_, attributes_).width;
DCHECK_GE(NSWidth(prefix_rect), prefix_width);
DrawLabel(hint_prefix_, attributes_, prefix_rect);
// The image should be drawn at a pixel boundary, round the prefix
// so that partial pixels aren't oddly close (or distant).
frame.origin.x += std::floor(prefix_width + 0.5) + kHintImagePadding;
frame.size.width -= std::floor(prefix_width + 0.5) + kHintImagePadding;
NSRect image_rect = NSInsetRect(frame, 0.0, kHintImageYInset);
image_rect.size = [image size];
[image drawInRect:image_rect
fromRect:NSZeroRect // Entire image
frame.origin.x += NSWidth(image_rect);
frame.size.width -= NSWidth(image_rect);
if (draw_full) {
NSRect suffix_rect = frame;
const CGFloat suffix_width = GetLabelSize(hint_suffix_, attributes_).width;
// Draw the text kHintImagePadding away from [tab] icon so that
// equal amount of space is maintained on either side of the icon.
// This also ensures that suffix text is at the same distance
// from [tab] icon in different web pages.
suffix_rect.origin.x += kHintImagePadding;
DCHECK_GE(NSWidth(suffix_rect), suffix_width);
DrawLabel(hint_suffix_, attributes_, suffix_rect);