blob: 306ff08451f7509eb86b171e6811e5965c33ea98 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import "chrome/browser/renderer_host/chrome_render_widget_host_view_mac_history_swiper.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/browser.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_commands.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_finder.h"
#import "base/mac/sdk_forward_declarations.h"
#import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/history_overlay_controller.h"
@implementation HistorySwiper
@synthesize delegate = delegate_;
- (id)initWithDelegate:(id<HistorySwiperDelegate>)delegate {
self = [super init];
if (self) {
// Gesture ids start at 0.
currentGestureId_ = 0;
// No gestures have been processed
lastProcessedGestureId_ = -1;
delegate_ = delegate;
return self;
- (void)dealloc {
[self endHistorySwipe];
[super dealloc];
- (BOOL)handleEvent:(NSEvent*)event {
if ([event type] == NSScrollWheel)
return [self maybeHandleHistorySwiping:event];
return NO;
- (void)gotUnhandledWheelEvent {
gotUnhandledWheelEvent_ = YES;
- (void)scrollOffsetPinnedToLeft:(BOOL)left toRight:(BOOL)right {
isPinnedLeft_ = left;
isPinnedRight_ = right;
- (void)setHasHorizontalScrollbar:(BOOL)hasHorizontalScrollbar {
hasHorizontalScrollbar_ = hasHorizontalScrollbar;
- (void)beginGestureWithEvent:(NSEvent*)event {
inGesture_ = YES;
// Reset state pertaining to previous gestures.
historySwipeCancelled_ = NO;
gestureStartPointValid_ = NO;
gotUnhandledWheelEvent_ = NO;
- (void)endGestureWithEvent:(NSEvent*)event {
inGesture_ = NO;
// This method assumes that there is at least 1 touch in the event.
// The event must correpond to a valid gesture, or else
// [NSEvent touchesMatchingPhase:inView:] will fail.
- (NSPoint)averagePositionInEvent:(NSEvent*)event {
NSPoint position = NSMakePoint(0,0);
int pointCount = 0;
for (NSTouch* touch in
[event touchesMatchingPhase:NSTouchPhaseAny inView:nil]) {
position.x += touch.normalizedPosition.x;
position.y += touch.normalizedPosition.y;
if (pointCount > 1) {
position.x /= pointCount;
position.y /= pointCount;
return position;
- (void)updateGestureCurrentPointFromEvent:(NSEvent*)event {
// The points in an event are not valid unless the event is part of
// a gesture.
if (inGesture_) {
// Update the current point of the gesture.
gestureCurrentPoint_ = [self averagePositionInEvent:event];
// If the gesture doesn't have a start point, set one.
if (!gestureStartPointValid_) {
gestureStartPointValid_ = YES;
gestureStartPoint_ = gestureCurrentPoint_;
// Ideally, we'd set the gestureStartPoint_ here, but this method only gets
// called before the gesture begins, and the touches in an event are only
// available after the gesture begins.
- (void)touchesBeganWithEvent:(NSEvent*)event {
// Do nothing.
- (void)touchesMovedWithEvent:(NSEvent*)event {
if (![self shouldProcessEventForHistorySwiping:event])
[self updateGestureCurrentPointFromEvent:event];
if (historyOverlay_) {
// Consider cancelling the history swipe gesture.
if ([self shouldCancelHorizontalSwipeWithCurrentPoint:gestureCurrentPoint_
startPoint:gestureStartPoint_]) {
[self cancelHistorySwipe];
[self updateProgressBar];
- (void)touchesCancelledWithEvent:(NSEvent*)event {
if (![self shouldProcessEventForHistorySwiping:event])
if (historyOverlay_)
[self cancelHistorySwipe];
- (void)touchesEndedWithEvent:(NSEvent*)event {
if (![self shouldProcessEventForHistorySwiping:event])
[self updateGestureCurrentPointFromEvent:event];
if (historyOverlay_) {
BOOL finished = [self updateProgressBar];
// If the gesture was completed, perform a navigation.
if (finished) {
[self navigateBrowserInDirection:historySwipeDirection_];
// Remove the history overlay.
[self endHistorySwipe];
- (BOOL)shouldProcessEventForHistorySwiping:(NSEvent*)event {
// TODO(erikchen): what is the point of NSEventTypeSwipe and NSScrollWheel?
NSEventType type = [event type];
return type == NSEventTypeBeginGesture || type == NSEventTypeEndGesture ||
type == NSEventTypeGesture;
// Consider cancelling the horizontal swipe if the user was intending a
// vertical swipe.
- (BOOL)shouldCancelHorizontalSwipeWithCurrentPoint:(NSPoint)currentPoint
startPoint:(NSPoint)startPoint {
// There's been more vertical distance than horizontal distance.
CGFloat yDelta = fabs(currentPoint.y - startPoint.y);
CGFloat xDelta = fabs(currentPoint.x - startPoint.x);
BOOL moreVertThanHoriz = yDelta > xDelta && yDelta > 0.1;
// There's been a lot of vertical distance.
BOOL muchVert = yDelta > 0.32;
return moreVertThanHoriz || muchVert;
- (void)cancelHistorySwipe {
[self endHistorySwipe];
historySwipeCancelled_ = YES;
- (void)endHistorySwipe {
[historyOverlay_ dismiss];
[historyOverlay_ release];
historyOverlay_ = nil;
// Returns whether the progress bar has been 100% filled.
- (BOOL)updateProgressBar {
NSPoint currentPoint = gestureCurrentPoint_;
NSPoint startPoint = gestureStartPoint_;
float progress = 0;
BOOL finished = NO;
// This value was determined by experimentation.
CGFloat requiredSwipeDistance = 0.08;
progress = (currentPoint.x - startPoint.x) / requiredSwipeDistance;
// If the swipe is a backwards gesture, we need to invert progress.
if (historySwipeDirection_ == history_swiper::kBackwards)
progress *= -1;
// If the user has directions reversed, we need to invert progress.
if (historySwipeDirectionInverted_)
progress *= -1;
if (progress >= 1.0)
finished = YES;
// Progress can't be less than 0 or greater than 1.
progress = MAX(0.0, progress);
progress = MIN(1.0, progress);
[historyOverlay_ setProgress:progress finished:finished];
return finished;
- (BOOL)isEventDirectionInverted:(NSEvent*)event {
if ([event respondsToSelector:@selector(isDirectionInvertedFromDevice)])
return [event isDirectionInvertedFromDevice];
return NO;
// goForward indicates whether the user is starting a forward or backward
// history swipe.
// Creates and displays a history overlay controller.
// Responsible for cleaning up after itself when the gesture is finished.
// Responsible for starting a browser navigation if necessary.
// Does not prevent swipe events from propagating to other handlers.
- (void)beginHistorySwipeInDirection:
event:(NSEvent*)event {
// There shouldn't be an existing history overlay.
DCHECK(historyOverlay_ == nil);
HistoryOverlayController* historyOverlay = [[HistoryOverlayController alloc]
initForMode:(direction == history_swiper::kForwards)
? kHistoryOverlayModeForward
: kHistoryOverlayModeBack];
[historyOverlay showPanelForView:[delegate_ viewThatWantsHistoryOverlay]];
historyOverlay_ = [historyOverlay retain];
// Record whether the user was swiping forwards or backwards.
historySwipeDirection_ = direction;
// Record the user's settings.
historySwipeDirectionInverted_ = [self isEventDirectionInverted:event];
- (BOOL)systemSettingsAllowHistorySwiping:(NSEvent*)event {
if ([NSEvent
return [NSEvent isSwipeTrackingFromScrollEventsEnabled];
return NO;
- (void)navigateBrowserInDirection:
(history_swiper::NavigationDirection)direction {
Browser* browser = chrome::FindBrowserWithWindow(
if (browser) {
if (direction == history_swiper::kForwards)
chrome::GoForward(browser, CURRENT_TAB);
chrome::GoBack(browser, CURRENT_TAB);
- (BOOL)browserCanNavigateInDirection:
event:(NSEvent*)event {
Browser* browser = chrome::FindBrowserWithWindow([event window]);
if (!browser)
return NO;
if (direction == history_swiper::kForwards) {
return chrome::CanGoForward(browser);
} else {
return chrome::CanGoBack(browser);
// Checks if |theEvent| should trigger history swiping, and if so, does
// history swiping. Returns YES if the event was consumed or NO if it should
// be passed on to the renderer.
- (BOOL)maybeHandleHistorySwiping:(NSEvent*)theEvent {
// We've already processed this gesture.
if (lastProcessedGestureId_ == currentGestureId_) {
// The user cancelled the history swiper. Ignore all events.
if (historySwipeCancelled_)
return NO;
// The user completed the history swiper. Swallow all events.
return YES;
BOOL systemSettingsValid = [self systemSettingsAllowHistorySwiping:theEvent];
if (!systemSettingsValid)
return NO;
if (![delegate_ shouldAllowHistorySwiping])
return NO;
// Don't even consider enabling history swiping until blink has decided it is
// not going to handle the event.
if (!gotUnhandledWheelEvent_)
return NO;
if (![theEvent respondsToSelector:@selector(phase)])
return NO;
if ([theEvent phase] != NSEventPhaseChanged)
return NO;
CGFloat yDelta = gestureCurrentPoint_.y - gestureStartPoint_.y;
CGFloat xDelta = gestureCurrentPoint_.x - gestureStartPoint_.x;
// Require the user's gesture to have moved more than a minimal amount.
if (fabs(xDelta) < 0.01)
return NO;
// Require the user's gesture to be slightly more horizontal than vertical.
BOOL isHorizontalGesture = fabs(xDelta) > 1.3 * fabs(yDelta);
if (!isHorizontalGesture)
return NO;
BOOL isRightScroll = xDelta > 0;
BOOL inverted = [self isEventDirectionInverted:theEvent];
if (inverted)
isRightScroll = !isRightScroll;
if (isRightScroll) {
if (hasHorizontalScrollbar_ && !isPinnedRight_)
return NO;
} else {
if (hasHorizontalScrollbar_ && !isPinnedLeft_)
return NO;
history_swiper::NavigationDirection direction =
isRightScroll ? history_swiper::kForwards : history_swiper::kBackwards;
BOOL browserCanMove =
[self browserCanNavigateInDirection:direction event:theEvent];
if (!browserCanMove)
return NO;
lastProcessedGestureId_ = currentGestureId_;
[self beginHistorySwipeInDirection:direction event:theEvent];
return YES;