blob: 406e24fcf9d1080c73e0b09e151a784b58d1aa3b [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# TODO(joaodasilva): remove this file.
import itertools
def _CheckPolicyProtobufs(input_api, output_api):
# List of pairs (A, B) where A should equal B.
file_pairs = [
( 'chrome/browser/policy/proto/chromeos/chrome_device_policy.proto',
'chrome/browser/chromeos/policy/proto/chrome_device_policy.proto' ),
( 'chrome/browser/policy/proto/chromeos/install_attributes.proto',
'chrome/browser/chromeos/policy/proto/install_attributes.proto' ),
( 'chrome/browser/policy/proto/cloud/chrome_extension_policy.proto',
'components/policy/proto/chrome_extension_policy.proto' ),
( 'chrome/browser/policy/proto/cloud/device_management_backend.proto',
'components/policy/proto/device_management_backend.proto' ),
( 'chrome/browser/policy/proto/cloud/device_management_local.proto',
'components/policy/proto/device_management_local.proto' ),
( 'chrome/browser/policy/proto/',
'components/policy/proto/' ),
( 'chrome/browser/chromeos/policy/proto/',
'components/policy/proto/' ),
root = input_api.change.RepositoryRoot()
results = []
for file_a, file_b in file_pairs:
path_a = input_api.os_path.join(root, *file_a.split('/'))
path_b = input_api.os_path.join(root, *file_b.split('/'))
with open(path_a, 'r') as f_a:
content_a =
with open(path_b, 'r') as f_b:
content_b =
if content_a != content_b:
# If you get this error then check |file_pairs| and make sure that the
# contents of the files in each pair match.
'%s must equal %s. This is temporary until '
'is fixed.' % (file_a, file_b)))
# If new files are added then |file_pairs| must be updated.
existing = frozenset(itertools.chain(*file_pairs))
for f in input_api.AffectedFiles():
if f.LocalPath() not in existing:
# If you get this error then add an entry for the new files to
# |file_pairs|.
'Please add an entry for %s to %s/' %
(f.LocalPath(), input_api.PresubmitLocalPath())))
return results
def _CommonChecks(input_api, output_api):
return _CheckPolicyProtobufs(input_api, output_api)
def CheckChangeOnUpload(input_api, output_api):
return _CommonChecks(input_api, output_api)
def CheckChangeOnCommit(input_api, output_api):
return _CommonChecks(input_api, output_api)