blob: 01fcbf2646a9c59dd96a5429083778fb0af05d38 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/bookmarks/bookmark_model.h"
#include "chrome/browser/bookmarks/bookmark_model_observer.h"
class BookmarkTagModelObserver;
typedef base::string16 BookmarkTag;
// BookmarTagModel provides a way to access and manipulate bookmarks in a
// non-hierarchical way. BookmarkTagModel view the bookmarks as a flat list,
// and each one can be marked with a collection of tags (tags are simply
// strings).
// BookmarkTagModel converts on demand the data from an existing BookmarkModel
// to its view of the world by considering all the titles of all the ancestors
// as tags. This view is frozen on an individual bookmarks when the
// BookmarkTagModel performs a change on the tags of this bookmarks.
// The Bookmark's meta info is used for storage.
// An observer may be attached to a BookmarkTagModel to observe relevant events.
// TODO(noyau): The meta info data is not preserved by copy/paste or drag and
// drop, this means that bookmarks will loose their tag information if
// manipulated that way.
class BookmarkTagModel : public BookmarkModelObserver {
explicit BookmarkTagModel(BookmarkModel* bookmark_model);
virtual ~BookmarkTagModel();
// Returns true if the model finished loading.
bool loaded() const { return loaded_; }
// Add and remove observers on this object.
void AddObserver(BookmarkTagModelObserver* observer);
void RemoveObserver(BookmarkTagModelObserver* observer);
// Brackets an extensive set of changes, such as during import or sync, so
// observers can delay any expensive UI updates until it's finished.
class ExtensiveChanges {
friend class BookmarkTagModel;
explicit ExtensiveChanges(BookmarkTagModel* model) : model_(model) {
~ExtensiveChanges() {
BookmarkTagModel* model_;
// Returns true if this bookmark model is currently in a mode where extensive
// changes might happen, such as for import and sync. This is helpful for
// observers that are created after the mode has started, and want to check
// state during their own initializer.
bool IsDoingExtensiveChanges() const;
// Removes the given |BookmarkNode|. Observers are notified immediately.
void Remove(const BookmarkNode* bookmark);
// Removes all the bookmark nodes. Observers are only notified when all nodes
// have been removed. There is no notification for individual node removals.
void RemoveAll();
// Returns the favicon for |node|. If the favicon has not yet been
// loaded it is loaded and the observer of the model notified when done.
const gfx::Image& GetFavicon(const BookmarkNode* bookmark);
// Sets the title of |node|.
void SetTitle(const BookmarkNode* bookmark, const base::string16& title);
// Sets the URL of |node|.
void SetURL(const BookmarkNode* bookmark, const GURL& url);
// Sets the date added time of |node|.
void SetDateAdded(const BookmarkNode* bookmark, base::Time date_added);
// Returns the most recently added bookmark for the |url|. Returns NULL if
// |url| is not bookmarked.
const BookmarkNode* GetMostRecentlyAddedBookmarkForURL(const GURL& url);
// Creates a new bookmark.
const BookmarkNode* AddURL(const base::string16& title,
const GURL& url,
const std::set<BookmarkTag>& tags);
// Adds the |tags| to the tag list of the |bookmark|.
void AddTagsToBookmark(const std::set<BookmarkTag>& tags,
const BookmarkNode* bookmark);
// Same but to a whole collection of |bookmarks|.
void AddTagsToBookmarks(const std::set<BookmarkTag>& tags,
const std::set<const BookmarkNode*>& bookmarks);
// Remove the |tags| from the tag list of the |bookmark|. If the bookmark
// is not tagged with one or more of the tags, these are ignored.
void RemoveTagsFromBookmark(const std::set<BookmarkTag>& tags,
const BookmarkNode* bookmark);
// Same but to a whole collection of |bookmarks|.
void RemoveTagsFromBookmarks(const std::set<BookmarkTag>& tags,
const std::set<const BookmarkNode*>& bookmarks);
// Returns all the tags set on a specific |bookmark|.
std::set<BookmarkTag> GetTagsForBookmark(const BookmarkNode* bookmark);
// Returns the bookmarks marked with all the given |tags|.
std::set<const BookmarkNode*> BookmarksForTags(
const std::set<BookmarkTag>& tags);
// Returns the bookmarks marked with the given |tag|.
std::set<const BookmarkNode*> BookmarksForTag(const BookmarkTag& tag);
// Returns all tags related to the parent |tag|. If |tag| is null this method
// will returns and sort all tags in the system. A related tag is a tag used
// on one or more of the bookmarks tagged with |tag|. The returned tags are
// ordered from the most common to the rarest one.
std::vector<BookmarkTag> TagsRelatedToTag(const BookmarkTag& tag);
// All the BookmarkModelObserver methods. See there for details.
virtual void Loaded(BookmarkModel* model, bool ids_reassigned) OVERRIDE;
virtual void BookmarkModelBeingDeleted(BookmarkModel* model) OVERRIDE;
virtual void BookmarkNodeMoved(BookmarkModel* model,
const BookmarkNode* old_parent,
int old_index,
const BookmarkNode* new_parent,
int new_index) OVERRIDE;
virtual void BookmarkNodeAdded(BookmarkModel* model,
const BookmarkNode* parent,
int index) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnWillRemoveBookmarks(BookmarkModel* model,
const BookmarkNode* parent,
int old_index,
const BookmarkNode* node) OVERRIDE;
virtual void BookmarkNodeRemoved(BookmarkModel* model,
const BookmarkNode* parent,
int old_index,
const BookmarkNode* node) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnWillChangeBookmarkNode(BookmarkModel* model,
const BookmarkNode* node) OVERRIDE;
virtual void BookmarkNodeChanged(BookmarkModel* model,
const BookmarkNode* node) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnWillChangeBookmarkMetaInfo(BookmarkModel* model,
const BookmarkNode* node) OVERRIDE;
virtual void BookmarkMetaInfoChanged(BookmarkModel* model,
const BookmarkNode* node) OVERRIDE;
virtual void BookmarkNodeFaviconChanged(BookmarkModel* model,
const BookmarkNode* node) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnWillReorderBookmarkNode(BookmarkModel* model,
const BookmarkNode* node) OVERRIDE;
virtual void BookmarkNodeChildrenReordered(BookmarkModel* model,
const BookmarkNode* node) OVERRIDE;
virtual void ExtensiveBookmarkChangesBeginning(BookmarkModel* model) OVERRIDE;
virtual void ExtensiveBookmarkChangesEnded(BookmarkModel* model) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnWillRemoveAllBookmarks(BookmarkModel* model) OVERRIDE;
virtual void BookmarkAllNodesRemoved(BookmarkModel* model) OVERRIDE;
// Notifies the observers that an extensive set of changes is about to happen,
// such as during import or sync, so they can delay any expensive UI updates
// until it's finished.
void BeginExtensiveChanges();
void EndExtensiveChanges();
// Encode the tags in a format suitable for the BookmarkNode's metaInfo and
// set or replace the value.
void SetTagsOnBookmark(const std::set<BookmarkTag>& tags,
const BookmarkNode* bookmark);
// Build the caches of tag to bookmarks and bookmarks to tag for faster
// access to the data. Load() is called from the constructor if possible, or
// as soon as possible after that.
void Load();
// Discard tag information for all descendants of a given folder node and
// rebuild the cache for them.
void ReloadDescendants(const BookmarkNode* folder);
// Clear the local cache of all mentions of |bookmark|.
void RemoveBookmark(const BookmarkNode* bookmark);
// Extract the tags from |bookmark| and insert it in the local cache.
void LoadBookmark(const BookmarkNode* bookmark);
// The model from where the data is permanently stored.
BookmarkModel* bookmark_model_;
// True if the model is fully loaded.
bool loaded_;
// The observers.
ObserverList<BookmarkTagModelObserver> observers_;
// Local cache for quick access.
std::map<const BookmarkTag, std::set<const BookmarkNode*> > tag_to_bookmarks_;
std::map<const BookmarkNode*, std::set<BookmarkTag> > bookmark_to_tags_;
// Set to true during the creation of a new bookmark in order to send only the
// proper notification.
bool inhibit_change_notifications_;