blob: e2734eb2bdd577151b93807d02e50c7ca2eed2f1 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import os
import tempfile
import time
import android_commands
import cmd_helper
def _GetTimestamp():
return time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S', time.localtime())
def _EnsureHostDirectory(host_file):
host_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(host_file))
if not os.path.exists(host_dir):
def TakeScreenshot(adb, host_file):
"""Saves a screenshot image to |host_file| on the host.
adb: AndroidCommands instance.
host_file: Path to the image file to store on the host.
host_file = os.path.abspath(host_file or
'screenshot-%s.png' % _GetTimestamp())
device_file = '%s/screenshot.png' % adb.GetExternalStorage()
adb.RunShellCommand('/system/bin/screencap -p %s' % device_file)
adb.PullFileFromDevice(device_file, host_file)
adb.RunShellCommand('rm -f "%s"' % device_file)
return host_file
class VideoRecorder(object):
"""Records a screen capture video from an Android Device (KitKat or newer).
adb: AndroidCommands instance.
host_file: Path to the video file to store on the host.
megabits_per_second: Video bitrate in megabits per second. Allowed range
from 0.1 to 100 mbps.
size: Video frame size tuple (width, height) or None to use the device
rotate: If True, the video will be rotated 90 degrees.
def __init__(self, adb, host_file, megabits_per_second=4, size=None,
self._adb = adb
self._device_file = '%s/screen-recording.mp4' % adb.GetExternalStorage()
self._host_file = host_file or 'screen-recording-%s.mp4' % _GetTimestamp()
self._host_file = os.path.abspath(self._host_file)
self._recorder = None
self._recorder_pids = None
self._recorder_stdout = None
self._is_started = False
self._args = ['adb']
if self._adb.GetDevice():
self._args += ['-s', self._adb.GetDevice()]
self._args += ['shell', 'screenrecord', '--verbose']
self._args += ['--bit-rate', str(megabits_per_second * 1000 * 1000)]
if size:
self._args += ['--size', '%dx%d' % size]
if rotate:
self._args += ['--rotate']
self._args += [self._device_file]
def Start(self):
"""Start recording video."""
self._recorder_stdout = tempfile.mkstemp()[1]
self._recorder = cmd_helper.Popen(
self._args, stdout=open(self._recorder_stdout, 'w'))
self._recorder_pids = self._adb.ExtractPid('screenrecord')
if not self._recorder_pids:
raise RuntimeError('Recording failed. Is your device running Android '
'KitKat or later?')
def IsStarted(self):
if not self._is_started:
for line in open(self._recorder_stdout):
self._is_started = line.startswith('Content area is ')
if self._is_started:
return self._is_started
def Stop(self):
"""Stop recording video."""
self._is_started = False
if not self._recorder or not self._recorder_pids:
self._adb.RunShellCommand('kill -SIGINT ' + ' '.join(self._recorder_pids))
def Pull(self):
"""Pull resulting video file from the device.
Output video file name on the host.
self._adb.PullFileFromDevice(self._device_file, self._host_file)
self._adb.RunShellCommand('rm -f "%s"' % self._device_file)
return self._host_file