blob: 24a31e64e0416a6b1aa70083e56b5a8542fa797e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <vector>
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/autofill/autofill_dialog_types.h"
#include "components/autofill/content/browser/wallet/required_action.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/field_types.h"
#include "ui/base/ui_base_types.h"
#include "ui/gfx/image/image.h"
#include "ui/gfx/native_widget_types.h"
#include "ui/gfx/range/range.h"
class FieldValueMap;
class GURL;
class Profile;
namespace content {
class WebContents;
struct NativeWebKeyboardEvent;
namespace gfx {
class Rect;
namespace ui {
class ComboboxModel;
class MenuModel;
namespace autofill {
typedef std::map<ServerFieldType, gfx::Image> FieldIconMap;
// This class defines the interface to the controller that the dialog view sees.
class AutofillDialogViewDelegate {
// Strings -------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual base::string16 DialogTitle() const = 0;
virtual base::string16 AccountChooserText() const = 0;
virtual base::string16 SignInLinkText() const = 0;
virtual base::string16 SpinnerText() const = 0;
virtual base::string16 EditSuggestionText() const = 0;
virtual base::string16 CancelButtonText() const = 0;
virtual base::string16 ConfirmButtonText() const = 0;
virtual base::string16 SaveLocallyText() const = 0;
virtual base::string16 SaveLocallyTooltip() const = 0;
virtual base::string16 LegalDocumentsText() = 0;
// State ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Whether a loading animation should be shown (e.g. while signing in,
// retreiving Wallet data, etc.).
virtual bool ShouldShowSpinner() const = 0;
// Whether the account chooser/sign in link control should be visible.
virtual bool ShouldShowAccountChooser() const = 0;
// Whether the sign in web view should be displayed.
virtual bool ShouldShowSignInWebView() const = 0;
// The URL to sign in to Google.
virtual GURL SignInUrl() const = 0;
// Whether to show the checkbox to save data locally (in Autofill).
virtual bool ShouldOfferToSaveInChrome() const = 0;
// Whether the checkbox to save data locally should be checked initially.
virtual bool ShouldSaveInChrome() const = 0;
// Returns the model for the account chooser. It will return NULL if the
// account chooser should not show a menu. In this case, clicking on the
// account chooser should initiate sign-in.
virtual ui::MenuModel* MenuModelForAccountChooser() = 0;
// Returns the icon that should be shown in the account chooser.
virtual gfx::Image AccountChooserImage() = 0;
// Returns the image that should be shown on the left of the button strip
// or an empty image if none should be shown.
virtual gfx::Image ButtonStripImage() const = 0;
// Which dialog buttons should be visible.
virtual int GetDialogButtons() const = 0;
// Whether or not the |button| should be enabled.
virtual bool IsDialogButtonEnabled(ui::DialogButton button) const = 0;
// Returns a struct full of data concerning what overlay, if any, should be
// displayed on top of the dialog.
virtual DialogOverlayState GetDialogOverlay() = 0;
// Returns ranges to linkify in the text returned by |LegalDocumentsText()|.
virtual const std::vector<gfx::Range>& LegalDocumentLinks() = 0;
// Detail inputs -------------------------------------------------------------
// Whether the section is currently active (i.e. should be shown).
virtual bool SectionIsActive(DialogSection section) const = 0;
// Returns the set of inputs the page has requested which fall under
// |section|.
virtual const DetailInputs& RequestedFieldsForSection(DialogSection section)
const = 0;
// Returns the combobox model for inputs of type |type|, or NULL if the input
// should be a text field.
virtual ui::ComboboxModel* ComboboxModelForAutofillType(
ServerFieldType type) = 0;
// Returns the model for suggestions for fields that fall under |section|.
// This may return NULL, in which case no menu should be shown for that
// section.
virtual ui::MenuModel* MenuModelForSection(DialogSection section) = 0;
// Returns the label text used to describe the section (i.e. Billing).
virtual base::string16 LabelForSection(DialogSection section) const = 0;
// Returns the current state of suggestions for |section|.
virtual SuggestionState SuggestionStateForSection(DialogSection section) = 0;
// Returns the icons to be displayed along with the given |user_inputs| in a
// section.
virtual FieldIconMap IconsForFields(
const FieldValueMap& user_inputs) const = 0;
// Returns true if the value of this field |type| controls the icons for the
// rest of the fields in a section.
virtual bool FieldControlsIcons(ServerFieldType type) const = 0;
// Returns a tooltip for the given field, or an empty string if none exists.
virtual base::string16 TooltipForField(ServerFieldType type) const = 0;
// Whether a particular DetailInput in |section| should be edited or not.
virtual bool InputIsEditable(const DetailInput& input,
DialogSection section) = 0;
// Decides whether input of |value| is valid for a field of type |type|. If
// valid, the returned string will be empty. Otherwise it will contain an
// error message.
virtual base::string16 InputValidityMessage(DialogSection section,
ServerFieldType type,
const base::string16& value) = 0;
// Decides whether the combination of all |inputs| is valid, returns a
// map of field types to validity messages.
virtual ValidityMessages InputsAreValid(DialogSection section,
const FieldValueMap& inputs) = 0;
// Called when the user changes the contents of a text field or activates it
// (by focusing and then clicking it). |was_edit| is true when the function
// was called in response to the user editing the text field.
virtual void UserEditedOrActivatedInput(DialogSection section,
ServerFieldType type,
gfx::NativeView parent_view,
const gfx::Rect& content_bounds,
const base::string16& field_contents,
bool was_edit) = 0;
// The view forwards keypresses in text inputs. Returns true if there should
// be no further processing of the event.
virtual bool HandleKeyPressEventInInput(
const content::NativeWebKeyboardEvent& event) = 0;
// Called when focus has changed position within the view.
virtual void FocusMoved() = 0;
// Whether the view should show a validation error bubble.
virtual bool ShouldShowErrorBubble() const = 0;
// Miscellany ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Called when the view has been closed.
virtual void ViewClosed() = 0;
// Returns dialog notifications that the view should currently be showing in
// order from top to bottom.
virtual std::vector<DialogNotification> CurrentNotifications() = 0;
// Called when a generic link has been clicked in the dialog. Opens the URL
// out-of-line.
virtual void LinkClicked(const GURL& url) = 0;
// Begins or aborts the flow to sign into Wallet.
virtual void SignInLinkClicked() = 0;
// Called when a checkbox in the notification area has changed its state.
virtual void NotificationCheckboxStateChanged(DialogNotification::Type type,
bool checked) = 0;
// A legal document link has been clicked.
virtual void LegalDocumentLinkClicked(const gfx::Range& range) = 0;
// Called when the view has been cancelled. Returns true if the dialog should
// now close, or false to keep it open.
virtual bool OnCancel() = 0;
// Called when the view has been accepted. This could be to submit the payment
// info or to handle a required action. Returns true if the dialog should now
// close, or false to keep it open.
virtual bool OnAccept() = 0;
// Returns the profile for this dialog.
virtual Profile* profile() = 0;
// The web contents that prompted the dialog.
virtual content::WebContents* GetWebContents() = 0;
virtual ~AutofillDialogViewDelegate();
} // namespace autofill