blob: 69b0915b65c749df8c12bd4fa8dae91348af7d64 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/history/android/sql_handler.h"
namespace base {
class Time;
namespace history {
class HistoryDatabase;
// This class is the SQLHandler for visits table.
class VisitSQLHandler : public SQLHandler {
explicit VisitSQLHandler(HistoryDatabase* history_db);
virtual ~VisitSQLHandler();
// Overriden from SQLHandler.
virtual bool Update(const HistoryAndBookmarkRow& row,
const TableIDRows& ids_set) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool Insert(HistoryAndBookmarkRow* row) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool Delete(const TableIDRows& ids_set) OVERRIDE;
// Add a row in visit table with the given |url_id| and |visit_time|.
bool AddVisit(URLID url_id, const base::Time& visit_time);
// Add the given |visit_count| rows for |url_id|. The visit time of each row
// has minium difference and ends with the |last_visit_time|.
bool AddVisitRows(URLID url_id,
int visit_count,
const base::Time& last_visit_time);
// Delete the visits of the given |url_id|.
bool DeleteVisitsForURL(URLID url_id);
HistoryDatabase* history_db_;
} // namespace history.